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Blade Titan974's Comics: Rising Suns

Blae Durian


Oh my god, I meant to do this days ago...


Anyway, this'll be where all discussion about the next season will go to.


Ok, so I'm currently planning a late Fall 2009 release. During this time, I will have to work like crazy, because I plan to release TONS of stuffs for the premier. There will be:


*Multiple new QFTMS comics. They will mostly be just talking and getting into the place with the Frost Key, but of course, it will be interesting.

*The beginning of Life on Meta-Nui, the side series full of uncanonical goodness, full of spoofs, random Meta-Nui life, and humor. There will also be the occasional QFTMS filler.

*New poster, new info sheets, new kits...

*A little special surprise. (If I manage to make it successfully)


And that's just the premier! In Rising Suns, you'll also see:


*The rest of your favorite slowly-progressing-saga.

*A side series about...THE ORIGINS OF THE COMICS. (Not like how I got my Hau, but how everyone got together and started the series)

*Brain bursting-epicness that aren't as burstful as Merc's comics, but still burstful.


Now, and questions? Comments? Death threats?


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Second one is bigger.


Bigger is usually better. Except for servings, the Hummer, and big hair.


By the way, is Rising Suns the same as QftMS?

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Yeah, Rising Suns is technically still QFTMS. I suppose it's just the name for season two.


So, I'm guessing there isn't much of a reason to make HD versions?

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The second one is bigger. TRS (sounds like TRU :P ) sounds like lotsa elbow grease is needed :( .

Sorry I haven't been viewing your comics recently, but the Internet has been a real pain. :L


EDIT: I has just read your comics. I iz sad u r closed. :(

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Whew. Made it here.


Rising Suns sounds interesting. I can't wait.


Also, the origins of the comics sound great also.



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Indeed. I'm aiming on making something that is...Epic incarnation, but it'll be heck to make. If I even manage to make it.


By the way, I forgot to mention...



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Indeed. I'm aiming on making something that is...Epic incarnation, but it'll be heck to make. If I even manage to make it.


By the way, I forgot to mention...




YAYZ! :happydance: Remakez!

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Oooh. Remakes. This should be good...


I loved that "No More Violence" one. I even have it saved onto my computer.



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So far, it's looking like November. Actually, maybe even December considering all the stuff I need to do.


Edit: Oh, and I might as well put something up. This should spark some discussion.



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Shiny! And sharp.


PM me if you need anything. I mean, after I worked so hard to be Co-Author, I might as well do something, right :P?



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Ok, let me explain:


Yes, the Shovel Sword. Tuns out papa's shovel had a little secret. Kohan soon finds out that his beloved shovel can transform into a sweet sword. You won't be seeing the sword itself in action for a bit. But when you see it, expect some nice arse whooping.


Gerlicky: Good, because I already made your Ultimate Spritesheet before you sent me that PM.

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Nothing here for six days?


Anyhow, where did you come up with the name Rising Suns?


And will you ever change/remove the codenumbers?



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Very good questions, my son.


Rising Suns...Well, I just picked an awesome name off the top of my head. :P But actually, Rising Suns will have a pretty big meaning. And so will the "moon" in the teaser trailer.


As for the numbers, some time after I realized how weird Blade Titan974 is for a Matoran, I thought about a possible meaning behind the name...You'll find out in the next saga. Same goes for Storm Stealth and Shadow.


I guess I'll post another thing tomorrow. Could be a weekly thing.

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o neoz u ripped off tranzf0rmz i rpotring u lol


Shovel sword! Sounds way cool. And weekly sneakpeeks? Man you are so gonna forget.

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