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Wings Of Peace

Taka Nuvia


How do you chose the music you chose? What do you expect from music?


I enjoy listening to very emotional music, sometimes dark music, too. But what's most important to me: it should be a song that carries me away, into my dreamworld. It might not be a cheerful place there, but its beautiful. And it's the place where most of my creativity comes from. As well as my nightmares, but that's another story.

What fasinates me about sad music is that usually it brings me peace. It gives me time to sort out my feelings, and calm down. Moreover, it gives me so many ideas. And feelings... sometimes it seems like music would be able to restore an empty heart.


So, what do you listen to music for?


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What I listen my music for? Advice, meaning and inspiration I guess. Some songs just make pictures pop up, others make me dream about stuff and there are others that describe some of the situations I get into so perfectly that I can find a solution for it.


Then again, I have songs I just listen for a heavy beat, the movie it was used as soundtrack for or just because it's plain awesome. ^^

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I listen to a broad range instead of just one genre of music. Rap (not hip-hop, there's a different) can tell stories in a quick-paced flow and hip-hop can use metaphors to describe one's self or another, as it also is with R&B. Emotional music can help me vent out my feelings positively and alternative rock can help me describe my feelings. Rock can make me feel happier and not have a care in the world, and any amount of acousitc guitar makes me feel deeper into a song.



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Happy music. Reggae. Stuff that reminds me of Hawaii because that's where I'm happiest.

Nothing that brings me down. I must prevail at being at least moderately happy all the time!



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That´s a good reason you have there.


Why do I listen to music? Well, who ever said I did? :P

Anyway, at that point I´m moreof the carefree kind - I only listens to music to keep myself entertained, or simply if I can´t avoid silence in any other ways.


...Silence makes me somewhat depressed. Not negatively, though. Melancholy, I guess some would call it. I personally prefer the term nostalgia.<_<


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I choose music by rhythm, tempo, and what was used to make it

I can't stand music that's computer generated

To me, if there is no instruments playing, it's just appalling

I enjoy a quick pace most of the time, but there are some slower ones that I can enjoy

Fave song is 3 doors down: What's my age again

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Dark, powerful, full of meaning, full of power, full of strength.


Oh, and techno. :wakeup2:


~Exo Malakai~

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I listen to music as a source of stories and fantasy, much like bionicle. I love how music can change the atmosphere in mere seconds. I listen much to rock and metal, but I like classical music and sountracks from movies and games as well.

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