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Voting For C. I. R. C. L. E. Articles 70-79



Confederated Inter-Related Collaborative League of Epics


Once again I'd like to welcome everyone, now straight to more business.



The seventieth article proposed by Koji is as follows:

Koji hereby proposes that within "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" there are Kanohi known as Bli (BLEE), the Great Mask of Blizzards, which grant the user the ability to call forth snowstorms, blizzards, hailstorms, icestorms and galeforce winds.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY".


The seventy-first article proposed by ChocoLvr13 is as follows:

ChocoLvr13, hereby proposes that within "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" there are Kanohi known as Urakam (oo-RACK-uhm), the Great Mask of Fire Resistance, which allow the user to coat their armor with a colder, clammy substance that provides enhanced protection from extreme heat.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY".


The seventy-second article proposed by ChocoLvr13 is as follows:

ChocoLvr13 hereby proposes that within "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" there are Kanohi known as Qevth (KEHVTH), the Great Mask of Ice Resistance, which permit the user to coat their armor with a substance that makes the surface unbearably hot to touch and thus provides enhanced protection from extreme cold.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY".


The seventy-third article proposed by Em-Oh-Cee-Ehr is as follows:

Em-Oh-Cee-Ehr hereby proposes that within "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" there are Kanohi known as Rextou (RECKS-too), the Great Mask of Information, which grant the user the ability to scan for and then retrieve technological data files that are stored anywhere within a one square kio area of the user.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY".


The seventy-fourth article proposed by Koji is as follows:

Koji hereby proposes that within "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" there are Kanohi known as Satr (SAT-ehr), the Great Mask of Stone Armor, which allow the user to call forth stones, which build up from the ground, and then adhere to the user's body to act as an additional layer armoring, however, it is incredibly heavy and therefore makes it extremely cumbersome to maneuver while wearing.


Moreover, if a Toa of Stone is the user, they can also utilize the stones offensively as a weapon.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY".


The seventy-fifth article proposed by Ballom is as follows:

Ballom hereby proposes that within "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" there are Kanohi known as Shupda (SHOOP-duh), the Great Mask of Energy Beams, which permit the user to project intense beams of elemental energy from their mouth. However, it requires that the user first absorb the required elemental energy for the beam prior to the mask's use. The release of these elemental energy beams is also very physically draining and repeated use can cause severe side effects such as bulging, bloodshot eyes.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY".


The seventy-sixth article proposed by Koji is as follows:

Koji hereby proposes that within "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" there are Kanohi known as Spen (SPEHNN), the Great Mask of Spike Armor, which grant the user the ability to sprout spike protrusions across the surface of their armor, which provides them with both offensive and defensive advantages, however, it is also heavy and therefore makes it somewhat difficult to maneuver while wearing. Furthermore, self-injury may also become increasingly likely.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY".


The seventy-seventh article proposed by Em-Oh-Cee-Ehr is as follows:

Em-Oh-Cee-Ehr hereby proposes that within "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" there are Kanohi known as Toltac (TOHL-tack), the Great Mask of Deep Freeze, which allow the user the ability to produce a momentary surge of Elemental Ice Energy that is similar to a controlled Nova Blast.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY".


The seventy-eighth article proposed by Koji is as follows:

Koji hereby proposes that within "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" there are Kanohi known as Wit (WHITT), the Great Mask of Wind Tranquilization, which permit the user the capacity to call forth wind around them that can then be used to strike at a target resulting in temporary paralysis that typically lasts for one minute or occasionally slightly longer.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY".


The seventy-ninth article proposed by Em-Oh-Cee-Ehr is as follows:

Em-Oh-Cee-Ehr hereby proposes that within "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" there are Kanohi known as Zelzor (ZELL-zohr), the Great Mask of Lightning, which grant the user the ability to emit bursts of weak Elemental Lightning Energy.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY".


And with that said, I open this thread up for discussion on the various articles for the proposed enhancement of our group structure and joint storyline.


Please be sure to vote on all ten articles in this thread.


