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Because I Wasn't Asked, And I Don't Actually Give A Removed. Do Not Bypass The Filter. - Kohaku





This is not a link to that contraption of Velox's. It could be, but despite my oft linking to things which cause laughter and other indicators of persons finding the content of said linkages amusing, I'm not going to because I personally dislike the concept and the lack of proper execution involved in it.


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Don't make me pull out the bucket analogy, just stick to what you can do.


E: Oh that reminds me, be glad I'm not particularly prone to moderating comments at the slightest sign of controversy.


You can moderate comments, sure. You should take a look at yours, too. Bypassing the word filter isn't allowed here, y'know. ;]

Link to comment, or at least to entry?


*doesn't do much moderating of any sort in here, really*


It's kind of hard to do that when you delete my post, because, yes, I did quote something. ;]


Oh wait, that edit didn't really answer it.


Mostly due to the fact that any clubs can't be exclusive, which fouls up the point of such, i.e. the betterment of MOCers via criticism. Can't do that if anyone can join, and afaik you can't kick people for horrible reviewing either, so you're just going to end up either making things worse, or they stay the same which is still not a good result.


Well, Makaru did tell me that I cold have similar rules/guidelines as the Comedies Critics Club, which is an official club, and I can not let people join if I wish. So, I'm assuming I'm allowed to here, as well. But if I'm not, I can always ask the person kindly not to join, or not until they improve.


And now I see you're mad at me just because you failed at something? Or am I misunderstanding you?



Gah, I pretty much just read the rule bit before trying to edit in my reply. =[


*takes issue with your memberlist, but let's not get into that here, you're not going to do anything 'bout it*


Might work.


And no, I'm not mad at you. Only thing I've been mad at so far in this thing is the filter, because the reference I tried to make relies on certain words.

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Don't make me pull out the bucket analogy, just stick to what you can do.


E: Oh that reminds me, be glad I'm not particularly prone to moderating comments at the slightest sign of controversy.


You can moderate comments, sure. You should take a look at yours, too. Bypassing the word filter isn't allowed here, y'know. ;]

Link to comment, or at least to entry?


*doesn't do much moderating of any sort in here, really*


It's kind of hard to do that when you delete my post, because, yes, I did quote something. ;]


Oh wait, that edit didn't really answer it.


Mostly due to the fact that any clubs can't be exclusive, which fouls up the point of such, i.e. the betterment of MOCers via criticism. Can't do that if anyone can join, and afaik you can't kick people for horrible reviewing either, so you're just going to end up either making things worse, or they stay the same which is still not a good result.


Well, Makaru did tell me that I cold have similar rules/guidelines as the Comedies Critics Club, which is an official club, and I can not let people join if I wish. So, I'm assuming I'm allowed to here, as well. But if I'm not, I can always ask the person kindly not to join, or not until they improve.


And now I see you're mad at me just because you failed at something? Or am I misunderstanding you?



Gah, I pretty much just read the rule bit before trying to edit in my reply. =[


*takes issue with your memberlist, but let's not get into that here, you're not going to do anything 'bout it*


Might work.


And no, I'm not mad at you. Only thing I've been mad at so far in this thing is the filter, because the reference I tried to make relies on certain words.

Yes, it might work.


Hey, I'm just trying to help you out. You don't need to take my advise, though. :]



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Wait Velox is giving advice to Cags


I thought it was the other way around


IMO it's a nice idea that won't work practically for various reasons, most of which have been stated by Cags and I'm not going to say the rest because they'll probably offend someone

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and I'm not going to say the rest because they'll probably offend someone


I'll bite





evrywon elss is dumb yah dats et vrybodee elss es dumb

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It's kind of hard to do that when you delete my post, because, yes, I did quote something. ;] Though I find it hard to believe you 'accidentally' hit the delete button, because it asks you 'are you sure you want to delete this comment'. But, I'd say that making up swear words count, especially if you mean an actual curse word. Or like 'Don't bypass the filter. -B6'. We all know what you're trying to say.

Cags may be anything, but I know he wouldn't shy away from a fight like that. In fact, he probably doesn't even want me defending him (If that's the case, go ahead and delete/edit my comment (If you edit it, at least make it silly (:P (YAY PARENTHESIS)))).


The fact is, he isn't using real swear words or bypassing the filter. Carp is a valid word you know. I use fish, myself.


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It's kind of hard to do that when you delete my post, because, yes, I did quote something. ;] Though I find it hard to believe you 'accidentally' hit the delete button, because it asks you 'are you sure you want to delete this comment'. But, I'd say that making up swear words count, especially if you mean an actual curse word. Or like 'Don't bypass the filter. -B6'. We all know what you're trying to say.

Cags may be anything, but I know he wouldn't shy away from a fight like that. In fact, he probably doesn't even want me defending him (If that's the case, go ahead and delete/edit my comment (If you edit it, at least make it silly (:P (YAY PARENTHESIS)))).


The fact is, he isn't using real swear words or bypassing the filter. Carp is a valid word you know. I use fish, myself.


