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Kendan Disbanded.



Due to circumstances beyond my control, the Kendan have been disbanded. :(




And now I'm stuck with this name for 23 or so days... >.<


:infected: Meso :infected:


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You're not getting me with another one of your stupid pranks Mesonak. I'd bet money this is a joke.


EDIT: ....this is a joke, right?



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I have no idea..... please tell me this has nothing to do with.... Last night....


Well, it kinda sucks... kinda doesn't..... for me anyways, sorry to hear that Meso.

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Sumiki: You barely even responded to us, except in 'blogs'.

I can't join other boards without my parent's approval, and they would NOT have approved of that forum you linked to in my profile. It's gone, and I got a 50 post boost from B6.


I was a active as I thought I should be, I thought all I had to do was join to get in an epic. But I was wrong.


I quit.


-=< :s: >=-

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What happened?


I mean, obviously I saw it coming (I left, after all) but what was the final straw?

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KTM, that was unnecesary and quite rude what you said to Sumiki. If you linked to another forum, then you deserved to be reported. Now, as to the reason...


People, namely KTM, apparently didn't like how I was managing the Kendan. We were "Overflooded" as some put it, and the complaining to me was getting old. I didn't want to cut anyone to make the Kendan smaller, because I didn't want to hurt anyones' feelings or exclude anyone. Apparently, some people didn't think that was okay. Add that to the fact that due to some personal things going on in my own life now, and being that I won't be on BZP much due to those things, I had to call it quits. That, and my laziness, and not being able to do anything.


Kini: Don't worry, nothing to do with last night. ;)

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Alight meso..... Whatever you say.... *angry face*



I see that now, i had no problem with the way oyu ran things.... course, i wasn't a member, what i had a problem with was a certain few being A's to other people.

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Wow, I was so caught up with my personal interests, I didn't think of the Kendan around me.


I have been so selfish just to make a new team, and not include everyone here, I am sorry.


But I wanted a team, who responds and stuff, plus this team overflowed..:(


I apologise to everyone for this. :(


Sumiki: Sorry, I didn't know you felt so bad, you just never really responded my PMs...You can always restart the Kendan ;)


Everyone sorry for this, I have done the wrong thing. Meosnak if you wish go back to the Kendan but I am sorry to say I am going to continue the Toa Ventonous



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Could the Ventorous please PM me with want they want to look like in the drawing. Thanks.


Oh and, don't answer if you don't want to but what was 'last night'? Remember, you do not have to answer. :)

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I meant to ask you about something pertaining to this, but as it's disbanded, there really is no use in doing so.

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Awww, we didn't actually do anything...


Wait, does this have something to do with you not being on BZP much because of the online chat?


I'm going to blow up that chat - wait that's impossible, it's a website!! >.<


Wait, if we're disbanded, is Kagha still gonna do that story?


And what about the Kendan Chronicles?


Anywho, enough from that, Sumiki take the Kendan over if you like, but Mesonak, CB, TS and Xaphor are with us.


I am?


Personally, since the Kendan are now disbanded I would prefer not being part of any team, but meh, fine.


Hopefully the Kendan will come together again, if Meso can do it.



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I have Meso done. It didn't turn out as well as I wanted, but it's still alright. They will all be posted together in a topic later. Oh and that was an awesome MoC Meso!



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I have Meso done. It didn't turn out as well as I wanted, but it's still alright. They will all be posted together in a topic later. Oh and that was an awesome MoC Meso!




Awesome! But for the record, VampireSkrall made that, not me. It was a gift. :)

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For the record, I was the one who came up with the name "Ventorus", but it seems like Meso and KTM forgot to mention <.<


Not like that I care, I'm neutral.

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Wait, if we're disbanded, is Kagha still gonna do that story?


And what about the Kendan Chronicles?


Uhhh, anybody?


Everybody seems to be p - - - ed off.



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I don't think that's going to go on CB... just so long as the same problems that arose with the Kendan don't pop up with the Ventorus i'm fine...


*glares at KTM and Mesonak.*



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I don't think that's going to go on CB... just so long as the same problems that arose with the Kendan don't pop up with the Ventorus i'm fine...


*glares at KTM and Mesonak.*




Hey wut did I do



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No CB, no Kendan Chronicles, though maybe a new Epic about the Ventrous will be written ;) WITHOUT ANYONE THAT DOESN'T HAVE PERMISSION :)

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