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What Will They Think Of Next?



This came through the library to be labeled and put on the shelves...


"The Magna Guide to Statistics"


"This Cartoon guide will have you on your way to statistical literacy in no time!"


There are like seriously Japanese comics in this book. Apparently there's the typical magna storyline in there, where all the problems are solved with... eh, statistics? There are some charts and stuff to go along with the panels, and at the end of the chapters there are summaries of the math, apparently. But this is a freakin' magna to be used to study statistics.




This is certainly one of the more interesting books I've come across... I've seen alot of others come through, but I never remember about them when I'm blogging...




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Note 1: The 2009 Bionicle story takes place on Bara Magna

Note 2: The Japanese comic books (commonly referred to as "graphic novels") are manga.

Note 3: Those books sound bogus. However, I am taking statistics next year...

(Nah. Let me guess. These are left to right? And I bet they're American, not Japanese, and the drawings are all funky and stereotypical of real manga. ((Aside from the girls. I bet there won't be any stereotypical manga girls in there. Why should I read this?) And the mechs are probably awful, because I'm assuming they put those in there too...))


You know, you could always just admit you're curious about anime, pick up a copy of Fullmetal Alchemist and be done with it. I promise you won't be disappointed. You know where to find me for more information...



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It wasn't a robot/mech manga (and who cares if I mixed up two letters... unless you're one of those people who's extremely insulted when I group anime and cartoons together...) It was the whole social think drawn manga style... you know, how relationships and school and stuff go. This was probably aimed more at teenage girls than guys. (Though, yes, stereotypical cute girl on the cover... that's actually what got my attention, next to the big "Statistics" title.) And yes... left to right.


I have picked up a few Tokyo Pop manga before... more of the comedic, slightly risque ones. If I want robot wars, I turn to Bionicle.



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