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Oh my freaking gosh come to McThornax!!!


We have thornax burgers!!!! And thornax shakes!!!


We have poorly drawn images that we think will make us super awesome but instead are just completely ticking everyone off by clogging the artwork forum!!!!


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Hey, it's nice to see another fad, but a good fad is like a good burger: Too much and you'll puke ;)

But then you can go to the Vomitorium, and then eat another one.

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Some of the stuff in the fad is tolerable. The original Thornaxburger, for instance, showed actual work put into it, and moreover was BIONICLE-related (it actually had a Thornax visible in it, disgusting as that might be).


A lot of the art, however, is really sub-par, largely because it's not BIONICLE-related. It's just MSPaint drawings of fast food with a hastily-drawn Thornax on the label and either a repetitive pun for the name or a perfectly meaningless one using an unrelated BIONICLE term. The non-McThornax-brand art is often even less BIONICLE-related, since the logo may or may not be BIONICLE-related.


I appreciate fads to some extent. They can inspire decent work, after all, and they motivate people to try their hand at something that they've seen others attempt. However, when the art ceases to be funny, surprising, or even creative, it's time for the fad to slow down for a while.

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