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Voting For C. I. R. C. L. E. Articles 70-79



Confederated Inter-Related Collaborative League of Epics


Once again I'd like to welcome everyone, now straight to more business.



The seventieth article proposed by Koji is as follows:

Koji hereby proposes that within "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" there are Kanohi known as Bli (BLEE), the Great Mask of Blizzards, which grant the user the ability to call forth snowstorms, blizzards, hailstorms, icestorms and galeforce winds.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY".


The seventy-first article proposed by ChocoLvr13 is as follows:

ChocoLvr13, hereby proposes that within "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" there are Kanohi known as Urakam (oo-RACK-uhm), the Great Mask of Fire Resistance, which allow the user to coat their armor with a colder, clammy substance that provides enhanced protection from extreme heat.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY".


The seventy-second article proposed by ChocoLvr13 is as follows:

ChocoLvr13 hereby proposes that within "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" there are Kanohi known as Qevth (KEHVTH), the Great Mask of Ice Resistance, which permit the user to coat their armor with a substance that makes the surface unbearably hot to touch and thus provides enhanced protection from extreme cold.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY".


The seventy-third article proposed by Em-Oh-Cee-Ehr is as follows:

Em-Oh-Cee-Ehr hereby proposes that within "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" there are Kanohi known as Rextou (RECKS-too), the Great Mask of Information, which grant the user the ability to scan for and then retrieve technological data files that are stored anywhere within a one square kio area of the user.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY".


The seventy-fourth article proposed by Koji is as follows:

Koji hereby proposes that within "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" there are Kanohi known as Satr (SAT-ehr), the Great Mask of Stone Armor, which allow the user to call forth stones, which build up from the ground, and then adhere to the user's body to act as an additional layer armoring, however, it is incredibly heavy and therefore makes it extremely cumbersome to maneuver while wearing.


Moreover, if a Toa of Stone is the user, they can also utilize the stones offensively as a weapon.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY".


The seventy-fifth article proposed by Ballom is as follows:

Ballom hereby proposes that within "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" there are Kanohi known as Shupda (SHOOP-duh), the Great Mask of Energy Beams, which permit the user to project intense beams of elemental energy from their mouth. However, it requires that the user first absorb the required elemental energy for the beam prior to the mask's use. The release of these elemental energy beams is also very physically draining and repeated use can cause severe side effects such as bulging, bloodshot eyes.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY".


The seventy-sixth article proposed by Koji is as follows:

Koji hereby proposes that within "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" there are Kanohi known as Spen (SPEHNN), the Great Mask of Spike Armor, which grant the user the ability to sprout spike protrusions across the surface of their armor, which provides them with both offensive and defensive advantages, however, it is also heavy and therefore makes it somewhat difficult to maneuver while wearing. Furthermore, self-injury may also become increasingly likely.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY".


The seventy-seventh article proposed by Em-Oh-Cee-Ehr is as follows:

Em-Oh-Cee-Ehr hereby proposes that within "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" there are Kanohi known as Toltac (TOHL-tack), the Great Mask of Deep Freeze, which allow the user the ability to produce a momentary surge of Elemental Ice Energy that is similar to a controlled Nova Blast.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY".


The seventy-eighth article proposed by Koji is as follows:

Koji hereby proposes that within "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" there are Kanohi known as Wit (WHITT), the Great Mask of Wind Tranquilization, which permit the user the capacity to call forth wind around them that can then be used to strike at a target resulting in temporary paralysis that typically lasts for one minute or occasionally slightly longer.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY".


The seventy-ninth article proposed by Em-Oh-Cee-Ehr is as follows:

Em-Oh-Cee-Ehr hereby proposes that within "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" there are Kanohi known as Zelzor (ZELL-zohr), the Great Mask of Lightning, which grant the user the ability to emit bursts of weak Elemental Lightning Energy.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY".


And with that said, I open this thread up for discussion on the various articles for the proposed enhancement of our group structure and joint storyline.


Please be sure to vote on all ten articles in this thread.


