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E-mail Blog Entry 8/9/09



Not much has happened since my last entry. The co. will be leaving on the twelfth of August, five days from now. I am spending today (Sunday) and tomorrow (Monday), as well as Wednesday, the day before they leave.


In other news, I've finished Pahrak-Kal. At least, that's what I thought until I brought him over to my dad's house today to take pictures with my dad's camera (which is much, much better than the one at my mom's house), when I realized how much of him could be improved. I'm beginning to realize that the first final version of an MOC isn't necessarily the final version. Scimita was my first real exposure to this concept - she was one massive, year-long series of revisions ending in what I consider my greatest MOC yet.


So toight, I will be taking Pahrak-Kal home to improve what I can and take pictures tomorrow.


On the subject of the Bohrok-Kal, the next one I make will be either Lehvak- or Nuhvok-Kal. It will also be a transforMOC, the vehicle form being a helicopter. I have an interesting idea for the transformation that involves the arms and weapons folding and twisting into the blades of the helicopter. Anyway, I'm very ready to get started.


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"treansforMOC" should be "transforMOC".


-=< :s: >=-




That's one point for a spelling error, doubled because it was in an e-mail entry.

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