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All Right Guys, Here It Is



I kept forgetting to post this, but I'm sure you guys remember me losing my mind over a mystery involving the Brotherhood of Makuta. Well, now that Legacy of Evil spoilers are allowed, here's the entire conversation:


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I'm evidently having some trouble with my PM thing, so I'm sending these again.


1) What's your personal opinion on the Toa Jovan "set"?

2) Were the canisters that the six Piraka found the ones the Toa Mata came to Mata Nui in from 2001?

3) When did Makuta kill the Order member that owned the canister Vezon used?

4) In Mask of Light, when Takanuva is carrying Jaller's body, Makuta says something along the lines of "So, it begins, my brother; but soon, it will also end." Would he be referring to the Brotherhood plan/prophecy Zaktan found in Legacy of Evil, or something else?

5) How long has Makuta had the Spear of Fusion?

6) When Zaktan found that utterly disturbing (at least to me) information in the Brotherhood fortress, he thinks that the Brotherhood doesn't know "evil and treachery" until they meet him; I'm assuming he's seriously underestimating the Brotherhood and overestimating himself, correct?

7) Is "Makuta" the actual name of the one we all know and love, or does he have another name? If there's another name, since I seriously doubt you can reveal it at this point, do you know when we'll learn it?

8) Would the "wisps of green energy and dark tendrils" the Piraka didn't notice at Makuta's lair have anything to do with the Antidermis?

9) When you first revealed the fact that Zaktan learned "things", you asked us if we'd be able to piece the puzzle together the same way Zaktan did. I didn't think I needed to do any piecing together when he found that room. What exactly did you mean?

10) When will the instructions for Toa Jovan be up on Bionicle.com?


Thanks in advance!


1) People need to keep in mind that Jovan is not a "set" -- it's a combo model, so it has to be made out of pieces of the models involved in the combination. It's not going to have new pieces, etc.

2) Yes

3) Within the last 1000 years

4) He was referring to whatever the screenwriter meant at the time. I had nothing to do with the movie, and he had nothing to do with my concept of Makuta's plan.

5) Oh, the Brotherhood has probably had that for ages.

6) Quite possibly :) But Zaktan has never been known for his modesty.

7) Nope, "Makuta" is a title.

8) It's certainly possible.

9) Okay, then tell me what the plan is.

10) BIONICLE.com has had them for a while and will hopefully get them up ASAP. Since the magazine is probably just starting to hit homes, they have a bit of time left.

Well, for #9, I figured it was pretty straightforward. Let the Matoran believe they had ultimately won, even if it meant a Brotherhood member died, leaving them ignorant in their "victory" so that they wouldn't see what the Brotherhood was really up to. Eventually, to truly give them false hope, they'd let Mata Nui be awakened and then strike, pretty much dominating the Bionicle universe with shadow. Was there an unbelievably subtle part that I missed?


Basically, yes -- strike how? They already have Mata Nui asleep -- how does waking him up help them any?

That's what I was wondering, but that's what the wall Zaktan found said: "Once the Toa were sufficiently blinded by their seeming success, the true plan would unfold. When it was done, the Great Spirit would be allowed to reawaken... and a reign of darkness would begin that no Matoran ever dreamed of in his most horrifying nightmares."


Right -- and the part you are wondering about is the part of the puzzle you guys have to put together.

Aaaaaaahhhhh.... I see it now. Okay then, do you think we have enough info at this point to put it together correctly, or is there info in the future we need to solve it?


Not sure. It wouldn't surprise me if some of the theorists on here guess right.


Now, I've seen some members ask Greg about their ideas, which were all basically the same: the Brotherhood brainwashes (or something similar) Mata Nui and makes him evil. For some reason, my gut says no on that. But please, feel free to converse with me about this in the comments of this entry. :P


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Guest Phyoohrii: Dark Hunter Hunter


This proves beyond any doubt I'm so far behind in the storyline. :P

There's my two cents. :lol:


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I too doubt that Mata Nui could be cast into a spell of darkness, but maybe with the Ignika, Makuta can control what happens to everything and everyone?


Just a thought.

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I would think that the Brotherhood would somehow take control of Mata Nui's actions, or something like that. After all, they're the best when it comes to control other beings.


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So far, Khote's theory is the only plausible one I've heard, and yet I can't imagine that when Greg describes their most skilled and experienced member as a candle compared to the blazing inferno that is Mata Nui.


Then again, we've seen some dastardly tricks up the Brotherhood's sleeves, so who knows.

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Or perhaps Mata Nui will not actually awaken. Remember, Makuta might still try his "Hello, Metru Nui, I am your Great Spirit" thing he wanted to do 1000 yrs. ago...



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What if Mata nui still something on him like when he wakes something wil be unleashed. Maybe when he is wakened they will kill the toa and mata nui thus having shadow with mata nui dead.

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Or perhaps Mata Nui will not actually awaken. Remember, Makuta might still try his "Hello, Metru Nui, I am your Great Spirit" thing he wanted to do 1000 yrs. ago...



I think it is very plausible. I think that maybe Makuta will assume the shape of Mata Nui and fool everyone. That's pretty dastardly.



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There thousands of possibilities for how Mata Nui waking up would benefit the Brotherhood of Makuta so I think I'll go out on a limb here and guess that the Brotherhood will have somehow brainwashed Mata Nui, like they did the Matoran, and will make him do their bidding. I don't really expect this to be right, though. :P

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My personal opinion is that Mata Nui already IS evil; presumably he didn't go rampaging around showing this for the same reason Makuta doesn't smash the Mangai- it's his place. However, he may wake up on the wrong side of the bed and/or be angry at the Matoran for letting the Brotherhood get the best of him and/or become paranoid and institute a big nasty distopia so that he doesn't get challenged again.


HOWEVER, I have very little basis for this. It stems entirely from reading that after writing my story Elder Brother, along with the fact that I think it would be awesome. (hey, I'm a Dark Hunter, right?)



There's just something in the way they say "allowed to reawaken" that gives me an ominous feeling. I'm just not sure why... :lookaround:



:smilelewanu: —Dark Hunter Lewagirl :smilemirunu:

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