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A Few Things I Don't Like About Myself

Jonestown Bartender


1. I can lift about twice my own weight but because I don't get half the sleep I should I'm really, really short and scrawny looking.

2. My impulsiveness mixed with self-destructive tendency can get me in to some less then pleasant situations.

3. I get bored at night and when I get bored I start to think and when I think I get a really alienated feeling.

4. I'm short.

5. I have a high metabolism so I look like a stick.

6. I think the FBI is out to get me.

7. I think the FBI is on it's way to my house right now.

8. I think I can here them.




please help.


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1. Most teenagers don't get half the sleep they should, me included.

2. As long as I am not the victim of the impulsiveness, fine by me.

3. Welcome to my world, wann get bored together?

4. There's worse then that.

5. Once your teenage days are over and other people start to moan about their weight you'll be happy.

6. I know a safe house.

7.Call me and I tell you where it is.

8. Ooops, sorry, forgot you don't know my number.


*knock knock*

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Since when does getting sleep have to do with how tall you are?


I'm like second-highest in my class and I get 8 hours of sleep on average.

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Since when does getting sleep have to do with how tall you are?


I'm like second-highest in my class and I get 8 hours of sleep on average.

You grow in your sleep but I get about 3 hours of sleep a night and I'm the second shortest person I know.

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