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In Need Of Quick Monetary Advice



Since I generally just glance over long entries myself, I'll be rather quick and to-the-point with this, or at least try to be. I get a feeling I'll be long-winded though, so oh well.


Anyone who's on my AIM list or frequents my blog likely knows I'm saving for a number of things, most prominently a new computer and a new guitar. Lately the guitar and computer have been battling in my head for the "First-buy" slot, however until a moment ago the computer was winning. Then I got an email back from the guy who I've been emailing that owns the shop I'm buying it from(Sections with his name and my own cut out for privacy reasons);


I have one or two left unspoken for.

the suggested list price is$850 and you cost would be $489 plus shipping. I can give you a great deal on a hard shell case if you need one.


A small $50 deposit will put one on reserve for you and I will contact you 2 weeks before the guitars arrive to collect the balance. Let me know if you are interested and and I will give you my mailing address.

I'm interested, but some stuff came up over the weekend, and I'm not positive I'll have the cash. I should though, so could you put one of those two aside for me once it arrives while I think it over, and if I can spare the cash I'll send you the money?

There is no way I can put the guitar on hold without a deposit.

And, I don't want to lie to you and say I will. I have over 20 _____'s

with deposits on them now and the guitars are still 5 or 6 weeks away.

So, if you are serious a small $50 deposit will reserve one for you and if you just save $50 a week for the next 6 weeks you will be home free.

It's up to you. No pressure and nothing personal. I'm sure you understand. Just business.


To fill in on the details I cut out, it's a limited-run of ten, and that's really all I didn't put in that I think is all that important. Originally he said it was about $500 or so plus shipping and likely a case as well. Going with his idea of putting aside $50 weekly, once I take out the $50 needed to pay the deposit, I have the first week's $50 in-wallet, $30 owed to me, which, combined with my own resources I can probably get the $20 for the second week, and the other four I'm not sure of, but based on the past something will turn up, and if not, I have a few backup ideas I wouldn't be too proud of, though I would be willing to resort to if I commit to the guitar, though to clear my conscience those will likely involve paying back as well, albeit they are, again, backups, not my main idea.


So, to finish it, should I go for this or not?


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You know, you can usually get a new computer pretty cheap if you look around--though it depends if you're willing to build it. I did that and though it was a bit frustrating I only spent about $150 (well that’s sorta a lot for me, but it’s better than paying 300+) on parts, the only things I didn't buy was a case and hard-drive (already had those). Though it matters what you really want to save up for first and all. Guitars are a bit more iffier because you simply can't get around prices usually like computers can, so to be truthful I'd try to get that out of the way first.


It really matters what you are going to use the most, which one is going to need a upgrade sooner and other factors. And if you're are not completely sure you'll have the money, then I'd be even more cautious so you don't run into some complications and in the end you just feel frustrated and loose your enthusiasm for the guitar.

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Well, you have a computer now, and even if it's old and sucky, buying a new one later will always get you better hardware. I'd go for the guitar personally.

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