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Well I'm back on DSL. I can't tell you how happy I am to be here. :D I'm really glad to be out of our house...

All the wasp keep getting through our windows somehow and we have to have them open because it is so hot and humid, haven't put the air conditiors in yet. Then I was killing wasp, then there were spiders, and then there was a tick! I actually felt the thing jump on my leg.


Now I'm reading up on my class for the new week and checking some of my other site. There is this girl from the past, trying to add me. I approved her and she messaged me moments after. :uhuh:

Hey Jon I havent talked to u in a long time I was just wondering what u have been up 2?

hows everything going since u graduated last yr?


my dad started preaching out the church that is out by where u live.

we should hangout sometime.


Do u remember me?





I thought people calling me a stalker jokingly was bad but this is... She knows where I live and...

Uhhh. I get that feeling from her. Not a mutual feeling mind you, I can just tell she thinks that about me.

I have no idea to let her down easily...

I suppose there is always that other girl.



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No reading my blog isn't being a stalker. Reading my blog and figuring out which church I live near is being a stalker...

I know what you look like? :blink:

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And you know what I look like! Then again I know what you look like from that picture so it evens out in the end XP


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No reading my blog isn't being a stalker. Reading my blog and figuring out which church I live near is being a stalker...

I know what you look like? :blink:

I was talking to Exo. :P



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