Also, note that this discussion and the corresponding voting will end at 1200 PST (Noon in the Pacific Time Zone) on Wednesday, May 20th, 2009 provided that at least 2/3 of C.I.R.C.L.E. Members have voted at that point.


Lastly, the C.I.R.C.L.E. Members will be notified of the results via the C.I.R.C.L.E. Results Overview & Discussion thread, however, when there are other blog threads where authors can vote on the proposals surrounding the details of C.I.R.C.L.E., that communication will still happen via PM.




UPDATE: Article 70 has passed with a total of "TWELVE AYE VOTES TO ONE NAY VOTE", also

Articles 71 & 72 have both passed via "UNANIMOUS DECISION", next

Article 73 has been defeated with a total of "NINE NAY VOTES TO FOUR AYE VOTES", plus

Article 74 has been defeated with a total of "SEVEN NAY VOTES TO SIX AYE VOTES", furthermore

Article 75 has been defeated with a total of "NINE NAY VOTES TO FOUR AYE VOTES", moreover

Article 76 has passed with a total of "ELEVEN AYE VOTES TO TWO NAY VOTES", in addition

Article 77 has been defeated with a total of "SEVEN NAY VOTES TO SIX AYE VOTES", likewise

Article 78 has failed to pass due to a "VETO", meanwhile

Article 79 has passed via "UNANIMOUS DECISION" and the polls are now closed.




Recommended Comments

Undecided on Article 78. I'm not sure that wind could be used to knock out anybody unless the target's thrown against a wall or something pushed by the wind hits the target, so I'm not sure what I say to this one.

Theoretically, one could increase the air pressure around a target to cause immobilization, provided the target doesn't pass out first. Or the wind could strike a nerve center or the equivalent, but that would require the user knowing where to strike and how hard.

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Undecided on Article 78. I'm not sure that wind could be used to knock out anybody unless the target's thrown against a wall or something pushed by the wind hits the target, so I'm not sure what I say to this one.

Theoretically, one could increase the air pressure around a target to cause immobilization, provided the target doesn't pass out first. Or the wind could strike a nerve center or the equivalent, but that would require the user knowing where to strike and how hard.

The description given in the article in question seems to be more like the second one - it specifically states that the winds strike the target. But in the case of the second one, my earlier question still stands - why bring wind into this at all? It would be simpler to make the power just render them paralyzed; why do you need wind to do that?

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Off-Topic: "Cheeto"? "Approval"? Seems more like a "Dorito" to me. Hmm, wonder if it's "Cool Ranch"? :huh:


On-Topic: It is my understanding that the Wind is simply the delivery mechanism and that the Tranquilizing Energy comes from the Kanohi, not from the Wind itself, however we'll still have to hear from Koji to ultimately clarify this. :notsure:


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Koji you can't fool me I know where Article 78 came from. It was the Melforce form of the Decaforce Sword from Rave Master(Thank you Sci-Fi Animonday for refreshing my memory) When I read the article it seemed ver familiar but when I was watching Sci-Fi and saw Rave Master was on I was like "Holy Crud! Its the power of the Decaforce sword!"

Very clever my friend. I hope that is actually where you got the inspiration because I dont want to be the only one to remember that show, and because the two powers are so similar that its scary.


I miss that anime so much. It had great potential.

*Erebus Nuva switches his Zaethos Nuva for the Kakama Nuva, runs at supersonic speed and steals staffs from Ballom, Kohila and Ausar* Don't make me seperate you kids or I'll get Mistress Helryx after you. Ballom your still a wanted Toa so behave, I won't hesitate to send you to the pit even though we are on neutral ground. Kohila and Ausar I really don't want to have to fight a Toa of Spirits and Toa of Rahi Control unless I have to. You can have your toys back if you can play nice.

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Turaga, Erebuus, they are turaga. look at the membership roster. so thats three turaga and a toa of rahi control if you dont give them there staffs back now,

hurry up tarth and vote on article 50 so i can tell The toa team to stop bullying the turaga :lol:

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Wait I have yours, Balloms and Kohilas *uses combined power of staffs to veto article 87.* Toa Zeerah and I will come to an agreement. *Tosses staffs back to the three other Turaga.* No need to reopen the article.
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What? Respect my decision, which is soo lenient of me, and actually respond to my PM. Or that article will just be reopened.


