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Book News



The news today is that it looks like there will be at least one more book in 2010. LEGO Company has asked me to write one for the first half of next year. I don't know the word count as yet.


As far as I know, it will be published in Europe by AMEET. It will not be published in the US by Scholastic, but we are looking for another publishing partner here. If we don't find one in time, the book will most likely be serialized on the BIONICLE website, so US readers will still get to read it.


More on this as it develops.




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Well, if LEGO doesn't find another publisher, Bionicle's end could come sooner because of decreased sales everywhere. =( I sure hope you guys find another good publisher...

Book sales don't affect BIONICLE much. Set sales, however, do.

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So, in other words, free book? :-D


Here's hoping you don't find a publisher, then. :P

ditto. Hooray for serials!


_Xenronn of Moon

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I'm not really up to date with all the sales and stuff. Will it be available in Australia? Because I can't find the books in any stores. But it sounds good, so I'm looking forward to seeing it (if I do at all...)


Zippy: TOL'ning

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So, in other words, free book? :-D


Here's hoping you don't find a publisher, then. :P



-=< :s: >=-

well, when you buy actual book you can read it in bed or in car. i wonder why no scholastic though :o

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So, in other words, free book? :-D


Here's hoping you don't find a publisher, then. :P



-=< :s: >=-

well, when you buy actual book you can read it in bed or in car. i wonder why no scholastic though :o

If I had to guess, Scholastic pulled a "your sales stink, so we hate you" on us.

I hope it gets released in book form, because if it's serialized, then chances are there will never be a book again :(.

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It be so ironic that book sales sky rocket from the new movie just as Scholastic signs off. Then publishers will just be begging for Bionicle series books.

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I just came up with a great idea: Put the novel online, but make it so that it has to be paid for. That way, more people can access it, and it would be self-published. ($)_($) :lookhere:


-Toa Of Justice

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I just came up with a great idea: Put the novel online, but make it so that it has to be paid for. That way, more people can access it, and it would be self-published. ($)_($) :lookhere:


-Toa Of Justice

Only problem is, it's a lot easier for kids to pay for something at a store than online. Not all that many kids have PayPal.


Parents could technically buy it as a gift for the kids, but it would be harder for young children to appreciate it if they're not actually getting a physical book they can hold. So fewer would buy it, and thus it would be a bit of a problem.


Since the US is the country currently without a publisher decided on for the 2010 book, you could release it online with a Brickmaster-exclusive club code. Certainly, it would get leaked, so the book would still be a "freebie" to some people, but BIONICLE fans outside the online community, both in the US and in other countries, will still end up "paying" for the book with either a physical purchase (in the UK/wherever else it might be physically released) or a Brickmaster subscription (in the US). It's a win-win.


I'm putting a lot of thought into this for something that will essentially force me to pay for the book, but whatevs. :wacko:

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I just came up with a great idea: Put the novel online, but make it so that it has to be paid for. That way, more people can access it, and it would be self-published. ($)_($) :lookhere:


-Toa Of Justice

Only problem is, it's a lot easier for kids to pay for something at a store than online. Not all that many kids have PayPal.


Parents could technically buy it as a gift for the kids, but it would be harder for young children to appreciate it if they're not actually getting a physical book they can hold. So fewer would buy it, and thus it would be a bit of a problem.


Since the US is the country currently without a publisher decided on for the 2010 book, you could release it online with a Brickmaster-exclusive club code. Certainly, it would get leaked, so the book would still be a "freebie" to some people, but BIONICLE fans outside the online community, both in the US and in other countries, will still end up "paying" for the book with either a physical purchase (in the UK/wherever else it might be physically released) or a Brickmaster subscription (in the US). It's a win-win.


I'm putting a lot of thought into this for something that will essentially force me to pay for the book, but whatevs. :wacko:


Normally I would agree, but us Canadians don't get Brickmaster, so it would be unfair for us not to get the book.




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