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Zehvor Vs. Kendan

MT Zehvor


Mesonak has challenged us(the Zehvor) to a fight, written by probably Kagha. We haven't got all the details ironed out yet, although I do still have the lists of who is still a member of the Zehvor.


Zehvor: MT(leader), Brenmac, Sonu, Levaicus, Tarakavaseargent, TLhikan, Dakama, Hovoki


Kendan: Mesonak(leader), STM, Chaotic Being, TNM, Tridumst, Sumiki, U_K, Toa Spirit, Darth Sock, and Lewa0111


So it looks like we're down 2 members, and after Dakama takes out Sock with one shot, we're down one.


More details later.


All Zehvor report here.




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Yeah. You signed up on TBTTRAH, although the page it was on was deleted.


Toa Levacius Zehvor reporting commander! All TBTTRAH and Levacius Show made funs are at your disposal.

Funds, I'm assuming?


We'll decide what our first move should be soon. Right now, we're still waiting for all 8 to report. 6 left.



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Meh. Kinda a mix of both.




MT, I'm not gonna be on much for a while. Chat or here. We're moving, and I have to help my mom. So this won't get to be done for a while.

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I'll write it! I will use my dice!


-Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:


FIGHT ONE: Mesonak V.S. MT (Red v. Blue)


Sonu was unimpressed. Apparently, the job of the Vice President was to tie the blue ribbon around MT signifying him as a Toa Zehvor. On the opposite side, STM was enduring the same problems with Mesonak, only with a red ribbon.


It was worth it. It seems that vices kick the leaders out into the arena.


Levacius gave the two a harsh look as he came out. "Yet agin MT has twined me up in a fight." he muttered.


Raising his arms out wide, Levacius yelled out to the competirtors "BEGIN!!!"


MT stared at Mesonak, and the toa of twiglight stared back. Suddenly, Mesonak twirled his blade and pointed it at MT. A great beam of shadow came out, only to be avoided as MT teleported away. The toa of coffee reappeared behind Mesonak, and struck at him with his sword. However, the toa of shadows ignored it, and kicked him away. However, MT grasped the leg, and threw Mesonak across the arena.


Mesonak got up, and charged at MT. Death Whisper hit home, and sent MT skidding. MT spun and fired a barrage of Ice Missiles, only to watch them bounce off of the ice imbued titan. Mesonak roared, and fired a blast of shadow, but MT met the shadow blast with a bolt of coffee, mixing the elements. Turnign the orb around, MT fired it at Mesonak. The orb hit, and though he absorbed the shadow, the coffee sill damagaed Mesonak.


Mesonak stared coldly at the coffee toa, who was grinning at him. Enraged, he blasted a bolt of powerful light. MT, however, seemed to absorb the light, and fired it back at Mesonak, who was sent flying. MT then followed up with his grappling hook, but Mesonak tore it off his arm. The titan got up, and sent out a storm of light and shadow. It hit, and MT was sent flying into the sky. From in the sky, MT fired a giant barrage of plasma beams, with most of them striking home. One of them, however, blew up while coming out and destroyed the Plasma Gun.


Mesonak sent a beam of light out, and it struck MT straight in the mask. His Latto went haywire, and teleported him around and around. When he got it under control, he flew down to Mesonak, only to have the titan grab his leg and slam him down. MT responded to the attack with and ice missile. Mesonak grabbed it, however, and stabbed it into MT's arm.


MT howled in pain, and then felt Mesonak punch him across his face. Enraged, MT blasted the other toa off and across the room. Mesonak followed up with a blast of shadow, and it struck MT straight in the chest. MT teleported away before hitting the wall, but his attempt to strike Mesonak failed when he appeared right in the line of Mesonaks sword, which struck him across the face.


Siezing the opprotunity, Mesonak brought Death Whisper down onto MT. It sruck home, and sent MT flying. Following up in a blast of shadow, Mesonak watched as it was batted back to him. However, he sent it back again, and he just flung it back. Mesonak grinned, and blasted a shadow beam, which MT batted away. MT roared, and blasted Mesonak through the chest with an ice missile.


