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Nominations For Possible Future C. I. R. C. L. E. Matoran



Official Nomination Topic for the
Second Possible Expansion of the
Confederated Inter-Related Collaborative League of Epics

Welcome to one and all.

This thread has been created so that each and every BZPower Member who wishes to do so, can take a moment to nominate fellow members for consideration of future inclusion in "The C.I.R.C.L.E.".

Initially all new memberships will be as "MATORAN", though later advancement within the group is certainly possible for committed members, particularly if and when the group decides upon yet another future expansion.

Now, although this is an open process, as was the case with the previous round of nominations, there are still a few rules to nomination that must be followed:
  • First, the member being nominated must be an author of a current or recent Epic on BZPower
and the nomination must include a link to their work.

Second, anyone can nominate up to five authors, but no one can nominate themselves.

Third, to be ultimately considered for inclusion an author must be nominated by multiple other BZPers.

Fourth, the number of nominations that a certain author receives will have no direct correlation to any confirmation proceedings.

Fifth, at this time there is no firm timeline for when the actual confirmation process will take place.

Sixth, this nomination process will end abruptly sometime after Monday, June 1st, 2009.And with that being said, at this time I once again open up discussion for the purposes described above. :happydance:




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Sorry Ausar, indeed it does intrest me that we are having another possible expansion but unfortunately, i havent seen any good epics recently, havent paid much attention to the epic forum.


Toa Zahaku

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I, Ballom the Benevolent, nominate l..l( -_-), a.k.a Fikou-Man, a stalwart Terra Nui fan and good friend of mine, for consideration for future C.I.R.C.L.E. expansion. Examples of their work include:


Fikou-Man: The Bionicle-Spider-Man Fusion



Per the above quoted comment, the BZPower Member l..l( -_-) has already received one nomination from a past nomination process.


I, Auserv: Toa-Kal of Emotion, nominate Soroc: Jedi of Stone for consideration. Examples of his work include City of the Toa, Shadow Falls, and a few other short stories and epics, which can be found listed in his library.

Per the above quoted comment, the BZPower Member Soroc: Jedi of Stone has already received one nomination from a past nomination process.


I, Em-Oh-Cee-Ehr (Call me 'Em'), nominates Fresh Makuta of Bel-Air for his recently arisen Epic, Vahki Nation.



Per the above quoted comment, the BZPower Member Fresh Makuta of Bel-Air has already received one nomination from a past nomination process.


Does the member's epic have to be finished for them to be nominated?



As stated within the first rule, the stories of the member being nominated must either be current and ongoing (i.e. they do not have to be finished) or their work can also have been finished fairly recently, however it should be noted that this second type of author should still have plans to write more in the near future.


And with that being said, onto the business at hand, in no particular order:

  • I, Toa_Ausar hereby nominate fellow BZPer
Tohunga Tahnok for consideration, with an example of his work being Denalk: Legends of Navas Nui.


I, Toa_Ausar hereby nominate fellow BZPer --V-- for consideration, with examples of his work being The Legends of Malu Nui & The Legends of Malu Nui 2.


I, Toa_Ausar hereby nominate fellow BZPer Exo-Fat for consideration, with examples of his work being The Settling Shadow & The Rising Break.

Anyway, good luck to all nominees and remember that an author requires at least two nominations in order to ultimately be considered.


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While I appreciate the honor of being nominated, I must respectfully decline nomination to the C.I.R.C.L.E. I have been far too busy with real life to even restore my work from The Great Crash.


Respectfully yours, Soroc: Jedi of Stone

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I, Tohunga Tahnok hereby nominate fellow BZPer Takuta-Nui, with an example of his work being Agent Within This World.

Thank you, but I politely decline. It isn't because of time constraints or anything like that - my This World Series and the other works currently and to be included in The Absolutity stand together - I do not wish my material to become part of a greater collection.


I am honoured, though. It says a lot. ^_^

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I'm afraid I don't read many epics other than those of other C.I.R.C.L.E. members, so I do not know any members to nominate. This is my final answer here, so please remove this entry from my name in the "Votes That Remain Unaccounted For" section.



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I am not quite familiar with the works of too many other BZP authors, but I do recall looking at Exo-Fat's work and being impressed by it, and since Toa_Ausar has already nominated him, I will second that nomination. So I, Auserv: Toa-Kal of Emotion, hereby nominate Exo-Fat for consideration. Examples of his work are linked to in Toa_Ausar's comment above.

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I'm afraid I don't read many epics other than those of other C.I.R.C.L.E. members, so I do not know any members to nominate. This is my final answer here, so please remove this entry from my name in the "Votes That Remain Unaccounted For" section.




I, too, am afraid that I agree with Ballom, since I cannot find the time to read any other epics outside of those that are written by C.I.R.C.L.E. Members.

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While I'm honored to be nominated (thanks Inferna), I have to respectfully decline.

Work and other obligations limit my time online, and as I look through the C.I.R.C.L.E.'s articles, I see a number of inconsistencies between my works and the C.I.R.C.L.E.

So, thanks again, but I'd rather keep my works seperate.

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The deadline has passed and congratulations are in order for the following six BZPower Members, who've received at least two nominations, and will therefore likely be brought to a vote for consideration of inclusion in "The C.I.R.C.L.E." in the near future, listed in alphabetical order:

Unfortunately the following three BZPower Members, who received one nomination each, will not be eligible for inclusion at this time, however they will be allowed to carry that first nomination over to the next round of possible future expansion:Well that's all for now. If you're one of the seven possible future "MATORAN", or already a member of "The C.I.R.C.L.E.", be on the lookout for a PM that will explain the next few steps in this process.


Thanks again to all who posted in this thread and good luck to the nominees.


Until next time.


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