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Voting For C. I. R. C. L. E. Articles 113-119



Confederated Inter-Related Collaborative League of Epics


Once again I'd like to welcome everyone, now straight to more business.


The one-hundred-thirteenth article proposed by RingMaster Zee is as follows:

RingMaster Zee hereby proposes that within "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" a war erupted between the Dome of La Nui and the Dome of Xia around 43,000 YBCG. At that time the Xian leadership felt that La Nui's weapons production was becoming a threat to their own munitions and arms manufacturing business and thus launched the first attack in a conflict that became known as "The Iron War", due in large part to the invention of larger-scale military implements made from ProtoSteel and other metals.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY".


The one-hundred-fourteenth article proposed by RingMaster Zee is as follows:

RingMaster Zee hereby proposes that within "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" a bloody civil war took place within the Dome of La Nui beginning about 37,000 YBCG and lasting more than two millennia.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY".


The one-hundred-fifteenth article proposed by Toa_Ausar is as follows:

Toa_Ausar hereby proposes that within "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" the word "Åtukåm" (ah-TOO-kahm) shall henceforth be considered a noun in the Matoran language meaning "half-caste". This derogatory term is typically used by Makuta to describe lesser beings of Shadow whose origin of species is viewed as impure.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY".


The one-hundred-sixteenth article proposed by RingMaster Zee is as follows:

RingMaster Zee hereby proposes that within "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" the word "Gardiak" (GAHR-dee-ack) shall henceforth be considered a noun in the Matoran language meaning "ruler of all they survey".


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY".


The one-hundred-seventeenth article proposed by Zorrakh is as follows:

Zorrakh hereby proposes that within "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" the word "Horrakah" (hohr-ROCK-huh) shall henceforth be considered a noun in the Matoran language meaning "darkest shadow", that is to say "darkest evil".


Furthermore, this word is considered a strong vulgarity and, depending on the society, punishment for its' use is often severe and sometimes even extreme.


Xarkhan, the Makuta of Marak Nui, also bestowed this title upon a Toa Team that he experimented on.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY".


The one-hundred-eighteenth article proposed by Toa_Ausar & Tarth is as follows:

Toa_Ausar and Tarth hereby propose that within "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" the word "Sepţit" (sehp-ZHEET) shall henceforth be considered a noun in the Matoran language meaning "those who save destiny".


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY".


The one-hundred-nineteenth article proposed by Tohunga Tahnok is as follows:

Tohunga Tahnok hereby proposes that within "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" there exist extremely rare "Special Communicators" that are utilized by the Makuta to converse with one another over long distances. Furthermore, each current module allows for the rapid relay of information via a keypad uplink and is outfitted with a built in positioning system.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY".


And with that said, I open this thread up for discussion on the various articles for the proposed enhancement of our group structure and joint storyline.


Please be sure to vote on all seven articles in this thread.


Also, note that this discussion and the corresponding voting will end at 1200 PST (Noon in the Pacific Time Zone) on Monday, July 6th, 2009 provided at least 2/3 of C.I.R.C.L.E. members have voted at that point.


Lastly, the C.I.R.C.L.E. members will be notified of the results via the C. I. R. C. L. E. Results Overview Reference & Discussion thread, however, when there are other blog threads where authors can vote on the proposals surrounding the details of C.I.R.C.L.E., that communication will still happen via PM.




UPDATE: Article 113 has passed via "UNANIMOUS DECISION" , also

Article 114 has passed with a total of "SEVENTEEN AYE VOTES TO THREE NAY VOTES", next

Article 115 has passed via "UNANIMOUS DECISION", plus

Article 116 has passed with a total of "NINETEEN AYE VOTES TO ONE NAY VOTE", moreover

Article 117 has passed with a total of "NINETEEN AYE VOTES TO ONE NAY VOTE", furthermore

Article 118 has passed via "UNANIMOUS DECISION", meanwhile

Article 119 has been defeated with a total of "TWELVE NAY VOTES TO EIGHT AYE VOTES"

and the polls are now closed.




Recommended Comments

I vote "Aye" on all stated articles. In particular, I have no qualms against wars in other domes, especially if the Xians get their butts kicked. :P Also, the various Matoran words are fine, as I am all for expanding the language. Now, the word Septit is a synonym for Septiu, yes? Also, the Special Communicators idea is alright.



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Article 113- AYE



Article 114-NAY


I just have to say that a civil war lasting two millennia seems a bit odd; I think that any war occurring between two factions of the same type (a civil war) would’ve killed both sides or drastically reduced their numbers after that time span.



Article 115-AYE



Article 116-AYE



Article 117-AYE



Article 118-AYE



Article 119-AYE


I think that a society like the makuta would’ve evolved to a point of telepathic communication, but I suppose for larger flows of data a communications network would be to their advantage..





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Now, the word Septit is a synonym for Septiu, yes?

You are basically correct, and I should have realized that I needed to define the difference between the two words.


"Sepţit" means "those who save destiny", that is to say, they have the potential to do so.


