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Than the Moa



So I picked up a new mp3 player (or PMP if you prefer that term). I purchased a 8GB blue Zune. Why Zune? I like the software for starters. It's a lot more elegant than the horrid mess that is iTunes or Windows Media Player (which doesn't make sense since Zune is a Microsoft product as well...). I also like the UI a lot. It's simple and to the point and doesn't try to be in your face or flashy, it also lets me set a background displayed on the menu screens so that's cool. I also love the touch pad. It's a pretty intuitive way to use and navigate the device (a full touchscreen would be nice but no such Zune exists and all other full touchscreen devices are well out of my price range).

In other news, school clips along well enough. I have a test tomorrow in my stats class. Also have a rough draft for an English assignment due Thursday. Not to mention a lab in Advanced Programming (& data structures) as well as a large assignment come up next week. Obviously things are starting to ramp up as the semester (and school year, hard to believe I'm almost through my freshman year of college already) draw near their end which explains why my time on BZP has been a lot more limited as of late. May 15th is the last day of finals week and then after that it's trying to find a summer job that won't have me working 6 days a week, 10 hours a day or more.

Also, changed my avatar, it's actually not something Halo (and specifically ODST) related this time. Woo?


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Only 2 more weeks! I still can't believe the first year is almost done. Luckily though, I don't have anything major (save for finals) due these next two weeks.


Hopefully I can find a job that will only work 15-20 hours a week. I already have a lot planned this summer so it'll be even more difficult finding a job that will work around my schedule.

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Yeah, my freshman year scooting closer and closer to being done. We just went into the third week of spring term. All of these high school seniors are touring the campus, and it hit me that about a year ago, I was doing that exact same thing.


It was all oddly nostalgic.


EDIT: Bizarre grammar.....

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Zune's are the best choice. Period.


I'm dumping my 30 GB brick and going with a 16 GB newbie here in a bit. They own.

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