Mesonak flung a final bolt of shadow at MT. It missed, and went flying back into a reflective wall. MT then shot out a great wave of coffee, which enveloped Mesonak and sent him to the floor. However, the shadow beam came back, and MT was struck hard by it. MT returned fire at Mesonak ,and sent him across the arena.


Mesonak stared hard at MT, and raised up his left hand. A beam of blazing light came out, and nearly hit MT in the face, MT swerved, and blasted back, only to watch Mesonak bat it away with Death Whisper. Mesonak fired back, but the attacks missed once again. MT smacked his plasma beam, and a ray of plasma seared across into Mesonaks chest.


Mesonak got up, and charged in. His sword swung, but MT teleported easily to the opposite side, from which he scewered Mesonak through his ribs. As Death Whisper came back, MT once again teleported away, up into the sky. However, when he fired down a beam of coffee, Mesonak batted it back and sent MT out of the sky.


Mesonak walked forward, blasting shadow bolts. None of them hit MT, however, and the toa of coffee teleported behind Mesonak. His attack, failed, but Mesonaks counterattack failed even worse. Indeed, so did MT's counter counter attack.


The two of them hurled beams of powerufl energy, but the collison just sent the two casters flying back. Mesonak shot a bolt of shadow, but MT caught it in his coffee coated hand. However, when he tried to hurl it, Mesonak used his powers over shadow to make it explode.


MT howled in pain, and hit the ground. All it took was one final shadow blast, and MT was out cold of the ground.




There are 21 rounds. In each round there is two attacks. First, the red team attacks. Then the blue. In order, red is Kendan, blue is Zehvor. Each team has a dice, and the rolls are against each other. If attacker beats defender, they hit. If defender beats attacker, they are not hit.


There are also "Criticals". If you roll a 20 defense, you attack them and they take the point off. If you roll a twenty attack, make a second attack. If both are criticals, I roll the dice until one team gets a twenty.


If you roll a 1 defense, they attack you again. If you roll a one attack, they damage you.


How do you guys think the fight was?



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Well you guys are going to need my info then!


I'm a toa of rahi who is bigger than a normal toa, and I can summon rahi to my aid. My mask gives me the power to boost the intelligence of rahi or a very stupid being for a limited amount of time. I can also turn into my beast mode in which all my senses are enhanced, I am stronger and faster, and I can fly. I also have two swords.


What I look like.


Beast mode.



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But until Zehvoe and Kendan decide, I can't write the fight.


It also takes a long time to do. But thankfully I have a Science textbook to seperate my two dice rolls.


-Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:


Also, here were the rolls:


1. No Hits

2. MT

3. Mesonak

4. MT

5. MT (Rolled 20 on Defense)

6. Mesonak, Mesonak, MT (Meso Rolled One of Defense, MT got his second attack, but rolled a one on it. Wierd huh.)

7. Mesonak

8. Mesonak, Mesonak (Meso rolls 20 on defense)

9. Mesonak, MT

10. Mesonak, Mesonak (MT Rolls 1 on Attack)

11. Mesonak, Mesonak (Meso makes a critical, MT defends it, But MT rolls 1 on Attack)

12. MT

13. MT

14. Mesonak, MT

15. None

16, MT

17. MT

18. Mesonak (rolls 20 defense)

19. None

20. None

21. None


The Final Score: Mesonak 13, MT 10

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Um....I'm kind of hoping we can use something a bit less random than dice...like an actual person write it.


Also, that fight is totally innacurate, because I would've owned Mesonak. :P


But seriously. The fight is going to be done by someone neutral who we both now, like Kagha.



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Zehvor rookie TLhikan reporting in, sir. My Mammoth Tanks are at your disposel.


I'm not late I was... being held in reserve.


-TLhikan Zehvor

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And MT, dice is how every video game works. To do damage or something to a monster, the computer rolls a random number for damage done, or any resistances.


Besides, I don't want to be held accountable. This is my version of the STM v. Sonu fight, though it has only 17 rounds.


It was wierd, because this time the leaders were kicking the vices out. Sonu could be seen shouting dirty words at MT, who was laughing a riot. So was everyone else who could see the "Kick Me." sign on Sonus back.


