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I'm Baaaaaaack!



...now excuse me while I twitch on the floor for a bit. I always forget how insane my family vacations are.xD


Not to worry tho, I had a blast despite being stuck in close proximity with my crazy clan for nine days straight. New Mexico is -awesome-. We stayed in Santa Fe and to Albuquerque, and we made some day-trips to some other towns. Santa Fe was by far the best; my mom and I explored Old Town and met a lot of wonderful people, saw some beautiful crafts, learned about the local culture, and ate yummy New Mexican food. Now I have to find someplace to put all the little crafty things I bought...in my very, very messy room. Which I need to clean up. STILL.


It may take a while for me to catch up with all the stuff I've been gone for around BZP and dA, so don't worry, I'm not ignoring you.;D I woke up and had 33 messages in my dA inbox today...yeesh.O_o; Also, letters to write to my relatives. I've been neglecting to do that. And homework. And arts. And...yeah, I shut up now.




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Yaaaay, you're back! *hug*


Uck, I hate that too. When I get back from trips or computer hiatuses it takes a few days to get sorted again. :[

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I'm BAAAAACK!!! I'm BAACK in the saddle agaiiiin!


*guitar riff*


Yeah. Aerosmith owns. But not as much as Julien-K.


Happy back-ness.


And computer hiatuses are amplified by [social networking site]. Yeah. I get like 20 notifications a day.

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