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Mmhmm And Other Relient K Goodies



Well....guess what.


I got another Relient K album.

And yep...'twas at Walmart again..... :P

Only $9.00.....so I mean...why not? It is Relient K after all... lol

Anyway, it's an awesome album, got a lot of some of their best songs on it....the next album I'd like to pick up though would be "Anatomy Of Tongue And Cheek".

Here're some pics for anyone who cares (lol): "Mmhmm"


The CD was made back when the band consisted of just four members which were,


Matt Thiessen (obviously :P)

Matt Hoopes

Brian Pittman

Dave Douglas


Though I like John and Jon with the band better than Brian.....I wish Dave was still drummer....Ethan's alright though.


Anyway, the CD features a hidden track at the beginning. If you rewind on the first track to like negative 20 seconds I believe....it'll play the hidden track titled the same as the album, "Mmhmm".

Which, if you look on the back of the case, is actually listed as track "0". A little hint their for the fans. :P




On other news concerning more recent Relient K stuff.....

Their new album is due out this summer, their first album to be released with Mono vs. Stereo records. Actually it's also their first full album since their 2007 album, "Five Score and Seven Years Ago".

You can also watch the Relient K webisodes covering their progress on their new album on some fansites, some of their pages, and their blogs.


If you haven't ever listened to Relient K or are interested in hearing more of their stuff, you can always ask me....'cause I got all their songs they evereth made. :P

On a more random side...you can look at random Relient K pics here in my Maj: Relient K


Until next time, remember that Relient K is like the best band ever....and disco is in this year! :D


-Jordboy1 :miru:


Recommended Comments

Obsessed a little, aren't you? :P


Relient K is good though. I don't know if I have a favorite album, but If I did it would probably be "Two Lefts Don't Make A Right... But Three Do." Pick that one up if you don't have it already.


Oh yeah, and disco hasn't been in since 1999. Just ask the Newsboys. ;P

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