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Michael Bay Stole My Bike...or Transformer. Or Whatever.



Back one last time to tackle two things. Why I actually think anyone will care-including myself- is as mysterious as the Circle of Life



First off and most importantly.


Some of you might somehow remember my ancient and crummy Transformers RPGs from eternity ago. In which case, you'll also remember my severe ego issues revolving around my goofy, undead, chainsaw wielding Decepticon called Phantom. Basically this mechanical Frankenstien right here.




Ancient drawing is ancient.



Anyways. Saw some of the new robots in the new Revenge of the Fallen Transformers movie *which by the way looks so lame I'll settle for Netflixing it months from now* and one of them is an Autobot called Sideswipe who I find amusingly looks almost like Phantom.




Okay, so maybe they don't look exactly like one another, but they have a lot of similarities. Both have wheeled feet meant for speed, both have duel wrist-blade-chainsaw-thingies, triangular car-based chasis, even 4-pronged helmets. Give Sideswipe chainsaws, green armor and a red crystal in his forehead and I'd be laughing.


I may have lost my interest in Transformers for the most of it, but I'm so gonna buy the toy to kitbash it into Phantom.



Oh, and one more topic that I must rave out of my system.


Dead Space: Extraction.


No, I'm not about to break out into jibbering, fanboy derping. In fact, it's gonna be the opposite. Dead Space Extraction is for the Wii system only and totally mocks what the original game had accomplished. Dead Space was a seamless, intensely cinematic, sci-fi horror game that was probably the best thing to happen for horror/zombie based games in ages. Dead Space Extraction? Basically an insulting defilement by turning it into a cheap, low-graphic, scroll-and-shoot arcade game that even borders on a L4D knockoff. Oh, and you don't play as Isaac.


I wanted to see Isaac being coerced by the government to help a team of funded archaeologists try to recover the Marker back in the ruins of the planet below the Ishimura *maybe ten years later*, only to be able to escape due to the mixed blessing of the Necromorphs killing off his captors. He then has to fight *or more importantly, run. Don't give him much weapons- emphasis more on flight then fight* his way back up to the surface of the planet through it's dark, crumbling catacombs, and the humans *his government captors* are just as much a threat as the Necromorphs. But nope, we got this.


I'd rant and rave and yell and curse, but I've already spent 3 days venting about it so I no longer have the same anger as more as I have bitter acceptance of the fact that EA has murdered the franchise of my most favorite video game in ages.


Guess I'll go buy Prototype and just kill a couple hundred people. That might help let off the steam.


I'm outta here once more- talk to you guys later then sooner.


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Sideswipe's current toy, the deluxe size, is only sorta CGI model accurate. He wears about half his alt-mode on his back (Roof and hood and windows), his swords look completely different, and he's got different foot kibble on his wheels. If you're gonna kitbash a Sideswipe, I'd suggest waiting, probably for Human Alliance because that'll probably be bigger, more posable, and more CGI accurate.
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EA has been ruining a lot of franchise's recently. Dead Space isn't the first and it -won't- be the last.



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Oh, and I have plans to start a Necron army :3


~crawnz crawnz crawnz




Woah wait what holy snot you're doing what. You? Necrons? *checks outside for pigs in hang-gliders or anything else along those lines*

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i know what you mean by the dead space wii thing its really lame they really killed it AND NECROMORCPHS ARE UNKILLABLE

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Oh, and I have plans to start a Necron army :3


~crawnz crawnz crawnz




Woah wait what holy snot you're doing what. You? Necrons? *checks outside for pigs in hang-gliders or anything else along those lines*



Well, got an idea for 'em, but no models >.o Brass covered crawnz leaking verdigris and shooting people down with sporadic gauss bursts =D

I got bored of my poor old loyalists. Also thinking of doing a Khorne army.

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Oh, and I have plans to start a Necron army :3


~crawnz crawnz crawnz




Woah wait what holy snot you're doing what. You? Necrons? *checks outside for pigs in hang-gliders or anything else along those lines*



Well, got an idea for 'em, but no models >.o Brass covered crawnz leaking verdigris and shooting people down with sporadic gauss bursts =D

I got bored of my poor old loyalists. Also thinking of doing a Khorne army.




Well dang straight, it's about time you got bored of 'em. You can only be the hero for so long before you get bored of that and realize it's so much more fun when you can burn, pillage and completely voip stuff out of existence. Funny thing over here is I'm finally just about done my Chaos Death Rattlers *Nurgle* and suddenly I'm more invigorated then ever to experiment with my Necrons. I FINALLY painted my Nightbringer's unpainted metal replacement arm. The dude's freaking 535 points, but he is MEAN. I'm gonna give him a shot with pounding the local Ultramarines tommorow.