Meanwhile, "Sepţiu" means "those who are saving destiny", that is to say, they are actively doing so.


Anyway, I'll be certain to write up another proposal for the second word in the next round of voting.



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From now on, I will vote on articles, in groups decided by their nature. Such as Kanohi based Proposals will be grouped together, and so, and so forth.


Article 113-114:

"AYE", both of these History based Articles are certainly allowable. As usual for me, I left a few details out of the Article by accident, The Civil War in La-Nui was caused by the Iron War,because certain islands within the dome allied with Xia, others with La-Nui.


Article 115-118:

"AYE", I don't believe any of these language based articles have been used before, or conflict with any other definitions.


Article 119:

"NAY", I have researched the fact, and Makuta are capable of long range Telepathy.


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113: Aye

114: Nay

115: Aye

116: Aye

117: Aye

118: Aye

119: Aye


I vote the same as V because I have no qualms about the other articles. However a multi-millenia civil war would easily wipe out their entire civilization. So I vote nay on 114.

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First, I vote "AYE" on both Articles 113 & 114. I see no reason to oppose the Iron War, meanwhile the La Nui Civil War could have occurred much like the real life Cold War, that is to say, long periods of standoff with very little conflict, and thus the length of time involved, for beings that live to be over 100,000 years old, doesn't seem unreasonable to me. ;)


Second, I vote "AYE" on Articles 115, 116, 117, & 118 because all are reasonable and thus I have no reason to oppose them. :fonz:


Lastly, at this time I have decided to vote "NAY" on Article 119 because I fail to see the need for beings capable of Telepathy, Teleportation, etc. to need these technological devices. :shrugs:


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Aye to all.


The words sound good, and the battles/wars as well as the Special Communicators. It sounds like it'll be great ideas.

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Article 113: Aye. I see a hint of realism in the Bionicle World. ...Good. :)


Article 114: Aye. Gee, RingMasterZee, you appear to be starting quite a few conflicts. :P


Article 115: Aye, though I've got to say, I've never heard of 'Half-caste' being derrogatory. Wait... *Checks Dictionary.com* Oh, okay. :(


Article 116: Aye; May I use this term in my Epic? It fits Mentsu so well. :)


Article 117: Aye. Another word, no problems....


Article 118: Aye. Thanks for the definition, Ausar.


Article 119: So... it's a cell phone with GPS? :P Aye. Nay, Telepathy is much better than a GPS Cell Phone.



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Article 113: Aye, nothing wrong I can see with this.


Article 114: Nay, if it was so bloody how could it have lasted that long? I suppose I can accept Zee's explanation for this and change my vote here to an aye. :)


Article 115: Aye. For clarification, this is more of a slang term, correct?


Article 116: Aye, no problem with this.


Article 117: Undecided because of the "punishment for its' use" bit - I'm not sure what kind of society would punish someone for swearing. Unless it was used against an authority figure? Aye, now that Zorrakh has cleared that up for me.


Article 118: Aye, pretty cool word. :P


Article 119: Aye, sounds reasonable. These are sort of comparable to cell phones, I suppose, which I wouldn't put past the Matoran Universe's technology level to invent. While my earlier comment still stands, I'm going to change my vote to nay on this simply because, as multiple others have pointed out now, Makuta wouldn't have invented these due to a lack of need for them given their powers of Telepathy and Teleportation.

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First, I vote "AYE" on both Articles 113 & 114. I see no reason to oppose the Iron War, meanwhile the La Nui Civil War could have occurred much like the real life Cold War, that is to say, long periods of standoff with very little conflict, and thus the length of time involved, for beings that live to be over 100,000 years old, doesn't seem unreasonable to me. ;)


Second, I vote "AYE" on Articles 115, 116, 117, & 118 because all are reasonable and thus I have no reason to oppose them. :fonz:


Lastly, at this time I'll remain "Undecided" on Article 119 because I fail to see the need for beings capable of Telepathy, Teleportation, etc. to need these technological devices. :shrugs:


Article 113: Aye. I see a hint of realism in the Bionicle World. ...Good. :)


Article 114: Aye. Gee, RingMasterZee, you appear to be starting quite a few conflicts. :P


Article 115: Aye, though I've got to say, I've never heard of 'Half-caste' being derrogatory. Wait... *Checks Dictionary.com* Oh, okay. :(


Article 116: Aye; May I use this term in my Epic? It fits Mentsu so well. :)


Article 117: Aye. Another word, no problems....


Article 118: Aye. Thanks for the definition, Ausar.


Article 119: So... it's a cell phone with GPS? :P Aye.




Article 113: Aye, nothing wrong I can see with this.


Article 114: Nay, if it was so bloody how could it have lasted that long?


Article 115: Aye. For clarification, this is more of a slang term, correct?


Article 116: Aye, no problem with this.


Article 117: Undecided because of the "punishment for its' use" bit - I'm not sure what kind of society would punish someone for swearing. Unless it was used against an authority figure?


Article 118: Aye, pretty cool word. :P


Article 119: Aye, sounds reasonable. These are sort of comparable to cell phones, I suppose, which I wouldn't put past the Matoran Universe's technology level to invent.