It takes two.. oh wait gah Don't bypass the filter. -B6. Stupid computer, why is that option on? Figures. Takes two clicks to edit as well, but if the computer for whatever reason is set to reposition the cursor to the default reply to a dialog box, and I click too fast... Gah.


Hah, made up words are just that, made up. They can be tailored to have enough weight to make effective multipurpose expletives, but they don't actually mean anything. Also Laka makes a good point about fish.


And no, I only don't like morons defending me.

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I'd join this debate, but I dunno if the fight is about the word filter or Velox's club right now. >_<



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I'd join this debate, but I dunno if the fight is about the word filter or Velox's club right now. >_<

I don't think there's actually a fight right now, I'm just laughing at people.

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I'd join this debate, but I dunno if the fight is about the word filter or Velox's club right now. >_<

This is about word filters and Velox's club? I though it was about-


and some-


but no actual-



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Cags, the truth is (the honest truth) is that your personality is very different than many people here on this site. Granted, it is similar to some, but there are many people who simply have a different code of ethics and social interaction than you do. Thus, you can't go flying off the wheel (I know you're not, but you're getting close, and you probably would like to wouldn't you?) about a club which doesn't define "honesty" and "truth" like you do, simply because you have different MoCing standards. While I respect your opinion, I just have to say that you can't force it on anyone else. I'm sure that you'd say that you aren't trying to force it on anyone, but pretty much all of your comments I've seen from you on the subject suggest otherwise.


Get over it. Sorry to be blunt, but that's the way you roll isn't it?


To get to the point: arguing and making a demeaning blog entry over another member's hard work and idea (an idea which, in my honest opinion, is a wonderful and encouraging idea) is just rude and rather stupid. Sure, the club's not perfect, but it's not a worthless no-good idea. The purpose is to try to help other MoCers improve in their skills and be encouraging at the same time.


I fully back up Velox's club and I hope that it goes far. I will certainly try to help it do so at any rate. Please note that I am not saying this just because I'm a part of the club (or even Curator, for that matter), but because I really do like the idea.


That is all I have to say on the subject. Take it or leave it as you will, I can't force my ideas on you. ;)



( ( ( curatorbbc.png ) ) )

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tee hee


On the club, I don't care one way or the other, but I'm now contemplating starting a "[mean people] of BBC" club for lols. (Because I'm assuming that spanish showers break the rules)


We'd tell the truth to the tune of delicious tears


Except you'd get banned because they can't handle the truth.

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Thus, you can't go flying off the wheel (I know you're not, but you're getting close, and you probably would like to wouldn't you?) about a club which doesn't define "honesty" and "truth" like you do,


simply because you have different MoCing standards.


While I respect your opinion, I just have to say that you can't force it on anyone else. I'm sure that you'd say that you aren't trying to force it on anyone, but pretty much all of your comments I've seen from you on the subject suggest otherwise.


Get over it. Sorry to be blunt, but that's the way you roll isn't it?


To get to the point: arguing and making a demeaning blog entry over another member's hard work and idea (an idea which, in my honest opinion, is a wonderful and encouraging idea) is just rude and rather stupid.


Sure, the club's not perfect, but it's not a worthless no-good idea. The purpose is to try to help other MoCers improve in their skills and be encouraging at the same time.


I fully back up Velox's club and I hope that it goes far. I will certainly try to help it do so at any rate. Please note that I am not saying this just because I'm a part of the club (or even Curator, for that matter), but because I really do like the idea.

>Quote spaced to match with lines of reply for easy correlation between such.<


Since when can I not? Fairly sure there's no rule stating that flying off the wheel isn't permitted. It is, however, not a particularly smart idea, which is why I won't.


Different MOCing standards isn't really the point, the point is that it's going to make things worse], which as far as I can see is in opposition to the point of the club.


Oh, I know I can't make people smarter(whether or not you think that's what I'm doing). But I can sure as grass try.


Good, I'm getting through to people.


It you worked hard to make somebody's product horrible, is it rude and stupid for people to criticize you?


The idea maybe, the execution, not so much. Also as I've noted earlier it's purpose is beyond it's abilities to fulfill.


I would hope the same, but as it stands that would require massive changes. And, having run a blog club at one point and realizing how lame such things always are, I'd rather not assist in bettering it. And yes you are, even if not consciously.

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Cags, I have to say this.


I'm really sick from all your rudeness. Saying something is lame, isn't very nice.


And I won't be posting here any more for that reason. I'm sickened by this blog entry, and I am choosing to just ignore it and move on.


If you don't like the idea, fine, but you don't need to be rude about it.


Also, thanks for your post, GBG.



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Except you'd get banned because they can't handle the truth.

Which is why I usually don't post in BBC. It's hard to get ideas across when you have to do them in a watered-down fashion.


Also quote function, I spent like 30 seconds deciding how to format that ^^


I know, I know. <3 other forums for not being so picky. You shoulda seen some of my old 3D stuff before I posted it to a few places. Or rather you shouldn't because it sucked.


