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Weekly Update - 6/26

Black Six



Update's going up late this week, but it's still Friday! So read on brave reader!



So, contests are starting to wrap up! Got vote in the final polls for RPG Contest #14 and BBC Contest #54, or else Tufi will come after you, and it won't be pretty.


Also, we got another set review up last Saturday. Go read Shannara's thoughts on Stronius. The next review might take a little bit before it shows up for certain secret reasons.


Don't forget BrickFair is coming! I have a personal announcement I'll be making about it this weekend and BZPower has a couple things planned that you'll hear about sooner or later.


We found out some new information about the Legend Reborn DVD release this fall, CLICK FOR POTENTIAL SPOILERS. Yes, I know it's not confirmed, but it seems pretty obvious to me.


Speaking of new and unique things, one of the winners of BBCC53 got their prize, the currently unreleased Titan Mata Nui set! I'm not a fan of the color scheme, but at least we can get a good look at the big guy himself now.


Finally a couple of rule reminders: Don't bypass the filter, this includes intentional misspellings of inappropriate words. Second, banned members are not to be discussed.


Anyway, like I said, stay tuned to my blog for more BrickFair news this weekend!



1. Why do all the FAs overuse "Newb Text?" (If you don't know, it's when you type with improper grammar and spelling on purpose. For example "zomg hole has a mustash ;o!1!!11!" You probably already know, though)


2. What is your favorite XB360 game? (Or just Xbox)


3. Have you played OVER NINE THOUSAAAAAAAAAAND matches of Halo 3?


4. 42?



1. Not sure what you mean. Maybe one or two do, but I know plenty that don't. I think it's a cultural thing too, as our collective sense of grammar and punctuation slowly erodes. :P

2. Xbox: Halo; Xbox 360: Mass Effect/Halo 3

3. It would appear that I've played 499 matches of Halo 3. I don't know if that counts System Link though.

4. That's the answer, not the question silly.


Mailbag! Woohoo!


1. Who started the trend to put "The Office" stuff in your Sigs and Avatars?


2. Have you played a Call of Duty Game?


3. Concerning one questions: Do you know the difference between a can of "Get some" And a can of "Whoop Butt"? (Answer shall be given in a comment on blog)


4. Do you listen to any of the Eagle's solo music? If so, which one is your favorite?

1. I'm pretty sure it was Jim. He's such a prankster.

2. Yes, not a big fan.

3. Can't say that I do offhand. I'd guess the latter tends to be more painful for the recipient though.

4. I've heard a few of their songs, but not a whole lot. Don Henley's There's a Whole in the World brings back some memories (long story) and Joe Walsh's Life's Been Good to Me So Far was awesome to see live.


Want to see your questions answered? PM them to me and put 'Mailbag' in the subject line. I'll pick the few I like the best and answer them in the next update.



And that is it for this week, but not for the weekend! I hope everyone has a good one!


Recommended Comments

I have a mansion, forget the price

Ain't never been there, they tell me it's nice

I live in hotels, tear out the walls

I have accountants pay for it all

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1. Why do all the FAs overuse "Newb Text?" (If you don't know, it's when you type with improper grammar and spelling on purpose. For example "zomg hole has a mustash ;o!1!!11!" You probably already know, though)

Really, that's probably just me and Zeddy, not sure why you said "all the FAs"... xP

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I have a mansion, forget the price

Ain't never been there, they tell me it's nice

I live in hotels, tear out the walls

I have accountants pay for it all


My Maserati does 185,

I lost my license, now I don't drive.

I have a limo, ride in the back.

I lock the doors in case I'm attacked.


One of my all-time favorites. :lol: "Hole in the World" is an awesome song, too.

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I have a mansion, forget the price

Ain't never been there, they tell me it's nice

I live in hotels, tear out the walls

I have accountants pay for it all


My Maserati does 185,

I lost my license, now I don't drive.

I have a limo, ride in the back.

I lock the doors in case I'm attacked.


One of my all-time favorites. :lol: "Hole in the World" is an awesome song, too.

I'm making records, my fans they can't wait,

They write me letters, tell me I'm great.

So I got me an office, gold records on the wall,

Just leave a message, maybe I'll call.

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Just a thought.

Second, banned members are not to be discussed.

I've always wondered why the Mods don't remove the comment bar from Banned members profiles?

that should make it harder to discuss banned members. Though some members will find a way.



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That's not as easy to implement as you would think. Generally I try to make it so comments need to be approved on banned accounts, but sometimes we forget, and we're not going to go through every old banned account and do it either.

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1. I'm pretty sure it was Jim. He's such a prankster.

Prankster is a little harsh, don't you think?




Harsh is too kind a word. =P


1. Why do all the FAs overuse "Newb Text?" (If you don't know, it's when you type with improper grammar and spelling on purpose. For example "zomg hole has a mustash ;o!1!!11!" You probably already know, though)


cuz it r fun bein leik this yo!!11! ; D

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