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Hollow's Eve? Oh Buh.

Toa Achilles (Tums)


Guess who's dressing up as Link to hand out candy this year?


Well, that would be PlastiWare. I'm handing out goods as Arthur Dent.


It's a good thing we're handing out candy I personally don't like, since I'd be tempted...


...Karzahni made me do it!




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Guess who's dressing up as Link to hand out candy this year?


Well, that would be PlastiWare. I'm handing out goods as Arthur Dent.

Darn. If you were dressed as link, you and I would both be wearing elf costumes. (mine's custom made, though. And I'm not any particular elf...)


It's a good thing we're handing out candy I personally don't like, since I'd be tempted...

Well, we're handing out candy I like. York patties! O, delicious York patties!... I hope not to many kids come to our door!


...Karzahni made me do it!

Yeaaaaaaah... suuuuuuuuuuure, TA! Blame everything on Karazahni :P.



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Has anyone guessed who you are right away? I considered going as Arthur but decided against it because of recognition difficulties.





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I like to annoy him by calling him Zelda.


YORK PATTIES FOREVAH!! Karzahni likes that I like York Patties...


My clan of nerds (ImposterLive and PlastiWare) knew right away, and a few other people. Still, it looked awesome if you didn't know who I was.


"I didn't have time to get a costume, so I brought my PJ's and a towel."


Hey, did you know that the school doesn't classify a towel as a weapon?

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I like to annoy him by calling him Zelda.


YORK PATTIES FOREVAH!! Karzahni likes that I like York Patties...


My clan of nerds (ImposterLive and PlastiWare) knew right away, and a few other people. Still, it looked awesome if you didn't know who I was.


"I didn't have time to get a costume, so I brought my PJ's and a towel."


Hey, did you know that the school doesn't classify a towel as a weapon?

It also doesn't classify my socks as weapons..strange I know...why wouldn't they classify them as weapons? They're extremly dangerous!

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