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Voting For C. I. R. C. L. E. Articles 80-87



Confederated Inter-Related Collaborative League of Epics


Once again I'd like to welcome everyone, now straight to more business.



The eightieth article proposed by Toa_Ausar is as follows:

Toa_Ausar hereby proposes that within "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" the word "Beţshu" (BEHZ-shoo) shall henceforth be considered a noun in the Matoran language meaning "Rebellious Fiends".


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY".


The eighty-first article proposed by Cap'n K is as follows:

Cap'n K hereby proposes that within "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" the word "Moriis" (MOHR-riss) shall henceforth be considered a noun in the Matoran language meaning "fog".


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY".


The eighty-second article proposed by Cap'n K is as follows:

Cap'n K hereby proposes that within "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" the word "Piris" (PEE-riss) shall henceforth be considered a noun in the Matoran language meaning "killer" or "criminal", however the use of this word shall not be considered a vulgarity as is the case with its' counterpart - "Piraka".


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY".


The eighty-third article proposed by Cap'n K is as follows:

Cap'n K hereby proposes that within "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" the word "Riddox" (RIHD-docks) shall henceforth be considered a noun in the Matoran language meaning "war".


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY".


The eighty-fourth article proposed by Cap'n K is as follows:

Cap'n K hereby proposes that within "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" the word "Vamis" (VAM-iss) shall henceforth be considered an adjective in the Matoran language meaning "silent".


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY".


The eighty-fifth article proposed by ChocoLvr13 is as follows:

ChocoLvr13 hereby proposes that that within "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" the Toa Wesko be generally viewed as the worst Toa team throughout the History of the Matoran Universe.


The Toa Wesko Team consists of three members who hail from the Peninsula of Bybral in the Dome of Wesko Nui.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY".


The eighty-sixth article proposed by Em-Oh-Cee-Ehr is as follows:

Em-Oh-Cee-Ehr hereby proposes that within "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" all trade between the rest of the Matoran Universe and the Isle of Detark Nui abruptly ceased when the Dome of Detark Nui suddenly collapsed 59,000 YBGC, creating the Byblos Nui Labyrinth.


Due to the effects of the "Great Time Slip", the current residents of the Isle later renamed "Xioc Nui" have no memory of these traumatic events nor do they recall much about the time in which their island was anchored in its' Dome.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY".


The eighty-seventh article proposed by ChocoLvr13 is as follows:

ChocoLvr13 hereby proposes that within "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" the origins of the First Toa of Darkness can be traced back to 99,000 YBGC and the Dome of Harvask.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY".


And with that said, I open this thread up for discussion on the various articles for the proposed enhancement of our group structure and joint storyline.


Please be sure to vote on all eight articles in this thread.


Also, note that this discussion and the corresponding voting will end at 1200 PST (Noon in the Pacific Time Zone) on Wednesday, May 20th, 2009 provided that at least 2/3 of C.I.R.C.L.E. Members have voted at that point.


Lastly, the C.I.R.C.L.E. Members will be notified of the results via the C.I.R.C.L.E. Results Overview & Discussion thread, however, when there are other blog threads where authors can vote on the proposals surrounding the details of C.I.R.C.L.E., that communication will still happen via PM.




UPDATE: Articles 80 & 81 have both passed via "UNANIMOUS DECISION", also

Article 82 has passed with a total of "ELEVEN AYE VOTES TO TWO NAY VOTES", next

Article 83 has passed via "UNANIMOUS DECISION", plus

Article 84 has passed with a total of "ELEVEN AYE VOTES TO TWO NAY VOTES", furthermore

Articles 85 & 86 have both passed via "UNANIMOUS DECISION", meanwhile

Article 87 has passed with a total of "TWELVE AYE VOTES TO ONE NAY VOTE" and the polls are now closed.




Recommended Comments

Article 80: Aye. The word is imparative to the well-being of your Epic as well.


Article 81: Aye. O...kay. Kinda random, but Aye. :unsure:


Article 82: Ah, okay. Aye. It is a lesser form than Piraka.


Article 83: Aye. Sounds coo' :P


Article 84: Aye. Love the culteral ref.


Article 85: Aye. Every hero needs a low bar.


Article 86: Aye. Duh.


Article 87: Aye. No comment.




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80-AYE. Seems good, but can it be used without the accent, or will I need to learn to use those. :P

81-AYE- Name change, por favor? Pretty please? One 'r', or two 'i's?

82-AYE-Seems like a good name.

83-AYE. Not much explanation except, hey, sounds cool.

84-AYE- Name change, yet again? This makes the Brotherhood sound like the Dark Hunters. Names of members being, or sounding like actual words? This is leaning toward NAY.