EDIT- That's it. If I don't have a PM in my inbox by morning, I'll just have this reopened.

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Ok, allow me to try to clear something up.


74: simply armor of stone. Weighs down the user, but provides defense. Double edged sword really.


78: the wind acts as a decoy in a way. Its a weak blow, so the enemy sees it, unlikely they'll try to dodge. The wind carries the power of paralysis.

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78: the wind acts as a decoy in a way. Its a weak blow, so the enemy sees it, unlikely they'll try to dodge. The wind carries the power of paralysis.


Sorry, I'm not sure that I understand what you're saying.

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78: the wind acts as a decoy in a way. Its a weak blow, so the enemy sees it, unlikely they'll try to dodge. The wind carries the power of paralysis.


Sorry, I'm not sure that I understand what you're saying.


If you're fighting a Toa and you see a small gust, and say flames on your sides, you'll go through the wind, not fire. The wind carries the energy of tranqualization. It doesn't appear as a threat, but used tactically, it can stop your opponent, and then, kill him/her.

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If you're fighting a Toa and you see a small gust, and say flames on your sides, you'll go through the wind, not fire. The wind carries the energy of tranquilization. It doesn't appear as a threat, but used tactically, it can stop your opponent, and then, kill him/her.

Or the user simply tranquilizes the opponent from a distance without giving the opponent a chance to counter or dodge and avoids any conflict. ;)


Utilizing the wind to carry the power makes it more wide-spread and able to affect multiple targets. It can't be dodged and it can't be blocked. Any user would never need to fight or struggle against any opponent ever again. And that makes it too powerful in my opinion.

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If you're fighting a Toa and you see a small gust, and say flames on your sides, you'll go through the wind, not fire. The wind carries the energy of tranquilization. It doesn't appear as a threat, but used tactically, it can stop your opponent, and then, kill him/her.

Or the user simply tranquilizes the opponent from a distance without giving the opponent a chance to counter or dodge and avoids any conflict. ;)


Utilizing the wind to carry the power makes it more wide-spread and able to affect multiple targets. It can't be dodged and it can't be blocked. Any user would never need to fight or struggle against any opponent ever again. And that makes it too powerful in my opinion.


But as it spreads it weakens.


But the wind part was because it was originally made for use by a Toa of Air in an epic of mine.

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I need more time to vote Ausar, my online code is being interrupted, and I need a week to fix it or my computer may go kaput. WORD is still functioning, but not at its best, it took me maybe a half of an hour to get this right!

Extension granted and Voting Deadline modified accordingly.


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I understand that htere has been some confusion about Article 73, my Mask of Information.


It does not access files from a kio-radius, not a chance. It merely records and recalls information that the wearer desires. It does not have any relationship to a supercomputer, I said to Ausar that it was like a cimputer, but only the really old black-screen-green-font kind of computer. :P Basically, it's like a second brain without the impulse to act.


For example, it has stored information on the Guardian, a Rahi in my own Epic, and Glacier Carvers. However, as the files become unused, they are *ahem* deleted.


I'm sorry for the confusion.




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Well Em, there seems to be some confusion in your last comment as well.


First, the proposal doesn't say anything about a one kio radius, it's a one square kio area, just as you requested, which translates into a little over a one-half kio radius. ;)


Secondly, I never mentioned the specific word "computer", I simply pointed out that even very small data files (take for instance a 20 second video clip) are written as extremely complex coding and could require 350 MB or more of space in a "data storage device". :ohmy: In other words, most files are obviously far too complicated to memorize even after they've been scanned or retrieved. :shrugs:


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Well Em, there seems to be some confusion in your last comment as well.


First, the proposal doesn't say anything about a one kio radius, it's a one square kio area, just as you requested, which translates into a little over a one-half kio radius. ;)


Secondly, I never mentioned the specific word "computer", I simply pointed out that even very small data files (take for instance a 20 second video clip) are written as extremely complex coding and could require 350 MB or more of space in a "data storage device". :ohmy: In other words, most files are obviously far too complicated to memorize even after they've been scanned or retrieved. :shrugs:



Ah... My bad on the measurement. But it's a moot point anyway (See below clarification.)


