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Bring It On!



I'm going to enter the freakin Certavus art contest if it freakin kills me, it's driving me freakin crazy cuz I never enter contests and I never draw Bionicle art anymore or apply myself and DADGUM IT, BRING IT OOOOOOOON


*pant pant*


Also, my braces prevented me from enjoying the simple pleasure of the first corn on the cob of the summer, and I ran the mile in PE in the heat for the second time in as many weeks. Oi. Also fitness testing right before that. I managed the following stats:


-25 push-ups (healthy range for 16-year-old female being 7-15, 'energetic' range being 15+)

-34 sit-ups in one minute (one away from...not sure whether it's the healthy or energetic range...whatevah)

-9 minutes 17 seconds on the mile (healthy range for 16-year-old female being under 10 minutes...can't remember the upper end of the spectrum)


I had such a headache after that...Dx


I also accomplished over the past two days:

-Found a subject/wrote -almost- a page of the impossible essay I have for computer apps final

-Finished annoying impossible Spanish packet-webquest-thing

-Got a basic script for other Spanish project written

-Finished reading Julius Caesar

-Managed not to humiliate myself at the band banquet last night xD

-Managed to get compliments on appearance at said banquet D:

-Got awards at said banquet


-Managed to keep an A in English, somehow 0:

-Somehow got a...WHAT, 107.22% IN AAT? THAT'S...INSANE 8DD

-Got audition music -somewhat- under control

-Actually didn't asplode from insane amounts of stuff going on D;








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I'm in the healthy range for everything, 'cept my time is one minute off on the mile. I lack endurance... a lot of endurance...


And I need to take those fitness things again since I missed the day they all did them and with how much sleep I've been getting lately... I doubt I'll do good. Cuz... well, you have to be physically healthy to show that you're in the healthy fitness zone... and recently I have not been physically healthy D=


And the written test in PE is worth twice as much as it normally counts for T.T

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And the written test in PE is worth twice as much as it normally counts for T.T


Aaarggh, written tests...we didn't have a written test today, but there's still the Final ah...two weeks from now...? I have no idea what format that will take, I didn't have a PE Final first semester because I was in Health, so it was, well, Health.


Don't feel too bad about mile times tho, all my friends were way behind my time and I'm pretty sure I can't be much healthier than they are...just more motivated.xP



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Also, you do way better in push-ups than me. I can do at most 20 without falling over.


However, I can get 45 sit-ups in a minute...and instead of doing a mile, we do twelve minute runs, so I can get like a mile and a half in twelve. But I feel like barfing afterwards.


But congrats for not having your head asplode.

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