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The New Comic Artist



I googled the guy's name. To put it mildly his work isn't BZP appropriate.


I look forward to many people's reactions if and when they do similarly, but again, much of his work isn't BZP-appropriate, so really, google at your own risk.


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Well, his other art might be suggestive and innapropriate for BZP, but it's nothing graphic or explicit.


Anyway... that's quite a change of style. :P

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Well it's not like he's going to be doing the graphic stuff for Bionicle (whether that's a good thing or a shame I will leave to the individual :P)


Did he choose to do Bionicle, or did he get assigned? Because if he chose its an interesting career move given he hasn't done anything else like it

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Plus, I remember when BS01 had an interview with him. The reason he's drawing BIONICLE is because he doesn't have much experience with robotic-looking characters, and he wants to get into drawing mechs or something. So this is practice for him.

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I've studied his stuff, and to be honest I've seen far worse, it isn't that bad. I really respect his style and he seems like a cool guy, so I don't judge him by what he draws. One reason why I like him is because of what Aanchir said, is that he is doing the comic to learn how to draw robotic things better. He seems to have been trying a lot of various styles and themes, so that's great.


The artists that you want to look out for are the ones that only stick to one thing, especially the ones that just draw all inappropriate from one subject. Not that they are bad or you have the right to judge them, but it makes them look like they don’t get out much, or they draw just for their fixation. Sorta like a person who draws waaaay too much fanart. I could go into a loooooong rant about this stuff, but hopefully you catch my drift so I don’t have to make this any longer, lol, I'm not implying anything deep, just something casual I've noticed.

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^Check the news on the front page.


To everyone saying something along the lines of "He's doing it to open a new style" or "There's worse" or "Judge by the quality, not the content", I intend to, but what I'm saying is based on the past and what I've seen around here in real-life, I get a feeling that many a parent will react to this in a "Why would you hire someone like him?!?" kind of way.

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I've been a member of BZPower for over 6 years, and not once have I seen anyone complain about the past works of artists, writers, and designers. Whether it be a parent or a child.


And if they have been, they aren't posting it on the web.



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