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Calling All Zehvor: Rise Of The Toa Ventorus And How It Effects Us

MT Zehvor


Apparently following some event last night, Mesonak, previous leader of the Kendan, has disbanded the team.


KTM, planning with Mesonak, formed the Toa Vetorus as the replacement for the Kendan. The Kendan members still in this alliance are somewhat in shock or something...so we'll see what happens there.


KTM has this to say on the matter:


Tick, tock, tick, tock.


The Kendan were growing old, we had to reform a new team.


I told Mesonak he could keep the team but make someone else the leader, but meh, he didn't.


Apparently Mesonak listens to his deputy more than I ever listen to Sonu...(JK)


Anyways, this is the new lineup for the Ken, er, Ventorus.






Eljay...oh no...






Ghoula(Toa Spirit)


GOP(Glatorian Of Plasma)


Chaotic Being


NOW, here's what we need to do


Last time, I made the descision to ally with the Kendan, which didn't go over well with some of the other Zehvor. So you get to decide this time. Do you want an alliance or not?


Voting time is here:


Yes: 0

No: 0


I will withhold my vote unless we have a tie at the end.




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Dandezille and Eljay? With KTM as a leader? No way....


But even though I'm not Zehvor, with a leader like that, I'd say no.



We have come to compromise.



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Yeah, KTM pretty much summed it up.


So now I don't have to type some loooooooooooooooooooooooooooong thing explaining why and giving detail.


*Sits back and drinks a soda*



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UK: The fact that your backlashing me behind my back really peevs me off, as I recall this is only because of the event that happened on xat with VTP a while ago. Whats wrong wtih me as a leader? Because you really have upsetted me ;_;.


Hope your happy Rahiboy

Trust me, it's not only because of xat.



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UK: The fact that your backlashing me behind my back really peevs me off, as I recall this is only because of the event that happened on xat with VTP a while ago. Whats wrong wtih me as a leader? Because you really have upsetted me ;_;.


Hope your happy Rahiboy

Trust me, it's not only because of xat.



Problem resolved.

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You don't listen to me?! Gasp! :P

Well, if you asked me to destroy the Zehvor and create a new team led by you with only half of the Zehvor, I'd tell you to take a hike.


That's what I mean. I'm talking about the level Mesonak listens to KTM to. (If KTM told Mesonak to kill his parents, Mesonak probably would)


So far we have 3 for, 0 against.



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It may be diplomacy that works out. I'll say yes. But the moment they mess up, it'll be out with the old and in with the rail gun turret you won't let me use.....


-Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

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Wait a minute....I don't remember Gorgnak as a Zehvor...


Is my memory failing me...or...


Whatever. Anyways, we have an alliance.



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