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How's It Going?



So, as RPGC 14 fast approaches, one has to think about the many possible amazing entries that will be going up around that time. June will be a rather sporadic month for me, so I won't be around to analyze the contest day by day. Inside, I'm still debating whether or not I should re-enter Abyss.


Here's the situation:


- I'm leaving homeschool, and going to an actual highschool next school year. This will dampen my time on BZP.

- The school year starts in July because Arizonans are werd like that.

- Abyss may not win.


My question to you guys is thus:


How do you think Abyss is doing right now? Do you think I should re-enter? Do you think I have a chance of reclaiming my title?


I'll still make an independant decision on this. I'd just like to know what you think.


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Go for it.

I was going to join Abyss last night... but don't know...


But... beware highshool:

People will shove you in lockers Dang it...

Also lots of homework.


Also many projects.



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Just don't mess up your Freshman year =P


And take some form of Math in your Senior year cuz the people who didn't found out it was a bad idea.

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If you must do this, then get your RPing over with by Junior year. So yeah, go ahead and enter. Because by Junior year, you'll betaking tests far too often for you to have fun.


Unless you take normal classes.


But I do find it weird that the people cautioning you against the swirlies and locker-shoving are those who aren't even of age to go to high school.

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Given that you also have Imagine to work on, and you seem to be pretty easily distracted by other things (well, face it, you are) I would say let it lie for the next season

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