Also, note that this discussion and the corresponding voting will end at 1200 PST (Noon in the Pacific Time Zone) on Wednesday, May 20th, 2009 provided that at least 2/3 of C.I.R.C.L.E. Members have voted at that point.


Lastly, the C.I.R.C.L.E. Members will be notified of the results via the C.I.R.C.L.E. Results Overview & Discussion thread, however, when there are other blog threads where authors can vote on the proposals surrounding the details of C.I.R.C.L.E., that communication will still happen via PM.




UPDATE: Article 70 has passed with a total of "TWELVE AYE VOTES TO ONE NAY VOTE", also

Articles 71 & 72 have both passed via "UNANIMOUS DECISION", next

Article 73 has been defeated with a total of "NINE NAY VOTES TO FOUR AYE VOTES", plus

Article 74 has been defeated with a total of "SEVEN NAY VOTES TO SIX AYE VOTES", furthermore

Article 75 has been defeated with a total of "NINE NAY VOTES TO FOUR AYE VOTES", moreover

Article 76 has passed with a total of "ELEVEN AYE VOTES TO TWO NAY VOTES", in addition

Article 77 has been defeated with a total of "SEVEN NAY VOTES TO SIX AYE VOTES", likewise

Article 78 has failed to pass due to a "VETO", meanwhile

Article 79 has passed via "UNANIMOUS DECISION" and the polls are now closed.




Recommended Comments

Article 70: Aye. It appears to me to be a multi-element mask, utilizing both wind and ice.


Article 71-72: Aye. Appears as if the Rahkshi elements are yet to be made into masks.


Article 73: Hmm... Maybe, Aye. :P


Article 74: Aye. Sounds a lot like Super Stone from Kirby 64. :P ...Nerd humor, sorreh.


Article 75: *Holds in laughter* Aye. Seems to be *Chuckle escapes* good. ...AH HA!! I so should've seen that coming. :D


Article 76: Aye. Much like the Stone armor.


Article 77: Aye, but I doubt I'll get much support form the others. 'Such a mask is too powerful' or '...makes an Ice Toa less important' is likely in my future.


Article 78: Aye. A powerful mask with a side effect; typical, but practical.


Article 79: Aye. Duh.



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The Seventyeth Article proposed by Lord Koji: Fallen Knight is as follows:


Lord Koji: Fallen Knight hereby proposes that within "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" there are Kanohi known as Bli (BLEE), the Great Mask of Blizzards, which grant the user the ability to call forth snowstorms, blizzards, hailstorms, icestorms and galeforce winds.


The seventy-first article proposed by ChocoLvr13 is as follows:


ChocoLvr13, hereby proposes that within "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" there are Kanohi known as Kehrap (cayr-AHP), the Great Mask of Fire Resistance, which allow the user to coat their armor with a colder, clammy substance that provides enhanced protection from extreme heat.

The seventy-second article proposed by ChocoLvr13 is as follows:


ChocoLvr13 hereby proposes that within "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" there are Kanohi known as Qevth (KEHVTH), the Great Mask of Ice Resistance, which permit the user to coat their armor with a substance that makes the surface unbearably hot to touch and thus provides enhanced protection from extreme cold.


The seventy-third article proposed by Em-Oh-Cee-Ehr is as follows:


Em-Oh-Cee-Ehr hereby proposes that within "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" there are Kanohi known as Rextou (RECKS-too), the Great Mask of Information, which grant the user the ability to scan for and then retrieve technological data files that are stored anywhere within a one square kio area of the user.


The seventy-fourth article proposed by Lord Koji: Fallen Knight is as follows:


Lord Koji: Fallen Knight hereby proposes that within "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" there are Kanohi known as Satr (SAT-ehr), the Great Mask of Stone Armor, which allow the user to call forth stones, which build up from the ground, and then adhere to the user's body to act as an additional layer armoring, however, it is incredibly heavy and therefore makes it extremely cumbersome to maneuver while wearing.