Ausar: Thank you, that was the point I was getting at. The Metru-nui Civil War lasted what was it a few hundred, a mere two thousand is just a prolonged war. Where as the Metru-nui conflict was average as I hear.


Em: Yeah I'm a Hot Head, but when your parents are Irish it gets to you. We ride out life on temper and luck! Lol, good one.


Auserv: That is the reason why it was so bloody, because it lasted so long. The American Civil War was bloody because it lasted long. If you consider the life span of a Matoran, it lasted about 2-3 years, considering the length of the American Civil War, I woudl say it is approvable.



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113- AYE. Nice Name.

114- AYE. Civil Wars are fun to write about. Different perspectives.

115- AYE. It doesn't look to conflict with anything.

116- AYE. Should we also be looking for a feminine form?

117- AYE. Extreme measures for a word? Like what? I know this happened late 60's-70's here, but those were a couple words.

118- AYE. I'm guessing this is the same as Tarth's Septit?

119- UNDECIDED. I'll take some time to think this one over. NAY. I think that the 'Telepathic' powers can be utilized instead of this.

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Anything works, so you can alternate between he and she to be fair. I wouldn't want to make another Article for the same word.




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Article 113- Aye. The Xians are extremely greedy when it comes to weapon deals, so it makes sense that they'd get preety annoyed with the inhabitants of La-Nui.


Article 114- Aye.


Article 115- Aye.


Article 116- Since I don't know much about the Gardiak at this point, I'm going to remain undecided. Aye. Seems alright with me.


Article 117- Aye, although there seems to be an incrasing number of vularities in the C.I.R.C.L.E Universe.


Article 118- Aye


Article 119- Aye(obviously).


While the Makuta are capable of Telepathy, contacting each other by this means would be strenuous for the Makuta who are communicating, which means that another way of relaying information would have been needed to ensure universal contact.




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Article 117- Aye, although there seems to be an incrasing number of vularities in the C.I.R.C.L.E Universe.





Well, one word may be taken as vulgarity by one being, but it may be taken as a compliment to another.

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While the Makuta are capable of Telepathy, contacting each other by this means would be strenuous for the Makuta who are communicating, which means that another way of relaying information would have been needed to ensure universal contact.

I'd probably vote in favor of this proposal if you could come up with a better name for the technology. :P


Well, one word may be taken as vulgarity by one being, but it may be taken as a compliment to another.

Very true, for instance, Aso lovingly refers to herself as "hideous". :ohmy:




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Aye, this seems interesting. I'm sure others could easily integrate this into their stories as well ~_^


Aye. Civil wars are always interesting :P


Aye. Nouns are good, especially derogatory ones. Dont have enough of those if you ask me :P


Aye. We need more words!


Aye. We need more vulgarity than 'piraka'


Aye. This seems interesting enough.


Aye. They're a bit like our telephones, I suppose. Nay. The Makuta can communicate telepathically, after all, among other things that makes this device seem irrelevant.

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I'd probably vote in favor of this proposal if you could come up with a better name for the technology. :P

Alas, nothing comes to mind at the moment.


However, I will continue to brainstorm names for the device.




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Aye. We need more vulgarity than 'piraka'


Thanks. :P


Aye to Article 113

Aye to Article 114. Since the population is so high and with other beings coming in from other domes, I could see the war lasting for that long.


Aye to Article 115

Aye to Article 116

Aye to Article 117. To clarify: yes, the punishment is mostly oriented at those that are using it against authority figures, such as toa (or toa team), turaga, leaders, etc., and there are those in leadership systems that do not appreciate that. :P


This is more than just a word, as it does mean that you are pure evil given form, or are born from the darkness, or you only serve your dark causes are other ways to put it.

But as in the case of the Toa Horrakah, Makuta Xarkhan bestowed it upon them because of their origins and his experimentations on them.


Aye to Article 118

Nay to Article 119. It seems to me that since Makuta can already communicate via telepathy over somewhat-great distances, there seems to be no need for this.

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Article 116- Since I don't know much about the Gardiak at this point, I'm going to remain undecided.

Article 116 is really only concerned with the word and it's definition, not with the beings themselves. ;)




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Guest kopakanuva13


113: Aye, don't see anything that would be a problem here.

114: Aye.

115: Aye, but would it be acceptable to have a simplified version, "Autukam", as well?

116: Aye.

117: Aye, sounds awesome ^.^

118: Aye.

119: Aye.

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"AYE" to Article 113. It does not conflict with current storyline.

"AYE" to Article 114. Again, does not conflict with storyline.

"AYE" to Article 115. An interesting word that I will most certainly use later on in my epic.

"AYE" to Article 116. No reason to oppose.

"AYE" to Article 117. Again, a word I will use later on.

"AYE" to Article 118. No reason to oppose.

"NAY" to Article 119. Use by the Makuta would be impractical as they have the ability of telepathy. Use by their lieutenants or other non-telepathic beings would be far better, but I feel that technological communicators would seem out of place in the Matoran Universe.

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