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Lucid Dreaming



[Originally posted as "Lucid Dreaming Breakthrough!" on May 12 2009, 12:43 PM]




Well, not now. But I was when this happened.


Last night -- well, OK, this morning -- I was dreaming that I was with my family (impossible in real life, since they're approximately 4,316 miles away), but then I realized that I was supposed to help my cousin move today (true in real life). I looked at the clock and I was like dd.png 'cause it was well into the afternoon already. Then I looked again. (It was a digital clock.) Suddenly the numbers had changed: it was something like 11:30 AM. I was like :blink:. And as I kept staring at the clock, the numbers started to melt and shift and dance randomly, and I couldn't get a lock on what it said at all. And THEN I remembered :o :!!!: from the movie Waking Life, where that one guy talks about lucid dreaming. This is exactly what happened with the main character. He would wake up in the morning and not be able to read his digital clock, because the numbers were all screwy. And the guy tells him that that's because he's dreaming. Any time you look at something, look away, and look again, and it's different, you should know you're dreaming.


Well, then I got so excited to be finally, finally having a lucid dream, that I woke myself up from all the excitement. :annoyed2: But it was time to wake up, anyway, so *shrug*.


Have any of you ever had success with lucid dreaming? I'd love to hear about it. ^_^




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Yes, I have a couple of times. I don't remember the exact details, but I was doing something so odd that I realised it was a dream. Then, after that, I managed to do what I wanted to do for a very short time, before I work up.


It's a skill you can learn, apparently, by manipulating your sleep patterns to that you start dreaming when you're still partly conscious, or something like that.

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You have to be EXTREMELY careful about how excited you get. You wouldn't believe how often that happens to people. The more excited you get, the higher your chances are of waking up. Try and remain as calm as possible when we realize you're having a lucid dream.


I've had a couple successes, but I keep waking up every time I start controlling my dream. :P

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I have had my lucid dreams before. I usually end up getting over excitied and wake up, just when things are getting awesome.


One time, I knew I was dreaming and was on top of a tall building, I leapt off of the roof and landed perfectly on my feet. It was wow.

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Oh yeah, I've got a few times where I've done lucid dreaming. It's pretty cool times.

Whenever it feels like it's going to change as soon as you've got control, it works for me to immediately start spinning around. After that, you'll be able to keep control, if that makes sense.

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It's neat that you guys have been able to do this. ^_^

Oh yeah, I've got a few times where I've done lucid dreaming. It's pretty cool times.

Whenever it feels like it's going to change as soon as you've got control, it works for me to immediately start spinning around. After that, you'll be able to keep control, if that makes sense.

No, that doesn't make sense, but I'll try it if the situation comes up and I remember "Oh wait, Krahka's trick: spin around!" :P





Last night, I dreamed I was walking to someone's house. It was dark and wintery and the walk was taking forever. All of a sudden, ever so casually and matter-of-factly, I said to to myself, "Hello, this is a dream. I don't have to keep walking. I can just will myself to be at my destination." So I did, and it worked. But then I immediately forgot to stay in control, and the dream continued with me believing in it all again.





What would be cool is a sort of meta-lucid dream state, where you participate as if it's real, but the whole time you're also kinda detached and almost laughing inside at it all, knowing it's ultimately an illusion and you can change it any time you want. That would be my ideal. For waking life, too, ha ha ha. :rolleyes:



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I lucid dream a lot.


I like using Makuta powers when I do, but the concentration required normally wakes me up. :annoyed2:


-=< :s: >=-

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