Moreover, if a Toa of Stone is the user, they can also utilize the stones offensively as a weapon.


The seventy-fifth article proposed by Ballomess is as follows:


Ballomess hereby proposes that within "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" there are Kanohi known as Shupda (SHOOP-duh), the Great Mask of Energy Beams, which permit the user to project intense beams of elemental energy from their mouth. However, it requires that the user first absorb the required elemental energy for the beam prior to the mask's use. The release of these elemental energy beams is also very physically draining and repeated use can cause severe side effects such as bulging, bloodshot eyes.


The seventy-sixth article proposed by Lord Koji: Fallen Knight is as follows:


Lord Koji: Fallen Knight hereby proposes that within "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" there are Kanohi known as Spen (SPEHNN), the Great Mask of Spike Armor, which grant the user the ability to sprout spike protrusions across the surface of their armor, which provides them with both offensive and defensive advantages, however, it is also heavy and therefore makes it somewhat difficult to maneuver while wearing. Furthermore, self-injury may also become increasingly likely.


The seventy-seventh article proposed by Em-Oh-Cee-Ehr is as follows:


Em-Oh-Cee-Ehr hereby proposes that within "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" there are Kanohi known as Toltac (TOHL-tack), the Great Mask of Deep Freeze, which allow the user the ability to produce a momentary surge of Elemental Ice Energy that is similar to a controlled Nova Blast.


The seventy-eighth article proposed by Lord Koji: Fallen Knight is as follows:


Lord Koji: Fallen Knight hereby proposes that within "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" there are Kanohi known as Wit (WHITT), the Great Mask of Wind Tranquilization, which permit the user the capacity to call forth wind around them that can then be used to strike at a target resulting in temporary paralysis that typically lasts for one minute or occasionally slightly longer.


The seventy-ninth article proposed by Em-Oh-Cee-Ehr is as follows:


Em-Oh-Cee-Ehr hereby proposes that within "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" there are Kanohi known as Zelzor (ZELL-zohr), the Great Mask of Lightning, which grant the user the ability to emit bursts of weak Elemental Lightning Energy.


Article's 70-79: All of these kanohi are not in violation of any terms of the standard Kanohi, so I approve all of them.


Alright, my hand has been forced, I am going to make a new Proposal, that will help us all with the immense number of Kanohi Proposals. It is my hope that it will help the huge ammounts of Kanohi to be easier dealt with.




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73-NAY. Super computer, anyone? This is far too powerful for any living being.


75-NAY. NAY NAY NAY NAY! We are not going into that...that territory!

76-AYE. And to make you feel better- DOUBLE AYE.

77-AYE-seems creative.


79-AYE, but how weak?


Now for all listed as 'AYE' without explanation, they seem like good Kanohi ideas.

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Aye to all but 75.


They are all good Mask ideas and none seem too powerful or anything.


75: As Zeerah said, not that territory.

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Guest kopakanuva13


70- Aye.

71- Aye.

72- Aye.

73- Nay.

74- Nay, seems to much as a "Kanohi Mask of Stone" if you ask me.

75- Nay. In all honesty, this seems like a joke. The reference here is too obvious, IMO =P

76- Aye.

77- Nay, seems much too close to a Kanohi of Ice.

78- Aye, seems okay.

79- Aye.

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Article 74: Aye. Sounds a lot like Super Stone from Kirby 64.

That thought entered my mind too.


Anyway, I vote aye on all articles except 77 (which I vote nay on) and 75, which I am undecided on. See comment 18. The former seems to be too powerful for its own good, for one thing.


75- Nay. In all honesty, this seems like a joke. The reference here is too obvious, IMO =P

What makes you think that? :sly:


Edit: Upon rereading Article 73, I have changed my vote to nay. It seems the mask would be too powerful, and makes hacking of data very easy, especially when in a technologically advanced area such as Metru Nui.



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I vote "AYE" on Articles 70-72 because all three seem like very reasonable mask powers.


