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This is why I like early birthday presents. And since there's nothing else I want at this point, I decided to use it to get a PS3 and some games. Cuz other than that, I'm happy with what I currently have.


But that's still a lot of money .-.


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I wish I had enough money to just go out and buy a PS3 on a whim.


EDIT: Grammar

Moar grammar/spelling


Not so much as a whim, cuz I've been thinking about getting one for a long while, have the money too. Getting this nice increase just solidified my thoughts. I only buy one cuz it has a bunch of games that I found enjoyable while playing at a friend's.

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Metal Gear, Metal Gear, Metal Gear, Metal Gear, Metal Gear, Metal Gear.


Also, Valkyria Chronicles.



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Metal Gear, Metal Gear, Metal Gear, Metal Gear, Metal Gear, Metal Gear.


Also, Valkyria Chronicles.



On the list, though I have some others in mind first =P


The good news is that apparently the GameStop might have one of the early models, meaning that it has Backwards Compatibility. If not, I still have my small PS2.

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PS3's are awesome. Someday I'll get one! Someday...


That's a lot of awesome money you have there, spend it wisely. :)

The good part is that since my birthday is in a month or so, I don't really have to spend that much of it in the end XP


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I already have my BrickFair money though D=


I don't. <_<

Hint. Hint.

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