I mean, the guy will EXPLODE when he is defeated. Anything under the blast template gets utterly vaporized.


Wait, why Khorne? He's like, the most generic of the Chaos Gods. Tzneetch man, Tzneetch. He's not my personal style but they've got a lot of personality- and they're the most fun you can have fighting against when a Necron player like me. They keep knocking you down, you get right back up. It's like an unstoppable force meeting an immovable object.


As much as I'd like to hop off this forum, I can hang around to find a compromise with this IM muck.


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Wait, what? Your nightbringer has a replacement? From where? You always said the original decided to conveniently drop off one day and never come back.


Yeah, I know he's generic, but he's red. You can never go wrong with red and brass. Tzeentch, on the other hand...I dunno. I like to get to grips with my opponent. None of that Aspiring Sorceror schtuff or getting my head blown out of proportion into vulture-size.


Actually one of the main reasons I want Necrons is cuz they're easy and quick to paint =p Also the fact that they can be, as you've said, nigh-inviolable if you use all the funky rules and saves properly. Added to the fact that you can now run in the shooting phase, Pariahs, Flayed Ones, and Spyders are gonna be able to start the harvest sooner than before.

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Wait, what? Your nightbringer has a replacement? From where? You always said the original decided to conveniently drop off one day and never come back.


Yeah, I know he's generic, but he's red. You can never go wrong with red and brass. Tzeentch, on the other hand...I dunno. I like to get to grips with my opponent. None of that Aspiring Sorceror schtuff or getting my head blown out of proportion into vulture-size.


Actually one of the main reasons I want Necrons is cuz they're easy and quick to paint =p Also the fact that they can be, as you've said, nigh-inviolable if you use all the funky rules and saves properly. Added to the fact that you can now run in the shooting phase, Pariahs, Flayed Ones, and Spyders are gonna be able to start the harvest sooner than before.


Yeah, I ordered a replacement arm ages ago *back before GW put the hammer down on the ordering of bits =,=* and it just remained on him, unpainted and metal for years.


The army I'm experimenting on is a rather risky one due to it's dangerously high phase out chance *with over 700 points of Non-Necron*. It's supposed to be meant for annihilation missions. A turtling force, you could say. One Monolith, two 18 model Warrior squads, Tomb Spyders, a sole Necron Lord and 5 Immortals. Basically the Monolith parks itself near the edge of my table, the Nightbringer lurking behind it while my Warrior squads stand a few inches apart from eachother in the front with Tomb Spyders flanking each side with the Lord and his Immortals in the center. They shoot anything that comes close while the Nightbringer flies out from behind the Monolith to snag anything that doesn't keep a respectful distance from my Warriors. The whole formation just crawls 6 inches ahead each turn until it's in the enemies face and can unleash salvos of gauss on them.


Red? Bronze? Have your cake and eat it too. My Death Rattlers are green, red/orange shoulders, bronzed helmets and fists.


You has much to learn. *rubs chin*

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No flayed ones or assaulty types?


I'm following the old adage - less is more. Sometimes overcolored schemes can turn out like something that spent 5 days festering in your stomach before being violently expelled from mouth and nose >.o

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No flayed ones or assaulty types?


I'm following the old adage - less is more. Sometimes overcolored schemes can turn out like something that spent 5 days festering in your stomach before being violently expelled from mouth and nose >.o


Nonono, you'll need assault types. Necrons actually would be quite capable of assaulting if it wasn't for their low initiative and you can't risk putting them up against power weapons due to the Phase Out rule. Go ahead and assault, but the trick is less about assaulting and more about ensaring. Pariahs die, period. Keep them behind cover until a high valued target is in reach like Terminators or something. Send in something like Flayed Ones first to grab the terminators attention and wear them down, THEN send in the Pariahs to decapitate them outright.



...OKay, we seriously need to find a method of IM. This is too awkward for me.

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I could install YM on my downstairs comp, but I want to cut as many chains binding me to the computer as possible >~>


No, you're not one of those people I wish to get the snot away from. I will refrain from mentioning those I do, however.

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Oh yes, yes I do ;D


Yet ironically, he/she who must not be named was not the one, although I guess the same title applies to the other.


But alright, I'll install Yahoo Messenger on here and promptly begin vanishing off the face of most people's friends lists.



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