Isn't there a member named you?

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Cags, I have to say this.


I'm really sick from all your rudeness. Saying something is lame, isn't very nice.


And I won't be posting here any more for that reason. I'm sickened by this blog entry, and I am choosing to just ignore it and move on.


Also, thanks for your post, GBG.

Aw less comments. =[

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GBG, the truth is (the honest truth) is that your personality is very similar to many people here on this site. Granted, it is different to some, but those people simply have a different code of ethics and social interaction than you do. Thus, you can't go flying off the wheel (I know you're not, but you're getting close, and you probably would like to wouldn't you?) about a member who doesn't define "honesty" and "truth" like you do, simply because you have different MOCing standards. While I respect your opinion, I just have to say that you can't force it on anyone else. I'm sure that you'd say that you aren't trying to force it on anyone, but pretty much all of your comments I've seen from you on the subject suggest otherwise.


Get over it. Sorry to be blunt, I know that's not the way you roll, isn't it?


To get to the point: arguing and making a demeaning blog comment over another member's idea (an idea which, in my honest opinion, is a perfectly fine and truthful idea) is just rude and rather stupid. Sure, the idea's not perfect, but it's not a worthless no-good idea. The purpose is to try to help other MOCers improve in their skills and show them the truth at the same time.


I do not fully back up Cags's idea, but I hope that it goes far. I will certainly try to help it do so at any rate. Please note that I am not saying this just because I'm a friend of him (or even Curator, for that matter), but because I really do like the idea.


That is all I have to say on the subject. Take it or leave it as you will, I can't force my ideas on you. ;)

I tried to change as little as possible. Some of it won't sound right, but seriously, you didn't have to post such a long comment because someone doesn't like your idea.

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the point is that it's going to make things worse


Oh, I know I can't make people smarter(whether or not you think that's what I'm doing). But I can sure as grass try.


And yes you are, even if not consciously.[/font][/color]

Spaced to fit my comments:


Prove it. I sure don't think so.


So you're smarter than everyone else? You are pretty presumptuous if you ask me... not that you did though...


Again, prove it. I'm the only one with access to my motivations and thoughts, so you can't make a judgment call there.



And I won't be posting here any more for that reason. I'm sickened by this blog entry, and I am choosing to just ignore it and move on.


Seconded. You're blog has pretty much lost all interest to me, which is why I'll just ignore it as well... (not that you care)

Meh, that sounded very condescending. I apologize Cags. -_-


Edit @ Neaku: Nice, though there were some parts that didn't make sense at all. You are very true about one part though: Cags and I differ, and so we will just have to compromise in this area. :) However, the length was due to my interest in the subject, and the fact that a friend of mine was getting attacked. ;)

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the point is that it's going to make things worse


Oh, I know I can't make people smarter(whether or not you think that's what I'm doing). But I can sure as grass try.


And yes you are, even if not consciously.[/font][/color]

Spaced to fit my comments:


Prove it. I sure don't think so.


So you're smarter than everyone else? You are pretty presumptuous if you ask me... not that you did though...


Again, prove it. I'm the only one with access to my motivations and thoughts, so you can't make a judgment call there.



And I won't be posting here any more for that reason. I'm sickened by this blog entry, and I am choosing to just ignore it and move on.


Seconded. You're blog has pretty much lost all interest to me, which is why I'll just ignore it as well... (not that you care)



Having seen both the list of members and a number of their reviews, well, let's say more combat forks are needed.


Oh, probably not. I'm permamently infused with doublethink, though, so take that as you will.


A practical knowledge of how silly we humans are would do you good. Psychology is not practical, don't bother with it.


Aw even less comments sadpanda.jpg

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Alright, it's about time I figure out this whole "combat fork" thing! :P I honestly need an explanation! :)


Oh and Cags, I apologized in my last comment for my condescending remark, just to notify you. ;)


Edit: oh yes I know how silly we are! Don't think I'm a dumbell. ;) - I'm not thinking it, I'm just saying that people may not always say what they say for the reasons they think they're saying it.


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Having seen both the list of members and a number of their reviews, well, let's say more combat forks are needed.


You do realize it's only been two days since it started, right? So, obviously they haven't done many reviews. ;]


Though, I'm completely confident that this will be a success, and I'll do all in my power to make it so. :)


I doubt they'll change reviewing style much from what it was before the club, so that's what I'm going on. If it does happen, I'll be pleasantly surprised.

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Alright, it's about time I figure out this whole "combat fork" thing! :P I honestly need an explanation! :)


Oh and Cags, I apologized in my last comment for my condescending remark, just to notify you. ;)



It's from an image that I can't post here, the relevant data is COMBAT FORK: WHO CAN WITHSTAND THE POKENING, there's really not much else to it. But you totally can't use it unless you were in on the IM convo because it won't be as funny without knowledge of the unpostable peripheral data.


There's really no need to, y'know. I stopped being offended at remarks directed to me ages ago once I noticed that it never helps.

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