85- AYE- I think the name even fits them pretty well.

86-AYE- I mean, would other islands trade with a bare dome? :P

87-AYE- Unless this majorly opposes someone's epic.

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84: Nay, the name having a meaning is getting old.


All others, aye. The names all sound good and a great idea to toy around with, as does everything else, but I wouldn't use them myself.

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First let me just say that I have no problem with "C.I.R.C.L.E. Members" using the word "Beţshu" without the cedilla. The primary function of the mark is to indicate that the "t" has a "zh"-sound like the one found in the word "pronunciation". (On a side note that may interest some of you, there are actually four distinct letter "T's" in the Kemetic language. ;))


Anyway, onto my ballot:


I vote "AYE" on Article 80 for obvious reasons.


Meanwhile, I vote "AYE" on Articles 81-84 because I see no reason to oppose them now that the wording issues have been resolved.


Lastly, I vote "AYE" on Articles 85-87 because again I see no reason to oppose them.


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Guest kopakanuva13


80- Aye.

81- Aye, of course, important to "Early Sunsets" -- although I wouldn't care if "Moriis" is an alternate spelling ;D

82- Aye

83- Aye, once again important to "ES" ;P

84- Aye. I would agree to the above statements, but it's not an exact copy: Vampra =/= Vamprah, and many names in various cultures are variations on existing words... although I wouldn't be subjected to a change of the word. If this article is rejected, then care to republish it as "Vamis" or "Vam"... as long as it has the "vam" part ;P

85- Sure, why not? ;P... AYE

86- Aye.

87- Aye. Undecided. Would someone mind recapping what happened around this time period? I have an epic set far before the G.C. (about five years after the universe creation, and another a year after the League of Six Kingdoms is condemned to the Pit) and there are Shadow Toa, so I'm not sure yet.

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87- Undecided. Would someone mind recapping what happened around this time period? I have an epic set far before the G.C. (about five years after the universe creation, and another a year after the League of Six Kingdoms is condemned to the Pit) and there are Shadow Toa, so I'm not sure yet.


First, if I may, I'm speaking of the first Toa of Darkness, not Shadows, if that helps.


100,000 YBGC
  • The coming of the Great Spirit Mata Nui, creation of the Makuta, the formation of the Order of Mata Nui and the Brotherhood of Makuta, the formation of Toa Lesovikk's Team, the creation of the Toa Mata, the creation of the Bahrag and the first Bohrok, and the completion of the Island City of Metru Nui.
  • Matoran settlers colonize the Isle of Terra Nui during the Artahkan Diaspora. Due to the spell of fertility, the Matoran are able to reproduce and multiply. Males and females of each of the six tribes emerge, many with new color schemes.
  • The Collosorahk known as Shredder is born and the Terra Nui calendar begins.
  • Matoran settlers and Rahi begin to colonize the various Isles within the Dome of La Nui.
95,000 YBGC
  • Matoran settlers and Rahi begin to colonize the various Isles within the Dome of Kemet Nui.

This was found on the Annals of Kemet Nui Timeline. Hope you don't mind my using it, Ausar. Does this help sway your decision one way or the other?


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Guest kopakanuva13


Ah, I see. I'll say AYE here, since "Darkness" differs from "Shadow".
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"AYE" to Article 80. No complications here.


"AYE" to Article 81. Wasn't the Meow-Mix cat named Morris? I would approve of the name changed to "Moriis".


"AYE" to Article 82. I'm nitpicking.Look, I understand the desire for new words, but can we please be more careful in their construction? I'd hate to see the possible puns that could come off of this.


"AYE" to Article 83. Again, no complications. Just cause I'm curious, was the name based off of Reidak?


"AYE" to Article 84. I like the sound of "vamis". (Wait, isn't that a paradox?) :blink:


"AYE" to Article 85. But could you elaborate on "worst"?


"AYE" to Article 86. No complications.


"AYE" to Article 87. But may I ask what the difference is between Darkness and Shadow? I always figured they were synonymous.

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Modified Votes on 81 and 84!

Aye to all stated aticles because of the names have been changed on 81 and 84 and the rest sounded good in the first place


Toa Zahaku

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I vote "AYE" to Articles 80-87. :fonz:


To tell you the truth, they all seem very interesting and might be utilized in my stories... :sly:


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Aye to Article 80


Aye to Article 81


Nay to Article 82. The word doesn't fit what it means for me.


Aye to Article 83


Aye to Article 84


Aye to Article 85. I wouldn't except someone to want to take 'worst' in anything. :P


Aye to Article 86


Aye to Article 87


If I need to address my reason for the 'ayes', let me know.

