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Weekly Update - 5/8

Black Six



The weekend already? I guess you're expecting me to do an update then. Ok, well here goes... something?



So there's two things I'd personally like to talk about, and then maybe some other stuff to discuss too.


So, if you're a regular reader of my updates, you'll know that for a while back in maybe February or March I was talking about a few projects we were close to rolling out, and then after a while I shut up and stopped talking about them. The Staff Group Colors was one such of these projects. The new colors were discussed for a long time amongst the staff, and although there were some pockets of dissension that didn't like certain choices, one of the advantages of being an Admin is that I can ignore them and do things how I want to anyway. :P I hope you like the new colors and find it easier to identify staff now.


The next long-overdue thing that happened this past week was BrickFest 2009 Pictures. Expect to see more this weekend. I know they're horribly late and irrelevant now, but I still want to post them!


In other news, the first images of the Brickmaster-exclusive Click showed up. Click? Really? Click Klakk? What's next, Tick and Tokk? Aside from the name, it's good to get a glimpse of it.


I don't think there's anything else important to talk about, so go check out the Mailbag now.





1. How many Xboxes have you been through since your first?

2. If Smeag and Omicron got into an ice cream throwing contest, who would win?

3. If someone gave you the choice of having a Ferrari F430 or a Lamborghini Gallardo for free, which one would you have? (Insurance paid too!)


BONUS QUESTION (Another one!)


4. Due to some super natural event and you were transported back in time to WWII, and a Japanese Banzai attacker chose you as a target, would you:

A. Run away saying: "Yeanyeanyean You can't catch me!"

B. Open a can of "Whop butt"

C. Open a can of "Get Some"

D. Slow time down with your Vahi so you could escape.

E. Run at him screaming "Banzai!" and see what he would do.

1. I had an original Xbox (which I still have). Then I got an Xbox 360, which suffered from the infamous Red Rings of Death after less then a year. I got that replaced by Microsoft and haven't had any problems since.

2. My money would be on Omicron.

3. I'd go with the Ferrari I think.

4. C?


What do you aspire to do for a living/career?

I intend to make a living as a computer engineer, probably doing software development, possibly in the defense industry.


Want to see your questions answered? PM them to me and put 'Mailbag' in the subject line. I'll pick the few I like the best and answer them in the next update.



Well that was fun wasn't it? Leave questions, comments, feedback, etc. See you all next week!


Recommended Comments

Yeah, the colors are nice, but I don't really like the lime green or the Mentor blue.. it's too.. light. I love everything else, though.


And, I agree with you about 'click'.



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... No plans for a BZPStaff band? :(



Maybe at BrickFair?

lol, do you absolutely have to be a staff member to join? if not, then if you need a Bassist or Keyboardist, I could provide :P

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According to Smeag, he's playing guitar, Makaru will be on keyboard, and I'll be playing the drums. Which is interesting, because the closest I've ever been to playing the drums in Guitar Hero/Rock Band. Bassists are welcome though.

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According to Smeag, he's playing guitar, Makaru will be on keyboard, and I'll be playing the drums. Which is interesting, because the closest I've ever been to playing the drums in Guitar Hero/Rock Band. Bassists are welcome though.

You have money; you're going to buy drums and that "learn from six masters" drums DVD that I used to try to sell people back when I worked at the music store.

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Who doesn't want to sing? ;) Smeag and I are already planning a special duet.

Darn. :(


Perhaps I can be of assistance on guitar?



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Who doesn't want to sing? ;) Smeag and I are already planning a special duet.

Darn. :(


Perhaps I can be of assistance on guitar?



You take rhythm, I take lead.

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Who doesn't want to sing? ;) Smeag and I are already planning a special duet.

Darn. :(


Perhaps I can be of assistance on guitar?



You take rhythm, I take lead.





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:o But I want to play drums (though I'm not staff :P), and I have many years of experience......


I look forward to seeing this band of yours though come Brickfair. ^_^



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:o But I want to play drums (though I'm not staff :P), and I have many years of experience......


I look forward to seeing this band of yours though come Brickfair. ^_^



Please come to BrickFair and be our Ringo?

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:o But I want to play drums (though I'm not staff :P), and I have many years of experience......


I look forward to seeing this band of yours though come Brickfair. ^_^



Please come to BrickFair and be our Ringo?

I am totally coming to BrickFair, and I'd be honored to be your Ringo. :P



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