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Metroid: Other M

MT Zehvor



During E3: 2009, Nintendo released a new trailer for the upcoming game Metroid: Other M. While the name doesn't exactly sound awesome, the trailer definitely is. Unfortunately, I can't post movies here, but you can find a trailer for it on [site with forums are not to be mentioned. -Shine].


Anyways, the trailer starts with a spaceship floating through space debris. It explodes, and a young Samus Aran witnesses the event. Samus is next seen walking through a tall, dome-shaped building before entering an office, where a man asks "Any objections, lady?", a quote used by Adam Malkovich for all of you who remember Metroid Fusion. The following scenes show gameplay footage of Samus fighting in different environments, as well as battling the reptilian Ridley. An someone in a suit appears next, raising his visor and asking if Samus remembers him. A large creature then emerges which looks very similar to Mother Brain, and Samus charges her cannon to fire at it.


The final scene of the trailer depicts a blonde-haired woman in a laboratory uniform, gazing at Samus through a window. Samus is seen entering the building with the door shutting behind her. Samus comes face-to-face with the woman and murmurs "I am Samus Aran" as the screen goes black.


That's the best description I can find, you'll have to see the trailer itself to see the pure awesomeness. Unfortunately, Retro Studios has disbanded, causing Nintendo to form a new partnership with a group called Team Ninja. I'm not that worried, the game looks awesome, and it is reported to have both 2D and 3D gameplay.


The game is scheduled to be released in 2010 for the Wii.




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Her suit is too bright personally, and I can't even really tell what the gameplay'll be like, but other than that, it looks awesome.


Samus is hot in normal clothes too. :wub:

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I think you mean 3rd and 1st person, not 2D and 3D.


But yes it does look awesome.


And this will be the first time Samus has spoken since Fusion. O_o


No, that stuff in Zero Mission doesn't count.




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Samus is hot in normal clothes too

Ok, THAT just totally killed the moment.


I think you mean 3rd and 1st person, not 2D and 3D.

The Wikipedia article said 2D and 3D, but it could be mistaken, or I could've copied wrong.


No, that stuff in Zero Mission doesn't count.

Is she even speaking there? I thought it was more of her talking to herself.


So many other Metroid fans. I thought me and Burnmad were all alone on this site.



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So many other Metroid fans. I thought me and Burnmad were all alone on this site.

Sir, you are gravely mistaken. There's a good deal of us Metroid fans on the site. Heck, my blog, up until recently was "Steampunk Norfair". =P

Also Need M:OM.
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So many other Metroid fans. I thought me and Burnmad were all alone on this site.

Sir, you are gravely mistaken. There's a good deal of us Metroid fans on the site. Heck, my blog, up until recently was "Steampunk Norfair". =P


Also Need M:OM.



Xaer is correct. I am also a Metroid fan. Let me tell you, I like the 3rd Person 3D aspect. I mean jumping around and punching everything with an arm cannon is AWESOME!

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