Next, I vote "NAY" on Article 73 because I'm leery about the "Hacker Mask" concept and would like to point out that data files are far too complex to memorize and Kanohi have no data storage devices thus the use of this mask would be impractical. :uhuh:


Moreover, I simply don't like the specifics of the mask power for Article 74 so I vote "NAY" on it too.


Furthermore, I vote "NAY" on Article 75 on the grounds of likely causing chronic halitosis and in case nobody else thought it through, any user capable of absorbing the elemental energy beforehand is already able to unleash said power in an energy beam, regardless of what mask they're wearing. :P


Meanwhile, I'll vote "NAY" on Article 76 due to the fact that personally I simply don't like the prospective mask power primarily because it seems very impractical to me and of little use. :shrugs:


Plus, I'll vote "NAY" on Article 77, not because I'm opposed to the concept, merely because I don't like the wording of the mask power itself and hope to see it revised.


Also, I have decided to "VETO" Article 78 due to the widespread capability and duration of the effect, without any deleterious consequences. I must say however, I do like the creativity behind the delivery mechanism. ;)


Lastly, I'll vote "AYE" on Article 79, which again seems like a very reasonable mask power to me.


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I vote "AYE" on Articles 70-72 because all three seem like very reasonable mask powers.


Next, I'm "UNDECIDED" on Article 73 because I'm fairly leery about the "Hacker Mask" concept.


Also, I simply don't like the specifics of the mask power for Article 74 so I vote "NAY".


Meanwhile, I'll remain "UNDECIDED" on Articles 75 & 76.


Lastly, I vote "AYE" on Articles 77-79, which again all seem like very reasonable mask powers to me.



Please, please tell me you're kidding? In BIONICLE? Heck, not even in real life!

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"AYE" to Article 70. I see no reason as to why this mask shouldn't exist.


"AYE" to Article 71. My only problem is the name. Can it please be changed? Kehrap? Too close to another word for my liking. Could lead to some very unpleasant puns.


"AYE" to Article 72. Again, no reason for it not to exist.


"NAY" to Article 73. As Ausar pointed out, its use would be impractical. Why would a BIONICLE character need to hack into "technological data files"? Also, how would the user store these stolen files?


"NAY" on Article 74. Usage by non-Elemental Stone beings would be impratical and any skilled Toa of Stone could theoretically do this. A Mask of Stone perhaps?


"NAY" to Article 75. Will someone please explain to me why a proposer can be against his own Article without ANY logical explaination?


"AYE" to Article 76. Though, I can't imagine how it would be heavy.


"AYE" on Article 77. Same argument as Article 74. Besides, there's no such thing as a controlled Nova blast.


"NAY" on Article 78. Too complicated. I don't understand how a blast of wind could lead to paralyzation and I really don't see why.


"AYE" on Article 79. Why must we put such limits on Elemental Masks for fear that they won't be approved?

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Guest kopakanuva13


"UNDECIDED" on Article 79. Why must we put such limits on Elemental Masks for fear that they won't be approved?

I thought that this one was fine, since Lightning is also a power as well as an element. Plus, it's just lightning bolts, not control over the element of lightning.

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"UNDECIDED" on Article 73. Why would a BIONICLE character need to hack into "technological data files"? Also, how would the user store these stolen files?

Several of the more advanced areas/organizations in the universe, such as Metru Nui and the bounty hunter Chazok, possess computers and other data storing devices. As such, I'm sure many unscrupulous beings would like to acquire such data, particularly from the latter source. Also, I presume that the user stores the stolen information in memory, until they can write it down or transfer it to another technological device.


"UNDECIDED" on Article 75. Will someone please explain to me why a proposer can be against his own Article without ANY logical explaination?

Well, the thing with Article 75 is that it's a bit of a joke article, posted to see your reactions. Therefore, I was waiting to see what people would vote: if everyone voted nay, then my vote wouldn't matter. However, if the voting went in the article's favor, I would simply Veto it, since I don't actually want the Shupda as a C.I.R.C.L.E. canon mask.


