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Wow, I just got an e-mail for one of my summer classes talking about what to do before the semester starts, and the two things were "Get Textbook" and "Get a Twitter account." :blink: So I broke down and signed up.


But what the hey... there's already an "Xccj" user on there. Dude, you totally ripped off my name.


I might link BZP to it... but I dunno how much harsh language I'll be using. If you want to find it, just send me a PM or something. I dunno.


New technologies... sheesh.




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I'm really wondering how they're managing to push Twitter so hard. All the news broadcasters have mentioned it, the President of the United States uses (used) it, now they're requiring it for classes?




*gets kicked into pit*

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Over 60 percent of all new users stop using it after the first month, so it's just like swine flu, completely hyped.

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CNN BREAKING NEWS: The T1W1T1R1 Virus (A.K.A Swine Twitter Flu) Has been declared a pandemic!


*Begins foaming at the mouth*

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Twitter has yet to prove its viability beyond fad status. :/ Lord knows I lost interest pretty quick.



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To be honest, I lost interest in the phenomenon the moment I worked out what it was actually for. The only good thing about "Tweeting" in my eyes is the parodies of it. Madness.

Mostly redundant from what I can tell, you can do that on other social networking things and so much more, so I do not understand it at all. I mean, is that not what we are striving for, to fit all our lives into tiny bubbles? The iPhone and other such devices are certainly doing that, surely the same would be for social networking?

Pointless rant over, thank you very much.



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Do you think them using the same name as you is a coincidence?

I think it was a BZPer... and I will find them. *I have no real evidence to base my suspicion off of, but hey, whatev*


I personally prefer FB's status update... same basic kind of thing, update it once or twice a week, read other people's updates, informative but not excessive.



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I might as well add that I have no ########, no Facebook, no Twitter, and on the few things I have signed up for, I use a different name each time. I am an Internet ghost, good luck tracking me down

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If we can't track you, and you go by different names... then how do we know you're not on other sites...?



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