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Oh Lol, Oh Lol, Oh Lol...



*sniff* No one's com since the last entry that normally comes. But I'm glad TMN's back, anyhow. ^_^


Darth Vader: TMN? Is that the guy that was making fun of me earlier? *Takes out lightsabre* What does the T and the M and the N stand for? Why's he completely green? Why-


Aren't you shutting up? I don't know that answer.


Neither do I- hey! You tricked me! Feel the wrath of the Dark Side!!!!!! I WILL destroy you!!!! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!


When we he ever learn? *Turns on flashlight*


NNNNNNOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! *Grabs a conveniently placed carrot* That's all, folks!


Oh lol, oh lol, oh lol...




Anyways, I have a few production updates about all of my enterprises.


Firstly, I have joined my good friend, Sir Toa Matau Nuva, under the name of Silver Saber Studios. I'll now be writing stories for him under SSS, as well as write them independently myself for DN's Library. CKH will be neutral in this area, because he helped me out a lot, and a previous agreement puts CKH partly under the Silver Saber name. ^_^


CKH Comics have been revolutionized in the making, in ways that will make churning out comics much easier. The first of these is that I've learned how to make speech and narration bubbles, which will save the trouble of trying not to put words and backgrounds of the same contrast together. This feature will take hold at Comic 9 and on forth. The second is that my friend, Dlakii: the Turaga of Takanuva, is currently creating backgrounds for my comics for the Koros of Ga-Koro, Ko-Koro, Onu-Koro, and Po-Koro. Now I shall have all Koros.


CKH is coming out of the dark period of temporary closings and overdue comics that was previous in its life.


I'll also announce two new PGSs and one new GS. Dlakii has renewed his slot as a PGS of the Comics, Joining the permanent cast is my cousin, whom you know as Trey. And lastly, Skye Green's Quest to Guest has expanded into the realm of CKH, as he has a GS spot now.


Sir TMN will be joining the GS ranks soon enough as well, as he had a previous GS request that filled in after Dlakii's old one.


Thus concludes my Crazy Koro Happenings News. Now, come on over to my place and gimme your thoughts! :happydance:


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Ah, thanks for all the credit!


Don't you hate it when others partly lay claim to your work? Next thing I know, my comics will be swallowed by this SSS. :blink:


Don't let him see that!-DN




For how long did you sign up for Premier Membership?



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He's not; it's still my writing, but since I'm on his staff, I let him simply put CKH on his site. ^_^


Anyways, thanks Dlakii! And you deserve the credit! Or, should I say, you will...


I signed up for one year. ^_^



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Glad to hear the comics are coming back. I'm looknig forward to this new revolutionary look. Sounds interesting.


Looks like it's going to be one busy summer for you.


Better keep Vader under control too. :P

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Don't you hate it when others partly lay claim to your work? Next thing I know, my comics will be swallowed by this SSS. :blink:


Don't let him see that!-DN

I heard that! :P Anyways...


Oooooh, I'm looking forward to those new comics, though I really need to catch up on CKH. And thanks for the mentioning of SSS. ^_^



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I'm so glad you've finally mastered the old, valued art of creating speech bubbles. They always pay off, as you mentioned, when it comes to similar text and background colors.


Having already-made backgrounds is going to be really handy. And now, your characters can travel all over the globe island!


I think I'd better subscribe to the comic topic, once I find it, so I can keep up on the newest additions. Now that the comics and artwork are separated, I rarely venture into the Wonderful World of Comics anymore.




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Er, I should have replied here a week or two ago, but nonetheless, I'm replying here now. :P


Yay for the return of CKH Comics! :happydance:

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