Sorry if that seems a little odd, but I was curious as to how you would respond to such a joke. Indeed, Ausar didn't seem to have ever heard of it.



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I'm not getting the joke either, can someone help?


Article 70- Aye sounds good to me

Modified vote below!

Article 71-Aye if the name gets changed

Article 72-Aye sounds alright to me

Modified vote below!

Article 73- Nay, sorry but were could you store it

Article 74-Nay, dont really like how this would work.

Modified vote below!

Article 75- Nay, joke article need i say more

Modified Vote below!

Article 76-Aye

Article 77-Aye This and the following sound good to me

Article 78-Nay, too powerful in my opinion

Article 79-Aye -


Toa Zahaku

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"UNDECIDED" on Article 71. My only problem is the name. Can it please be changed? Kehrap? Too close to another word for my liking. Could lead to some very unpleasant puns.

I'm very interested to hear the response from ChocoLvr13 on this.


"UNDECIDED" on Article 74. Usage by non-Elemental Stone beings would be impratical and any skilled Toa of Stone could theoretically do this. A Mask of Stone perhaps?

Although I'm opposed to the "Stone Armor" proposal, I would support Article 74 if it were rewritten to simply be a Great Mask of Stone.


"UNDECIDED" on Article 77. Same argument as Article 74. Besides, there's no such thing as a controlled Nova blast.

Basically I view this as a fancy name for a Great Mask of Ice, though I understand your problem with the "controlled Nova Blast" wording.


"NAY" on Article 78. Too complicated. I don't understand how a blast of wind could lead to paralyzation and I really don't see why.

In my opinion, saying the delivery mechanism is Wind, as opposed to a boring description of a Paralyzing Energy Beam, is really quite creative.


"UNDECIDED" on Article 79. Why must we put such limits on Elemental Masks for fear that they won't be approved?

People don't have to limit an Elemental Kanohi to get me to support it, in fact I'd prefer the word "weak" be stricken from this proposal, but the fact that it's there doesn't mean I'm going to oppose an otherwise sensible article. :shrugs:


Do you think that fans think it would have been better if the Canon Story Team had chosen to limit the Kanohi Great Garai?


Ausar didn't seem to have ever heard of it.



This may be true Ballom, but you would be remiss if you didn't point out that I deduced that it was certainly a joke prior to writing up the proposal for you, regardless of the origin of the punchline.


And don't I get some credit for editing out the revelation of the source of your prank from the early ballots so that we could see who might still vote for such drivel without actually reading the ludicrous nature of the article?


Article 73-Undecided, how big is a one square Kio?

Well, 1 square kio is equivalent to 1.8769 square kilometers. ;)


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Ausar make use of big words. Me not hear in everyday talk :wacko:. Sometimes hurt head trying to figure out :P Nah just messing with you I understand the majority of it :D

70- Aye.

71- Aye.

72- Aye.

73- Nay, until more information is given.

74- Nay, seems to much as a Kanohi Mask of Stone

75- Nay.

76- Aye.

77- Nay, Makes both a Kanohi and Toa of Ice kind of pointless to have around

78- Aye

79- Aye.

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"UNDECIDED" on Article 71. My only problem is the name. Can it please be changed? Kehrap? Too close to another word for my liking. Could lead to some very unpleasant puns.





Ohh Ausar...


Kanohi Urakam, please? Pretty please?

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Although I'm opposed to the "Stone Armor" proposal, I would support Article 74 if it were rewritten to simply be a Great Mask of Stone.

Rewriting it as such would also gain my support.

Basically I view this as a fancy name for a Great Mask of Ice, though I understand your problem with the "controlled Nova Blast" wording.

Maybe more of a Mask of Freezing, able to reduce the temperature of any substance to at or below its freezing point.

In my opinion, saying the delivery mechanism is Wind, as opposed to a boring description of a Paralyzing Energy Beam, is really quite creative.

Or perhaps having it manifest as eye beams?

