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This Is Not A Funny Entry



A thought hit me today. Right on the old head.


I was moving a clothes drawer in my room. And then a thought hit me.


...What if..this is all...fake?


What if me, you, bionicle, everything in the world EVER George Bush..was ALL some one's dream? Like were just characters in someone's dream. Or maybe, were nothing at all? Just some thing that happend. But were nothing in that sense.


I pinched my arm. it hurt. I felt real. I shoved the idea off, but..I cant stop thinking it. What if everything..is a lie?


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I've been thinking sort of the same thing since I was 8. Back in late 2006, I began to wonder, "What if I wake up tomorrow morning and I'm like 4? And everything past that was a dream?" Also, I began to wonder when I was 9 like exactly the same thing you wondered---"What if we're characters in someone's dream? What would happen if we became nonexistant at any moment?" And also, in January, another thought struck me: "We could be changing bodies with everyone in the world each minute. We might as well be, because if we had memories of the people we're changing bodies with, we would just think we were them for our whole lives." There you have it. What's going on inside my head sometimes.
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