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Makuta Vs. Naraku



It's been awhile since my last VS. So here is a new one.


Makuta... I really don't think I need to explain him. Just in case... here is the wikipedia article on Makuta. I hope you guys know who he is. :P


Naraku Info from Wikipedia.


Naraku is the major villain in the manga and anime series InuYasha, although not always a major focus in every episode.


First some information on the Shikon no Tama, or Jewel of Four Souls. It ac give a demon incredible power and Naraku has all but one shard of it. Which is explained in the next paragraph.


Naraku is a half demon who is extremely powerful. In the manga, Naraku takes Koga's shikon shards because he placed his Jewel shard inside Kikyo. After he placed it in Kikyo Kagome shot Kikyo with her last sacred arrow to purify her, then Naraku used Koga's shards to corrupt the Jewel as Kikyo plans to purify the Jewel. But Naraku's evil overpowered Kikyo's holy aura and allowed him to reclaim the Jewel, leaving only Kohaku's shard. Once the Jewel is completed, Naraku's power will be augmented nearly to the point of invincibility.


Here are his attacks (These aren't even all of them.):

Super endurance - Naraku has the greatest endurance in the series, able to regenerate from virtually any amount of damage even with his heart still within his body, and virtually invulnerable upon removing it.

Speed - Naraku in some cases has shown great speed.

Mimicry — He can shape shift into any other form he chooses (usually a humanoid). He will have a different voice, to boot.

Absorption — Absorbs a fallen foe and adds his powers into his body.

Miasma — Poisonous gas which kills anything that touches it. His body is filled with it which is why when a foe bites him or even touches him he/she gets poisoned.

Miasma tornado — A poisonous tornado with the same properties as miasma. He uses the tornado as a get away, entrance, and can fly in it.

Cloud of destruction — A cloud of miasma, projected in a spherical form from his body, which destroys and poisons many things over long distances. This was the first attack ever revealed by Naraku, but he realized how useless it was against InuYasha who was able to cut it via the Tessaiga.

Demon puppets — Puppets which resemble him. He controls them from afar and can see through their eyes. They are mostly made of mud and soil, and are able to spring roots in order to attack opponents.

Demon parts — Naraku can bring out pieces of the countless demons he has absorbed out to use when he fights an opponent; such as tentacles, webs, and other such things. More recently he acquired the Yomeiju's tentacles that allows him to penetrate barriers and devour demons more easily.

Disappearing act — Reappears and disappears at will.

Illusionary death — An illusory spell cast upon foes which makes their worst fear come to life. Only works on people with darkness in their hearts.

Telepathy - Naraku can communicate telepathically with any sentient being. He can also erase/manipulate memories, and mentally influence (though not completely mind-control) the minds of humans and weaker demons.

Telekinesis — He has also shown some mild ability to levitate objects such as Sango's Hiraikotsu(A giant boomerang) and fragments of the Shikon no Tama but never in a form where he can use this ability to attack his opponents.

Barrier — A barrier which prevents the foe from finding and/or attacking him. At first his barrier was only useful in hiding his presence. As he perservered in absorbing new, stronger demons into his body and discarding the weaker ones, it became powerful enough to survive the Wind Scar, which is why InuYasha needed to obtain blood from the bat demon, Taigokumeru, in order to penetrate it. After Naraku became a full demon the barrier became so powerful that nothing but the Diamond Spear Wave was able to pierce it.

Flight — He has the ability to fly with or without his barrier and only seems to do so after achieving his full demon form.

Demon Energy control — Whenever someone sends an attack of Demon Energy into Naraku's barrier he can channel the flow of the attack into his own demon energy aura and then attack his opponents with it. However, this can only be done with attacks that cannot penetrate his barrier, which means it's useless against InuYasha's Diamond Spear Wave.

Regeneration — Naraku can heal his own wounds and also put back together severed pieces of his body. He can control 100% of his body all the time (even when severed). It comes in handy when he is trying to absorb someone. However there is a limit to how much he can regenerate. The more damage he takes the more time he will need later on to regenerate. Too much damage can kill him which is why in the beginning of the series he had to flee from his enemies. Usually he will absorb demons to speed up his regeneration process. However, after he removes his heart, which comes out as Akago, he was able to regenerate no matter how much damage his body took since his life force or his heart wasn't in his body.

Diamond shard blast — After reabsorbing his heart and absorbing Moryomaru, Naraku learned the Diamond shard blast technique. He can also control other demons by shoving a diamond shard into their bodies.

Weapon creation — This ability is seen in the anime where Naraku gives Abi a trident. It is made of his own bones. The other weapons made of this is Kanna's mirror and Kagura's fan.


So yeah... they each have a lot of dangerous abilitys. So, I ask you, who would win?




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Draw. Even though their attacks are all-powerful, with regeneration and the ability to draw in other creatures and amalgamate with them, both are like gigantic suits of armour having a paperball fight. Not one of them can come out on top because it's too equally matched.
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Though Makaru is probably right, I can't help but thinking that Naraku would easily win. Maybe because he's much more sinister than Makuta, and seems to beat close to everything he comes in contact with. Personally, I'd want Makuta to win. :P So I'll do like Makaru and call a draw. They are very closely matched. This is a hard one.

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I'd have to say this match up is pulled...

er, pushed...






Oh frell. It's a draw.


Makaru gave the best analogy: neither can break the other's defense, in the manner of whatever Sun Tzu's Art of War called playing away from your opponent's strength.



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Depends on when they fought.


If it was near the beginning of the series then Naraku would be dead, as he was...well, a pushover who hid behind everyone else. Towards the end though, yeah, he's all scary. Definately a draw though.


Although the amusing thing would be how long it actually took them to fight. I mean they both tend to hide behind armies. So imagine armies of Rahkshi, Rahi, and mutants marching against thousands of Demons and Kagura.


Oh man, that would be hilarious.



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Makaru, you described your answer perfectly.


HH, I had to think of something hard because I had not posted one in awhile.


KIE does this mean that you like anime? I didn't expect a reply from you in this one.


Now I can imagen a horde of demons facing Makuta's armies.



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Okay, who do we know artistically that would be capable of such an awesome picture? Hahli Husky, you up to the task?


Imagine, profile shots of Makuta and Naraku striking each other as demons v. Rahkshi/rahi fight beneath them.

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KIE does this mean that you like anime? I didn't expect a reply from you in this one.



Outlaw Star





Eureka 7

Ghost in the Shell

Full Metal Alchemist

Samurai Champloo

Ruroni Kenshin

..and even Teen Titans.


Unless there's a key college football matchup that must be watched, Toonami is something I never miss when I go home for the weekend. I so need to turn on the cable TV at the apartment.



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