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I Really Hate

Spoony Bard


One thing I really hate is when people have their high beams on, and drive directly behind me (correct term would be "riding my bumper").


And if they really wanna get me going, they have the nerve to flash their lights at me.




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I get angrier at people who don't use their blinkers.

And when they forget to turn off their blinkers!

Is it just me, or do people in the states drive faster than in Canada?

Nah. Canada just drives slow. :P



Except in BC. Everyone here is seriously nuts when it comes to driving.

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BC is so vocal. What, are horns the official secondary language of the west?

Not in Portland.....they just sometimes yell at you if you're on a bike.

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Is it just me, or do people in the states drive faster than in Canada?

Nah. Canada just drives slow. :P



Actually, we were driving the speed limit, usually even a bit above. Everyone around us was going even further above the speed limit. And no, we were not confused with miles/kilometres.


But then again, this was on I-5, so maybe everyone just goes faster there.


BC is so vocal. What, are horns the official secondary language of the west?



- :l: :flagcanada:

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I can't stand it when people put their turn indicator on to signal that the person IN FRONT of them is turning. Or when people our too lazy to turn their high beems off, especialy on a blind corner. :angry:
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