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Join BZProvince.


'Nuff said. :P


I did. I just haven't played yet. The problem is that so much has happened already, and I have no idea what's been happening. It'd be more fun to join something that's just starting, I think [like BZPRPG or another RPG that'll win the contest]. But, whatever. =P

I'm totally joining you in the BZPRPG with Velox and Eeko.



Yay! More people! :D We should totally do this.



Count me in. >:D

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Okay, somehow my blog entry with the characters got deleted. So I'll make a new one after we decide on a name.

And in the meanwhile, you can pm your characters to me and I'll get 'em up soon.



~ :e: :e: :k: :m_o:

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Who would I contact to set up a contract? You guys look like you could use a few allies in this brave new world, and I'm setting up a rather large mercenary organization, so if you're interested in getting some outside help, I can deploy some troops for you in exchange for a few things...



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Who would I contact to set up a contract? You guys look like you could use a few allies in this brave new world, and I'm setting up a rather large mercenary organization, so if you're interested in getting some outside help, I can deploy some troops for you in exchange for a few things...




Well, I suppose I'll PM you right now, and then I'll pass it on to Eeko and Nuju Metru.


Anything else, you can just contact one of the three of us [Eeko, myself, and Nuju Metru]. :]


And here is the new list:



-Toa Velox

-Nuju Metru




-None yet



-None yet





-Gukko Force Captain



-I'm not Toa of Dancing








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So another Organization is being formed, in addition to Loyd's Mercenary Organization? I would be happy to ally with you, considering I already have unlimited infantry, an armed forces, special ops, mounted divisions, a navy, and one of the more powerful Air Forces, I make a valuable ally. Not to mention, I will most likely be an ally with Loyd as soon as I get a confirmation PM.


Aswell, Ballom! I am glad to see you joining the RPG! I certainly hope we are allied with you, for the pen truly is mightier than the sword in this game.


Welcome to the RPG boys!


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Something new in the BZPRPG topic, guys:


While the descriptions won't be released until the opening of the topics, here are the names of the regions you will be exploring:


Nemor-Abeo - Jungle

Alveus-Abeo - River Delta

Exuro-Abeo - Volcanic

Frigus–Abeo - Ice Mountains

Sicco-Abeo - Desert

Insula-Abeo - Archipelago

New Metru-Nui (located on the largest of the Archipelago islands)


Xa-Koro will not be a region location, but it will be located in Sicco-Abeo

It seems that there will be a topic for each region. Whichever the case, we should decide which region to make our base in.



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Lol I just PMed you about that.


Yeah, I was thinking Volcanic or something. :evilgrin:


I second that evil notion.



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So, basically, you'll just help us, and we'll help you?


That's the jist of it yes. We will provide forces for ground support, air strikes, saturation bombing, naval assaults and the likes. Basically, new orginizations have to work up supplies, and can't start ourt with them all. Instead of working out the gathering of munitions, I will give them to you, in return for your assistance when we need it.


Sound good to you?



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New list:



-Toa Velox

-Nuju Metru




-None yet



-None yet





-Gukko Force Captain



-I'm not Toa of Dancing






-The pangolin under E's bed


@ Zee ~ Yeah, that sounds good. I'll talk it over with Nuju and Eeko and then I'll PM you. :]



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New list:



-Toa Velox

-Nuju Metru




-None yet



-None yet





-Gukko Force Captain



-I'm not Toa of Dancing






-The pangolin under E's bed


@ Zee ~ Yeah, that sounds good. I'll talk it over with Nuju and Eeko and then I'll PM you. :]



I believe Pangolin said nevermind.

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Nevermind, I'm not gonna join.


I lied. :P


Name: Anaraznal


Species: Former toa of fire, now mutated beyond belief


Mask: Mask of mind-reading (It was fused into his armor)


Apperance: solid black, triple jointed legs, head of a deformed bull, a long tail with what looks like four tuffs at the end. Carrys a staff


Abilities: Mind Bending, scheming huge systematic plans, creating unmoving clones for confusing, knowledge of almost every poison on the island, master of illusions.


Personality: Insane, doesn't care who gets killed when trying to complete a goal, the ultimate schemer, has a strange connection to rahi, hates toa


Bio (I know this shouldn't be here, but whatever): Anaraznal was a toa of fire on a small island. A makuta scientist named Lokaer kidnapped him and "Did everything he knew to him", sending him to his current form. When he was returned to his island they shunned and attacked him. The side affects of the experiment caused him to go on a rampage, and within a week had the island systematicly destroyed, not leaving a single stone rat or anything alive. Shortly afterward he became overridden with guilt and hid in a cave, wondering why he killed his past comrads and all his homeland. But soon insanity set in. He began to think that what he did was for the better, and that he ended them because it was the right thing to do and that they must be stoped. He knew that there must be other islands that must be destroyed, and join the organization because "He felt they were the only people on the same page as him".


@Velox: Personally, I like the ice mountain or jungle. More secluded. I'm fine with volcanic, also.


And, when does it start so I can start running around and slipping poison into enemy villages food supply? :P

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Wait guys, I have a question:

Lets say we wanted to do something big, like spread a disease through ta-metru or something. Would we have to be approved in order to do it?

Also I cant wait to burst out the day it opens and just own people. It'll be sick.
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I'll say for now, yes, unless you wanted to do it on your own, and not under the Agents of Chaos [or whatever our name ends up being].

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Hey guys... Velox and me brainstormed, and here's our first stab at a symbol:




Likey? No likey? Better ideas?



Naw. The skull bothers me.


How about a city on fire, and a sword through the middle? That sounds cool.


@Velox: I was doing it in the name of the Agents of Chaos.

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Hey guys... Velox and me brainstormed, and here's our first stab at a symbol:




Likey? No likey? Better ideas?


I don't know, it makes me, uh, want to go pilage, plunder, and loot for some reason. :P


Maybe we should do something centered around the Hau, since that's the symbol of hope for the Matoran. Maybe it could be banged up, scratched, and a huge chunk taken out with flames around where the chunk was.

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