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Good And Bad News (three More Posts!)



I have some good news and some bad news. The good news is that my comedy is coming along nicely. Currently I have four finished chapters, which are:


Chapter 1: The Effects of Hallucinogens

Chapter 2: A Rude Awakening

Chapter 3: It’s Godzilla!

Chapter 4: the Scales that Guard the Gate

Chapter 5: Diving for Widgets


In this comedy, I am following the walkthrough that comes with the download, plus some things from the game thrown in. Here is a sneak peak from Chapter 5, just to get you excited:


Since we last seen our hero (exactly 15 seconds ago), Takua has wandered into the village of Ga-Koro, looking for people to save.


Takua: (Crashing into a hut) NEVER FEAR! TAKUA IS HERE!


However, his rescue operation is not going according to plan.


Takua: (Taking off Superman costume) Darn! There's no one’s in here, too! Where is everyone?



The bad news is my epic is not coming along well. I have hit writers block. I may have to re-write the whole thing. That may not be a bad thing. I do not like how some of it is turning out. In any case, it may be a while before I do anything with my epic. I'm not going to abandon it, but it is a much bigger undertaking than I thought.



On a happer note.. Three More Posts!


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Yeah, writing epics can be pretty hard. I started a few a couple of them more than 2 years ago, and I still haven't finished them. I wish you luck.


Well, at least the comedy seems to be coming along well (I can't really tell much just by looking at chapter titles). Should be interesting.

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Yes. Epics are hard. I sort of lost the motivation to write the epic after I started the comedy. I wil try to work on it, but it will be a very slow process. Sadly, I do not expect to get it up anytime soon. As for my comedy, I have started chapter 5, where Takua enters Ga-Koro. I have added a sneak peek to chapter 5 in the first post.

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