Levacius was laughing, becasue Vecolity had put a "Kick Me Harder" sign on MT's, and brought it up to him.


"Combatants.... don't start yet.... don't move a finger.... don't even twitch foo's.... BEGIN!!!"


Sonu was caught be suprise as STM shot a dagger out at him. However, his speed was enough to catch the dagger and send it back. He then blasted STM with a great ball of fire. The scorching burst went right across his arm, but didn't do enough damage to disable him. The Kendan deputy then flung another dagger, and it nailed Sonu in the arm. However, the toa of fire grinned, and snapped his fingers.


But nothing happened. Poor Sonu.


STM then charged in with a giant Glaive, and swung it down on Sonu. The toa of fire blocked it, and performed a counterattack, which swiped STM's legs. The toa of ice growled, and blasted out an ice missile, but Sonu just batted it away, and gutted STM.


The toa of ice kicked Sonu across the arena, and then began to stand up. However, Sonu was quicker, and from his ground position he blasted STM back down with a fireball. The toa of fire stood up, and then got blasted in the shoulder with a bolt of ice. Staring at the ice toa, Sonu blasted a bolt of fire that immolated STM's right foot.


STM screamed in pain, and began blasting his own foot with ice. Grinning Sonu blasted him straight in the chest. STM growled, and a bolt of ice sent Sonu flying. However, when he tried to counterattack, the toa of ice sent a wave across the arena that froze the toa of fire in place.


Ice swirled around STM. However, when he sent it all at Sonu, it just bounced off of the other ice. Then, a wave of fire covered the whole arena, scorching STM and melting the ice. STM ran forward, but tripped and went skidding over to Sonu's feet. The blade sunk in deep, and a good twist made STM scream for mercy.


As Sonu grimly pulled the blade out, STM made a go for his legs. However, the pain forced him to drop the blade. Sonu smirked, but STM picked it back up and stabbed him in the hamstring. The toa of fire hit the ground, and grasped onto his leg.


The toa of ice jumped up, but his fancy maneuver didn't do much in the terms of striking his opponent. Sonu growled, and a great ball of fire narrowly missed STM. Another ice bolt, however, covered both Sonu's hand and wound in solid ice crystals, which made the pain even worse. Howling, Sonu blasted STM with his other hand, and the toa of ice went skidding across the arena.


A barrage of fire came from both sides, both storms hitting their targets. STM then tried to send out a blast of ice, but Sonu's blast of fire caused it to blow, sending him back.


STM charged for a final assault. Sonu, however, just grabbed his sword and tore it in half. The toa of fire then lashed out in a great wave of fire, which tore across the field and completely immolated STM. The toa of ice screamed, and watched as his body melted. Then, he fainted, and hit the ground in a lifeless state.


Sonu raised his sword and proclaimed victory. The Zehvor had their first win.


-Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

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Ok, now that I've recovered from Dakama's strikingly strikeful blow, I will begin chroniclerizing stuff.

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This is the Darth Sock v. Dakama fight:


Darth Sock hopped back and forth across the arena. Then, Dakama shot him with an RPG.


The bloody end.


-Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

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Ok, now that I've recovered from Dakama's strikingly strikeful blow, I will begin chroniclerizing stuff.


What are you talking about?

Read the entry.




This is the Darth Sock v. Dakama fight:


Darth Sock hopped back and forth across the arena. Then, Dakama shot him with an RPG.


The bloody end.


-Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

It's not nice to shoot the chronicler.


I don't think my insurance will cover that.

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And MT, dice is how every video game works. To do damage or something to a monster, the computer rolls a random number for damage done, or any resistances.

Right, but it's a little more than just dice, because you have the ability in video games(or, at least, most video games) to dodge, stafe, jump, and you can decide when you fire. With just dice, you have no ability over your movements at all.


I want a rematch against Mesonak, anyway.



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So much for the chronicler.


I don't think my insurance will cover that.

Not many insurances do.


BTW, we(the Zehvor) have a new member. Burnmad has joined our cause in this "friendly Toa team war battle thingy"



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So much for the chronicler.


I don't think my insurance will cover that.

Not many insurances do.

That stupid gecko ripped me off.

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