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Something People Need To Hear

Nuju Metru


Blue and red pins. Is it THAT hard to produce them again in black when they're obviously ruining the colour scheme of various sets.


LEGO maked them in bright, easily discernible colors so that their sets are easier to build. Young kids had trouble with telling all those black axles/pins apart, so TLG made them in blues and reds and such to ease the construction process, in both BIONICLE and system sets. A vast majority of BIONICLE fans like a quick build, so that they can be playing witht heir new figure as soon as possible. They don't care too much whether or not there's a bit of red/blue here or there, if the finished set is enjoyable to them. I don't think we'll ever see them return to black, to be honest.


(My commentary on blue/red pins and axles. The first person shall go unnamed.)


One thing it seems some members on here will never really understand is just how small BZPower is in comparison to the entire BIONICLE fanbase. They don't appear to get that the opinions they hold aren't more important then those of young kids who make up almost all of the brand's customers. In fact, the views of these members are far less important than the views of the target audience. LEGO won't change its ways based on the complaint of one person, especially not when the vast voice of their primary buyers say differently.


Complainers, it doesn't matter how much older you are than the TA, or how much longer you've been into BIONICLE, or how important you consider your opinions to be. At the end of the day, you just have to realize that the BIONICLE products aren't marketed towards your individual preference. LEGO is a business, not an organization created to appease yourself and the rest of the people who were target fans back in the "old days." It will do what is best for making a profit, firstly. You should feel lucky that we as a community get any say at all.


So I say to all of those members out there who constantly whine about how LEGO isn't doing exactly what you want them to do, please, just stop your ranting. You're not going to make a difference. The only thing that you are succeeding at is annoying the heck out of those who accept the little or no influence we have over TLG.


Thank you for reading.


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Blah blah blah complaining about complainers is ironic and frustrating.


Let people have opinions and stop complaining about them.

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I love it when they complain about coloured axle-pins in mocs. I mean, who cares? Does it change the aesthetic appeal? No, not for me and not for a lot of other people.

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I have to agree with Darth Vader. I really don't see what the problem is with going back to black pins. Sure, red/blue are easier too see, but so what. It's not that hard to determine between pieces.


I like your argument, though, even though I don't agree with it.



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Blah blah blah complaining about complainers is ironic and frustrating.


Let people have opinions and stop complaining about them.



When people complain, there's usually a good reason. For example, take the large Mata Nui set. I think it's a piece of garbage. Looks like absolutely no effort was put into it. I hate it. What's wrong with saying that? Nothing. Will it still sell well? (4x double l's) Unfortunately. Everyone's happy: we get to voice our opinions and LEGO still gets their profits.


But "just imagine" how many more copies of that set LEGO could sell if it had correct proportions, a solid build, and a uniform color scheme.

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Thank you Nuju Metru. Also, this no complaining abotu complainers thing is simply an excuse so that people can spam the forums and start flame wars just because they're voicing their opinion.

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I don't really care one way or another, but I just don't understand how black pins worked fine for the first five years then suddenly they're "hard to find" in '06. :shrugs:

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Thank you Nuju Metru. Also, this no complaining abotu complainers thing is simply an excuse so that people can spam the forums and start flame wars just because they're voicing their opinion.


Definitely not true. What DV says is the truth. Complaining about complainers makes things worse. Just let people voice their opinions, have a friendly debate if wanted, and let it go at that. When people try to say others are wrong, etc., that's when the flame wars start, because the people who originally voiced the opinions get offended by people who tell them they're wrong, etc.


As for me, I respect Nuju Metru for not caring about colored pins/axles, because I respect his opinion. I do, however, disagree with his opinion, which is what I have stated.


but I just don't understand how black pins worked fine for the first five years then suddenly they're "hard to find" in '06. :shrugs:


This. Seriously, if it wasn't a problem then, why is it now?


And, if anyone is curious, here's my response to Nuju's post:


This is the first time I find myself disagreeing with Nuju Metru. =P I don't see how hard it is to take, what, five more seconds? to find the right piece. I mean, seriously, if your argument is that kids want to build the sets faster so they can play with it quicker, what's a few more seconds going to do? In the mean time, it will also make everyone that hates colored pins/axles happy, since it'll match the color scheme.


That's the way I see it, at least. :shrugs:


But, I agree with *name removed*. I don't want to see colored pins/axles in the future.


The *name removed* is the person whom Nuju Metru quoted in the entry, whom I agree with.


Anyway, there's my opinion. I'll be happy to kindly debate it if anyone wants too. :]



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It doesn't seem my point is really getting across... I'm trying to say that LEGO is is a changing company, and that the vast majority of its fanbase matters much more to them than a few whiners on BZP, and that they do what's in the best interest of their company's profit, not the interest of a miniscule percentage of their older fans.


And I apologize for ranting as I did... I just felt the need to vent some of my pent-up frustrations about those who seem to consider their opinions higher than those of the Target Audience. It makes me nuts when people act so self-centered.


Since this blog entry seems to be aggravating people (including me), and my point was lost in an angry rant resulting in long-building annoyance, there's not much point left for it to be open. If you want to debate with me, or whatever, then just do so in PM, please.


Entry closed.


-Nuju Metru

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