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Friendly And Nosy



Whether the line between them is fine or not, there is no doubt that these two girls were way over it.


So the other day, after yet another five-hour night, I also happened to be somewhat sick with a cough. So while usually I'd be awake by the afternoon, this time I got on the bus, plopped my backpack on the seat, tossed my jacket on my backpack, flopped down on top of both of them, and started to doze.


Now. WHY did these two feel the need to question me about my sleep habits WHEN I OBVIOUSLY WANT TO SLEEP? It's like, paradoxical. They KNOW I'm drowsy as heck... which is why they're bombarding me with questions about how much sleep I get... which is preventing me from actually GETTING any.


And it's clear they don't even care what I say either. "What were you doing up so late? Studying or watching late night TV?" "N'ther..." "What?" "Neither." "So what were you doing?" "Could you stop ask..." *sees book that I'm holding* "Oh I know! You were reading!" "Eh? No, I..." "Don't lie, we know that's what you were doing."


... the heck. If you're going to insist on your own conclusions about my life, don't question me about it in the first place! Just SHUT UP and let me catch some winks! Seriously.




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It is in the nature of human beings to question everything. It is curiosity that drives us, that makes us want to find out.

And it is ignorance that we do not see when one other unfortunate co-human just wants to sleep.


Sorry, just watched the Matrix. Been popping my neck and talking like Smith since then.

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It's what popular kids do. They bombard people they don't know with questions so they can laugh about it later. I honestly don't understand it. It's all a joke; they're not really serious.



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And it is ignorance that we do not see when one other unfortunate co-human just wants to sleep.

Well no, that wouldn't be ignorance, considering that they were ASKING me why I wanted to sleep.


It's what popular kids do. They bombard people they don't know with questions so they can laugh about it later. I honestly don't understand it. It's all a joke; they're not really serious.



IT'S FREAKING. ANNOYING. I don't get what humor they possibly derive from it. It's completely inane. Simple things and simple minds, I suppose...


Besides I'm a senior and they must have been sophomores or something. Does that mean nothing these days?


I don't like to be rude, and I don't like to be rude to girls, but I swear if one of them opens her mouth at me again...

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Besides I'm a senior and they must have been sophomores or something. Does that mean nothing these days?


I don't like to be rude, and I don't like to be rude to girls, but I swear if one of them opens her mouth at me again...

It really doesn't. I mean, I've seen Freshman pick on Juniors. It's like... People don't know their place in the world anymore. But I sympathize with you. Some people don't understand that the people they make fun of are just like them, and they have feelings, too.



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Throw your book at them? That'd be mean, but they might leave you alone if you start chucking objects in their direction.

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