And you said that, "...there are Kanohi known as Rextou (RECKS-too), the Great Mask of Information, which grant the user the ability to scan for and then retrieve technological data files that are stored anywhere within a one square kio area of the user." That is false.


People have called it a "Hacker mask" when it is not in any way a hacker mask. It acts much like a computer in the way that it can create and store file-like information and recall it, and it can only record what has been seen and/or thought. It makes files, pulls up files, but that's it. It cannot access any information that the user has not seen and recorded. Again, it is like a second brain without acting impulses.


I hope I did not sound incredably crabby or confusing, and I would like all of you to reconsider your 'Nay's on Article 73 before it is too late. Please.



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I sent you a PM about this Em, because, as the other members can all attest to, I submit the proposal wording to the author for approval prior to it being added to any voting thread, thus I know that you said that the description of Article 73 was correct back on April 26th, and you never mentioned that it wasn't until now, not even when you yourself voted. :lookhere:


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But as it spreads it weakens.


But the wind part was because it was originally made for use by a Toa of Air in an epic of mine.

My main problem is the fact that utilizing the wind makes the power unavoidable. You can't dodge the wind.


To be fully honest, entwining the power with the wind seems to be more for theatrics than any practical purpose. Eye beams or even physical contact from the user are some simpler, more practical ways to that would make me support the Article.


Ah... My bad on the measurement. But it's a moot point anyway (See below clarification.)


And you said that, "...there are Kanohi known as Rextou (RECKS-too), the Great Mask of Information, which grant the user the ability to scan for and then retrieve technological data files that are stored anywhere within a one square kio area of the user." That is false.


People have called it a "Hacker mask" when it is not in any way a hacker mask. It acts much like a computer in the way that it can create and store file-like information and recall it, and it can only record what has been seen and/or thought. It makes files, pulls up files, but that's it. It cannot access any information that the user has not seen and recorded. Again, it is like a second brain without acting impulses.


I hope I did not sound incredably crabby or confusing, and I would like all of you to reconsider your 'Nay's on Article 73 before it is too late. Please.



Based on what you're saying, the Rextou sounds more like a Mask of Memory Recall. Why would it need to exist when you, the author, could simply have the character remember what you need he or she to remember? Maybe said character has a photographic memory or something. And what was the purpose of setting a range limit if the mask could only recall what the wearer already knows?


A Mask of Information would most likely make the user a walking encyclopedia, granting the user knowledge of everything the user needs to know and then saying it out loud. Of course, it would have to constantly be on a low power so the user blurts out random facts about anything and everything at anytime spontaneously.(If you couldn't tell, I'd support this version just for its possible entertainment value. :P )

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Hey Talvak, I have a question about your argument against Article 78:

Would you say that a Toa of Air is too powerful because you can't dodge the wind, or is it simply the length of the effects from a prospective Kanohi Great Wit that concerns you?Personally I'm beginning to think that a minute is far too long myself, maybe five to ten seconds would be more appropriate? :notsure:


Also, I received a PM back from Em that will be used for an Article 73a, should his current proposal fail, although I still don't feel comfortable with the idea that a mask can be a data storage device. :shrugs:


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A Toa of Air is not too powerful because a gust of wind is just that, a gust of wind. If a Toa of Air pins you against a wall with a cyclone, all you're getting hit by is air. (And what ever the cyclone picks up, but that's not my point.) If a Kanohi Wit user pins you with a cyclone, you're going to get paralyzed. And unless you have some kind of mental powers, you are helpless. That is why I do not support using the wind to carry the power. Even my Kanohi Rethus, with its absolutely horrifying power, could be fought against.


Given Koji's examples, he plans to have the user, a Toa, use the mask to kill virtually helpless opponents. If that's not against the Toa Code I don't know what is. Not to mention, the fact that there's no point in tranquilizing then killing someone, except to get an easy kill. Tranquilization is normally used for capture purposes.



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