People don't have to limit an Elemental Kanohi to get me to support it, in fact I'd prefer the word "weak" be stricken from this proposal, but the fact that it's there doesn't mean I'm going to oppose an otherwise sensible article. :shrugs:


Do you think that fans think it would have been better if the Canon Story Team had chosen to limit the Kanohi Great Garai?

I too, would prefer it if the word "weak" was removed. If there must be a limitation, make it so the user is vulnerable to the mask's power.


The story team did limit it. The user can't use it on himself.

And don't I get some credit for editing out the revelation of the source of your prank from the early ballots so that we could see who might still vote for such drivel without actually reading the ludicrous nature of the article?

Heh heh. Ausar called it drivel.

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Ausar didn't seem to have ever heard of it.



This may be true Ballom, but you would be remiss if you didn't point out that I deduced that it was certainly a joke prior to writing up the proposal for you, regardless of the origin of the punchline.


And don't I get some credit for editing out the revelation of the source of your prank from the early ballots so that we could see who might still vote for such drivel without actually reading the ludicrous nature of the article?

I know you figured that out. I was simply saying how you didn't completely understand the punchline.


And I didn't notice you had edited the comments, thanks for doing that. :D


Oh, and since it seems the cat's out of the bag I'll simply kill Article 75 by Vetoing it outright now. *brandishes Staff of Veto*



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Ausar make use of big words.

Ausar like big words. More letters always good.


Ohh Ausar...


Kanohi Urakam, please? Pretty please?

Ooh ChocoLvr13...


Can you verify the pronunciation for me, please? Pretty please?


Oh, and since it seems the cat's out of the bag I'll simply kill Article 75 by Vetoing it outright now. *brandishes Staff of Veto*



*Brandishes His Own Staff of Veto*


This is about to get interesting...


How's about we say I veto your veto and see how the group votes instead. :evilgrin:


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Ausar make use of big words.

Ausar like big words. More letters always good.


Ohh Ausar...


Kanohi Urakam, please? Pretty please?

Ooh ChocoLvr13...


Can you verify the pronunciation for me, please? Pretty please?


Oh, and since it seems the cat's out of the bag I'll simply kill Article 75 by Vetoing it outright now. *brandishes Staff of Veto*



*Brandishes His Own Staff of Veto*


This is about to get interesting...


How's about we say I veto your veto and see how the group votes instead. :evilgrin:


*Ausar and Ballom Strike Their Staves of Veto Together, Then Kohila Brings His Staff of Veto Down On The Crossed Staves*




The neutral party (ie. ME) will call the shots. I say that I will rotate the "V" on my own "Staff of Veto" to become a "Staff of Δeto"! :huh:

Staff of Δeto
Staff of Δeto


to Articles 70-73, but
to Article 74, but
to Article 75, and
to articles 76-78 because they're either too powerful or unrealistic, but an
for Article 79.
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Ausar make use of big words.

Ausar like big words. More letters always good.


Ohh Ausar...


Kanohi Urakam, please? Pretty please?

Ooh ChocoLvr13...


Can you verify the pronunciation for me, please? Pretty please?


Oh, and since it seems the cat's out of the bag I'll simply kill Article 75 by Vetoing it outright now. *brandishes Staff of Veto*



*Brandishes His Own Staff of Veto*


This is about to get interesting...


How's about we say I veto your veto and see how the group votes instead. :evilgrin:


*Ausar and Ballom Strike Their Staves of Veto Together, Then Kohila Brings His Staff of Veto Down On The Crossed Staves*




The neutral party (ie. ME) will call the shots. I say that I will rotate the "V" on my own "Staff of Veto" to become a "Staff of Δeto"! :huh:

Staff of Δeto
Staff of Δeto


to Articles 70-75, but
to Artilces 76-78 because they're either too powerful or unrealistic, but an
for Article 79.

But Δ is capital delta, which means change in math. Hence, Δeto=Changeeto. Sounds like a cross between the Staff of Veto and a Cheeto. I smell a plot here! *continues brandishing Staff of Veto to counteract the Staff of Changeeto*



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Ausar make use of big words.

Ausar like big words. More letters always good.


