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Something In My Neck



Dunno what it is. It's just below my jaw bone, it's about the size of a bean, and it's movable.


My paranoid side [read: most of me] is flipping out about it inwardly.


My mom said she'd schedule an appointment with the doctor to see what the heck it is.


Brilliant timing, oh wonderous body o' mine. :/


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Maybe it's an alien.


That'd be pretty neat.


See Bfa? Just look on the bright side. :P

Now I can look forward to having a lizard thing burst out the side of my face.


: D

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Oh god, I hope that isn't a malignant tumor or anything bad.

Best of luck to you BFA, hope that thing goes away by itself.


[-The Alchemyst-]

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I have the exact same thing in my neck. It's just a lymph node or something like that, it's fine if they move. I can move something inside my shin too! :D



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A while ago I had a little knob appear underneath my skin at the base of my ring finger on my right hand. It didn't move, but it was very hard. It freaking me out for a while, but it eventually went away. Still don't know what it was...

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I have the exact same thing in my neck. It's just a lymph node or something like that, it's fine if they move. I can move something inside my shin too! :D



I had that once, oddly enough, right under my jaw bone as well. It got swollen and it freaked me out but eventually it just went away. Luckily I had to go to the doctor for a check-up around the same time, and he said that lymph nodes will do that sometimes.

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A while ago I had a little knob appear underneath my skin at the base of my ring finger on my right hand. It didn't move, but it was very hard. It freaking me out for a while, but it eventually went away. Still don't know what it was...

I've had that for a few years now in my left hand.

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A while ago I had a little knob appear underneath my skin at the base of my ring finger on my right hand. It didn't move, but it was very hard. It freaking me out for a while, but it eventually went away. Still don't know what it was...

I've had that for a few years now in my left hand.


Me too, mine comes and goes.

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I once had some bulge in my neck and it was all weird, so I asked my Mom and she said it's probably a swollen lymph node or something. :P


It went away after a few days.

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I love how everyone gets so freaked out about these little tiny things that happen to our fleshy selves. Like most everyone here is saying, they go away.


I'm not saying our fears are unfounded, because I know it's better to be safe than sorry. Just thought I'd point that out.



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