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Introducing another Oofo blog exclusive gimmick... ask Dokuma anything!


Every Monday I'll post an entry such as this with a theme to kick you guys off. Ask me anything in your comment and I'll respond! Could you ask for anything better?! (Yes.)


This week's theme is... music! How appropriate, considering... well, okay, not considering anything, actually.


By the way, each entry will probably remain open only until the next one is posted (otherwise I'd have way too many questions to answer).


Hey, is that title image awesome or what? (Yes.)


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Why is there RickRolling?

When a Mama rickroll and a Papa rickroll get married...




also image was wasting your time (;

sorry i'm a panda please try again later


What's our favorite genre of music?


Definitely either classic rock, country, or something betwixt the two (soft rock-ish). Anything that sounds good, basically. I'll listen to anything from Sean Callery soundtracks to Trace Adkins to Live Your Life by Rihanna.


Why do I exist?

Well either the question or the answer has to be music related, and since the question isn't, the answer must be. Um... Joe Satriani?

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Is my ability to play the radio exceptionally well a God-given gift, and is it a talent worthy of the stage?



Oh, most certainly. :)


Why does country music exist?

Because it's awesome. Same reason 24 and this blog exist.


How do you define music?

Hmmm... I suppose the obvious dichotomy here is between a traditional, rational definition and more vague, artistic, almost ambiguous definition. I guess I'll define it as the specialized arrangement of sound in a way intended to entertain or provoke thought/emotion from the listener.





Why are RickRolls supposedly hated by all, yet apparantly loved by all?

Who can resist that corny dancing, deep-voiced, Conan-hair-forerunner?


How amazing is Pink Floyd? I already know the answer to this (very amazing) but thought I should ask you. :)

See the above banner.


What your opinion on System of A down?

Not really familiar with it.


will you write me a song dok

omg yes

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Are you on a boat with your swim trunks and flippy floppies, flipping burgers and doing flips and whatnot?
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Are you on a boat with your swim trunks and flippy floppies, flipping burgers and doing flips and whatnot?


XD x 10000
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Are you on a boat with your swim trunks and flippy floppies, flipping burgers and doing flips and whatnot?

Uh... yes?

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Are you on a boat with your swim trunks and flippy floppies, flipping burgers and doing flips and whatnot?

Uh... yes?

I would definitely suggest you say no.


Also, Dokuma, I must ask:


What is your viewpoint on musicals, specifically those released on the internet rather than Broadway?



Peace, but not really,


-Dr. Horrible-

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and go listen to Sugar - System of a Down


this is not a question but a command

This is not an answer but a reply




Are you on a boat with your swim trunks and flippy floppies, flipping burgers and doing flips and whatnot?

Uh... yes?

I would definitely suggest you say no.


Also, Dokuma, I must ask:


What is your viewpoint on musicals, specifically those released on the internet rather than Broadway?



Peace, but not really,


-Dr. Horrible-

Um... okay.


I didn't know such a bizarre thing existed.


dok write me a song pleez :begging:

okay here you go


i call it Unchained Melody

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