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So That's Mata-nui?



I haven't bought any new Bionicle since I bought the Mistika...and I wasn't too pleased with those sets. As such I've been out of the loop with the 09 sets. But I see there's a Mata-Nui out (or coming soon). I think I want it, but can't decide if I should buy the Toa-sized Mata-Nui or wait until that bigger set comes out.


What do you guys think? Are the new Toa worth the increased price? I liked the pics of the new Mata-Nui, and it would be fun to finally have a set of him even if it's not the same epic figure we all imagined years ago.


Glad he finally has a set form though. It's been a LONG time coming!


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IMO, no, the new Toa are not worth it. While they may be fine for the average kid who digs toys, for anyone else, they are a waste. Well, except for the collectors who put half their earnings to buying the sets, if only for the enjoyment of seeing it gather dust on a shelf.


While I do agree that it's great to have a titan-sized set form, I also agree with a lot of others who think his design is messy and stuff. I would not buy him even if it were handed to me and I had the money. For an MOCer, maybe, but that's just for the pieces, which would be used on some other random figure. Not to mention the quality of pieces the last few years is a shame.


So yeah. I think the Toa-sized Mata Nui is pretty, though.



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Get the canister Mata Nui. As someone pointed out, he looks like a sun god or something, not some slapped together piece of garbage like the titan version.

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I'd say get the Toa-sized one, just because it's a lot easier to pose in neat battles with other sets. The larger one is OK, but it's clearly not intended as traditional BIONICLE fare.


And Bunda, be a bit nicer about it; I'm sure lots of work went into such areas as the piston-based waist suspension. You and I probably agree that much of that work was wasted, but even I recognize the set as not a perfectly hopeless set, but merely a set with a terribly unfinished look that keeps it from being worth buying. And maybe it is more worth buying than it initially seemed-- while I'm not going to take for granted that it's gold as some people are (to be honest, I'm not sure how a partially-gold, partially-yellow color scheme would be anyhow), the more I look at it the more appealing it is-- it deserves at least a second look once better pics from more angles come about.


But yes, you heard my opinion, set design aside. Get the small one, and you can set it up in small scenes with other sets, and possibly even buy some more sets of this year for said scenes with the money you saved by not buying the larger.

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I'd say get the Toa-sized one, just because it's a lot easier to pose in neat battles with other sets. The larger one is OK, but it's clearly not intended as traditional BIONICLE fare.


And Bunda, be a bit nicer about it; I'm sure lots of work went into such areas as the piston-based waist suspension. You and I probably agree that much of that work was wasted, but even I recognize the set as not a perfectly hopeless set, but merely a set with a terribly unfinished look that keeps it from being worth buying. And maybe it is more worth buying than it initially seemed-- while I'm not going to take for granted that it's gold as some people are (to be honest, I'm not sure how a partially-gold, partially-yellow color scheme would be anyhow), the more I look at it the more appealing it is-- it deserves at least a second look once better pics from more angles come about.


But yes, you heard my opinion, set design aside. Get the small one, and you can set it up in small scenes with other sets, and possibly even buy some more sets of this year for said scenes with the money you saved by not buying the larger.

It's worth buying.


For pieces.


I missed Yetrax. =/



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I'd say get the Toa-sized one, just because it's a lot easier to pose in neat battles with other sets. The larger one is OK, but it's clearly not intended as traditional BIONICLE fare.


And Bunda, be a bit nicer about it; I'm sure lots of work went into such areas as the piston-based waist suspension. You and I probably agree that much of that work was wasted, but even I recognize the set as not a perfectly hopeless set, but merely a set with a terribly unfinished look that keeps it from being worth buying. And maybe it is more worth buying than it initially seemed-- while I'm not going to take for granted that it's gold as some people are (to be honest, I'm not sure how a partially-gold, partially-yellow color scheme would be anyhow), the more I look at it the more appealing it is-- it deserves at least a second look once better pics from more angles come about.


But yes, you heard my opinion, set design aside. Get the small one, and you can set it up in small scenes with other sets, and possibly even buy some more sets of this year for said scenes with the money you saved by not buying the larger.

It's worth buying.


For pieces.


I missed Yetrax. =/



And there's another key difference between you and me. I try very hard not to buy sets for pieces. I invest in sets that impress me before buying others. Not that there's anything wrong with buying sets for pieces-- I expect, after all, that you're much more likely to actually put them to good use than I am.


Also, I just got away from looking at my Brutaka. And I have, err... a sorta... personal... question.


Is it wrong to wish the new Mata Nui's mask was Keetorange? *instantly shunned*

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Spotted canister Mata-Nui sets at TRU. Didn't realize that they were that readily available...figured they were still trickling out. Are these the "second wave" of Toa sets this year?

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