Ohh Ausar...


Kanohi Urakam, please? Pretty please?

Ooh ChocoLvr13...


Can you verify the pronunciation for me, please? Pretty please?


Oh, and since it seems the cat's out of the bag I'll simply kill Article 75 by Vetoing it outright now. *brandishes Staff of Veto*



*Brandishes His Own Staff of Veto*


This is about to get interesting...


How's about we say I veto your veto and see how the group votes instead. :evilgrin:


*Ausar and Ballom Strike Their Staves of Veto Together, Then Kohila Brings His Staff of Veto Down On The Crossed Staves*




The neutral party (ie. ME) will call the shots. I say that I will rotate the "V" on my own "Staff of Veto" to become a "Staff of Δeto"! :huh:

Staff of Δeto
Staff of Δeto


to Articles 70-75, but
to Artilces 76-78 because they're either too powerful or unrealistic, but an
for Article 79.

But Δ is capital delta, which means change in math. Hence, Δeto=Changeeto. Sounds like a cross between the Staff of Veto and a Cheeto. I smell a plot here! *continues brandishing Staff of Veto to counteract the Staff of Changeeto*



Actually, the real name for it would then be the "Staff of Approval" so there.


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Nay to Article 70. It seems essentially what a Toa of Ice can do, just not as powerful.


Aye to Article 71. It seems like a heat-based version of the shadow armor that Teridax used on his Rahkshi in The Kingdom.


Aye to Article 72. Same reason as above, except it's cold-based. Yes, I am allowed to make up words. :P


EDIT: Nay to Article 73. I'd suggest doing a revision and make the radius smaller. Aye to Article 73. I want to use this mask for my epic. :sly:


Aye to Article 74. I find it OK that Toa of Stone can use it for a slightly different purpose if they want to.


Aye to Article 75. Because everyone else is voting 'nay'. :P


Aye to Article 76. It reminds me of the Lambton Wyrm tale where the knight puts on a spiked suit of armor so that when the serpent wound its coils around him... Well, you can figure out what happened next.


Nay to Article 77. See my reason for Article 70.


Nay to Article 78. It seems too powerful a mask power. Undecided on Article 78. I'm not sure that wind could be used to knock out anybody unless the target's thrown against a wall or something pushed by the wind hits the target, so I'm not sure what I say to this one.


Aye to Article 79. Weak elemental lightning is fine with me.

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Aye to Article 76. It reminds me of the Lambton Wyrm tale where the knight put on a spiked suit of armor so that when the serpent wound its coils around him... Well, you can figure out what happened next.

Did he get eaten? :lol:

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Article 70: Sounds more like a Mask of Ice to me, but that doesn't change my vote. Aye.


Article 71-72: Both of these sound useful and reasonable, so aye.


Article 73: A naturally-ocurring power of protodermis is able to interact with artificial devices? I could see if it was good for more than that, but since it seems to be solely for the purpose of hacking, I'll have to vote nay.


Article 74: It's interesting... Perhaps less practical than it's worth, but I suppose I'll vote aye. Upon closer inspection of the article's description, I'm going to have to agree with Ausar's vote and say nay here.


Article 75: ...Seeing as how this is a joke, I'll vote nay. :P


Article 76: Sounds good to me, aye.


Article 77: Nay. A controlled Nova Blast? How can a common Kanohi have that much power and control when an actual Toa of Ice doesn't? (EDIT: I'm considering changing my vote on this one - my main problem is the wording in the article that suggests that it has power comparable to a Nova Blast. If this can be changed to simply a burst of Ice energy, I'll change my vote. If it must be on par with a Nova Blast, I can't give it my approval.)


Article 78: This seems unnecessarily complicated. Why not just make it a Mask of Tranquilization, and leave out the wind part entirely? (I'm undecided, for the record.) Ultimately I'm just going to have to say nay on this one. I'm not really understanding it.


Article 79: I'm not really too fond of all these elementally-based masks, but aside from my own preferences I don't see anything wrong with it, so my vote is aye.

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