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Well... Howdy!



Great sunspots! The forums have returned! :o I was beginning to think the beast that is the forums had died... But I guess the all powerful staffies came along and revived it! Thanks guys! ;)


Now, in my time away I have had a birthday. My 17th in fact. As a result, I got a bunch of money, and as a result of that I placed my largest parts order (or combination of orders) yet: $50+, 400+ pieces. I've received one of them, but the other two are still in the process of shipping. I made sure to buy plenty of system (at least half of it I think) DV, I'm wanting to seriously delve into fusion building. I'm pumped! Speaking of pumping, I got an airsoft gun and the accompanying paraphernalia too!


*Edit*: I forgot to mention that I also got Super Mario Galaxy for my b-day too! It's a pretty sweet game (the super awesomeness factor really comes from the creativity of the levels themselves). Sadly though, I felt that it played too quickly; My sister and I had beaten the final Bowser just after one week! Of course, it helped that she was doing co-op, so that might have had something to do with it... Regardless, We have 106/120 stars at the moment, and I highly recommend the game (providing you are a Mario fan of course!)


I can't say how active I will be (not very much I am sure) but I'll still hang around; it's good to have the forums/blogs back online! :) I'll be sure to post up when I build something... not sure how long that will be though.


Anywhoo, just thought I'd say howdy!




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Wait, since the crash, that site is now allowed to be mentioned? hehe.png


Yeahno. (He should edit that and the posts.)


But cool parts order! I can't wait to see some stuff, especially after that black and lime giant you were working on.



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Pics of order nao

Congrats on the Airsoft gun, and I want pics of the *unnameable website* order. :)


55555.gif 55555 55555.gif

Once I get the other two orders in: yes. :)


Wait, since the crash, that site is now allowed to be mentioned? hehe.png


Oh shoot! I keep forgetting that rule! DX


Wait, since the crash, that site is now allowed to be mentioned? hehe.png


Yeahno. (He should edit that and the posts.)


But cool parts order! I can't wait to see some stuff, especially after that black and lime giant you were working on.





Thanks. I actually ordered a ton of white and dark red; I'm leaving my black giant for later (I just wanted to start on something new)


TBH, if the Lego forums can be linked to, *unspeakable website* ought to be permitted as well. I mean, the Lego forums are about a million times worse, content-wise, So Yeah.

Agweed. :)


Sorry for the *youknowwhich* website mention. It's the only rule around here I seem to keep on forgetting about...



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Also, happy belated birthday. ^^



Thankee! ^^


Ummm. You're supposed to edit the comments, too. >>


Who, me, or the other members? ohwait... I can edit them. :)


*goes to edit*



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