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For My Novel And Comic, A Sweet Sacrifice



This is somewhat of a preview and as

you can see there's Chane's many forms, her human form is crying because

she somehow had been betrayed to, to be a sacrifice to the Netherworld. Reason

why? After the Demon curse it had given several children unknown to her, and had

given a special mark; the mark used to belong to female violent newborn from a

Unknown Shape shifter who was her father but left, Sheeal'Leea after she and her

unborn child had died from his betrayal. Now she waits until she can be born again,

and becomes so being as in spirit possession in Chane's body in the form of the mark.


That's all I'll tell for know but here's the art for it :)




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So this is a preview of things to come?


Like is this the plot for the epic, or something entirely different?


Anyway, it's pretty interesting. :)

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Reminds me of when you had to give up on Omega that one time..


Excilant Chane. Excilant.

Oh really? :D

But note I've never really had a BF in the comics series,

cuz I don't have any in real life :lol: Omega wanted

the role as Chane's admirer:P

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