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Hard Rain



I dunno where this movie came from (or when) but it was on TV late at night so I watched it. I was intrigued because the first seen I saw was a boat chase in a flooded town, and I thought "Wow, that must've been one heck of a set to film on." I thought, you know, for one scene, it's cool, but turns out the entire movie is set in a flooding town. Yeah, there was a subplot about stolen money and a bunch of people shooting each other over getting it, but there was always rising water to contend with, a few unexpected waves when the dam broke, and of course people stuck in rooms filling with water. It's slightly unrealistic, though, because I'm sure those people would've caught hypothermia quite early on, but they're running around in this rainstorm and flood waters in casual clothing and everything. I was getting cold just watching it.


And, of course, you know it's a good movie when, in the end, everybody is dead, except for the protagonist, his leading lady, and Morgan Freeman. (And I think the elderly couple also survived too, but they weren't ever involved with the gunfights, so they had it easy) Maybe not the best movie out there, but it certainly was different.


I know you all don't care, but I have nothing better to blog about.




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He got killed in Wanted


LOL, I just realized I used the wrong word to describe something and it got filtered. :annoyed2:



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