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Article 80: Aye

Article 81: Aye But will people out of the C.I.R.C.L.E universe know what it means?

Article 82: Nay I like Piraka :D

Article 83: Aye, Chronicles of Riddick anyone?

Article 84 Nay. Isn't that what Shelek means?

Article 85: Okay... Aye guess thats alright

Article 86: Aye sounds reasonable

Article 87: Nay. Without trying to spoil events in my I will tell you that the first Toa of Darkness was a female named Nyx the first wearer of the Kanohi Zaethos. She and the rest of the Matoran of Darkness are native to the island of Whiro. However Nyx was called away from the island for a couple of hundred years after the Great Spirit called her away with a Toa team. Her team later has to return to the island to stop a threat and wind up sacrificing their Toa Powers in order to save the island. Each Turaga received a Toa Stone to take back to their home island. I would be willing to have you use her in to adventure around in your island for awhile but she must return to Whiro. There are a few Toa of Darkness in Kemet Nui and a group called the Sisterhood of Darkness that have fled to an unknown location.



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Ouch. Huge blow there. Well, Erebus, I'm not sure how too feel about this. It does have a large effect upon your epic.




*Checks official map of C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe.


Ouch. Times two. The Dome of Whiro is in the Southern Islands, also.


Not just that, but I have a large civilization of Matoran of Darkness on Harvask. I'll tell you what.




Can we freeze this article and bring it up later, after Erebus and I talk this over? I really don't want to redo my entire epic, so he and I will try to come to a conclusion.

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Sounds good Zeerah. I look forward to working with you in this matter.


Also Talvak in our universe Darkness is seperate from Shadow, (Although Ballom still refers to himself as a Toa of Darkness <_< ) Darkness is a natural Matoran Element whereas Shadow is forced. Matoran of Darkness are also inherently good whereas Matoran of Sadow are evil. The final difference between the two elements is this, For Shadows to exist their must be Light, but complete Darkness has the ability to take away both Shadows and Light. Thats just what I say.



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Sounds good Zeerah. I look forward to working with you in this matter.


Also Talvak in our universe Darkness is seperate from Shadow, (Although Ballom still refers to himself as a Toa of Darkness <_< ) Darkness is a natural Matoran Element whereas Shadow is forced. Matoran of Darkness are also inherently good whereas Matoran of Sadow are evil. The final difference between the two elements is this, For Shadows to exist their must be Light, but complete Darkness has the ability to take away both Shadows and Light. Thats just what I say.

Do you mean I refer to myself as a Toa of Darkness, or the character in the epic refers to himself as a Toa of Darkness?



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A little bit of both... as people in the forum refer to Ballom as a Toa of Darkness not Shadow.


You slur the good name of my peoples element, thats not cool my friend.



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I see absolutely no reason why a large population of Uri-Matoran could not have migrated from Whiro to Harvask.


Also, it really doesn't matter to what specifically Erebus Nuva was referring, the fact of the matter remains that the character who appeared in The Strength Unbound is a Toa of Earth & Shadow, not Elemental Darkness.


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I see absolutely no reason why a large population of Uri-Matoran could not have migrated from Whiro to Harvask.


Also, it really doesn't matter to what specifically

Erebus Nuva was referring, the fact of the matter remains that the character who appeared in The Strength Unbound is a Toa of Earth & Shadow, not Elemental Darkness.



AH but Ausar, the Uri-Matoran of Harvask have migrated from another area. Not Whiro.

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AH but Ausar, the Uri-Matoran of Harvask have migrated from another area. Not Whiro.

Never-the-less I have full faith that you and Erebus Nuva can certainly come to some sort of an agreement. ;)


After all, you suspended Article 87 with a current tally of 11-1, which you didn't have to do. :uhuh:


Thus you have an incredibly strong bargaining chip to help come to a settlement in the next couple of days, otherwise you could simply reinstate your proposal prior to the predetermined deadline and it would then more than likely pass. :shrugs:


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With all due respect to you Ausar, it goes against Erebus's epic. Sure I could have kept the article going, but I'm sure Erebus wouldn't speak much to me.

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I'm not suggesting that that's what I would do, nor saying that that's what you should do, rather simply saying that it's an incentive for Erebus Nuva to come to some sort of an agreement with you. ;)


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I'm not suggesting that that's what I would do, nor saying that that's what you should do, rather simply saying that it's an incentive for Erebus Nuva to come to some sort of an agreement with you. ;)



Im getting the impression that I am going to be unreasonable and not be able to work things out. Toa Ausar I assure you we will come to an agreement, so if its okay veto the article.



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