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Wrinkledlion X


My math textbook has an odd thing about giving their example-people weird names. And I don't mean like inserting ethnically diverse names into problems for political correctness or anything- I mean there's a problem about one "Christopher Sparrow" building a roof using the Pythagorean Theorem. Then there's the one "Joseph Blackarrow" measuring the length of a river using trigonometry. Yes, they give full names for two example characters in the whole textbook.


Why? No other examples get this treatment. They can be Bob or Sally or Brian or Sue or Billy, or maybe a Bartolo or Songan here and there. But "Joseph Blackarrow?" I think the writers just did this because they knew one kid per class (me) would get freaked out about it. They're probably looking at me now, laughing.


"Oh, ho, look at little Wrinkledlion X! He cannot control himself! Aha, ahaha!"


But I'll get them back. I'll get back by putting fake names in the "Issued To" column. Show them!


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What an important thing to worry about...to think that all I worried about until know was global warming.

But mathbook authors giving example-chracters full names...that...that beats every other problem mankind faces. Call Homeland security, this needs to be dealt with right now!

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I LOLed at the last part. But really, I think all text book authors care about is your money. Maybe not so much in high school, where oe set of books serves a large group of people for a long period of time. But college... man, they'll do anything.


I remember when my name ever appeared in a math problem, it was always the dude who was screwing up. It's like "Heather measures the length of the river using the pythagorean theory, and Jason measures the length by tying a string to a fish and telling it to swim across. Who's measurement was more accurate?"



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That's not too bad. My textbook is afraid of being racist, so it uses names that are... *ahem* diverse. And by diverse, I mean UNPRONOUNCEABLE. ><


-Nuju Metru

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My old textbook was racist. It always showed members of one race working for the others, be it by serving them, or making food for them... It was so funny in an ironic way.
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