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Kopaka's Ice Engineering


I hope today is the day.


The Congress may determine the Time of choosing the Electors, and the Day on which they shall give their Votes; which Day shall be the same throughout the United States.

Election Day today. I've not voted yet, but I will during lunch. LA House District 1, and another slew of amendments. Bobby Jindal still looks to win going away, so I want to turn my attention eastward.




PLEASE vote today.

PLEASE vote for anyone other than the incumbent, William Jefferson. Vote for any Democrat, Republican, Libertarian, Socialist, whatever, just please fire Bill Jefferson today. His conduct has made him a black eye on the state as a member of the Louisiana Congressional delegation. As long as he represents New Orleans, New Orleans (and by extension, Louisiana) will not be taken seriously in Washington, D.C., or in the worldwide arena.



I'm begging. It's in your hands.



-Byron Foret, E.I.,

a.k.a. KIE


EDIT: Sign in after you vote. Add your Congressional District and even your precinct if you so desire.

Your vote does count. It always counts.


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I voted. :o


For Deval Patrick, Democrat ballot for Governor.




EDIT: Granby is in the First Congressional District of Massachusetts -KIE

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Yeah, I do absentee.


My County does almost all pure. We still have voting centers, of course.


And for reference, I am a Washington resident. :) -Swert


qEdit: If it helps, I'm in Pierce County.


Another edit: More than likely, Ninth Congressional District of Washington [state] -KIE

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If only I could vote. -_-
If only those that could would vote.


Off the top of my head, I don't know my stats (aside from my city and state: Dallas, Texas), and I've misplaced my voter's card; fortunately, I was able to use my ID. Not that it tells me that type of stuff, but as long its information is correct, photo identification can be used for just such an occasion. ^_^


A little detective work later: Congressional District 3


©1984-2006 Toaraga EAM

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30th US Congressional Disctrict

3rd District for the Los Angeles County Council


My Sample Ballot didn't have the information, so I checked out lavote.net Was this the information you werelooking for KIE?

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I voted just now:


First Congressional District of Louisiana.



Wait, you are Precinct 1 or am I thinking of something else? Voting here wasn't much, at least, in my district. It was after 5:00, lines to schools, libraries, and other places were HUGE.

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It was a real squeeze trying to go from New York to New Jersey in the three hours between my classes (absentee ballots next time) but I did and I voted and I'm very pleased with myself. Also very upset that my dorm doesn't get Comedy Central so I can't watch the Daily Show/Colbert Report tonight. :(


Those newfangled electronic voting machines made me feel uneasy. Too many beeps, not enough lever-pulling. I loves pulling levers.

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I voted just now:


First Congressional District of Louisiana.



Wait, you are Precinct 1 or am I thinking of something else? Voting here wasn't much, at least, in my district. It was after 5:00, lines to schools, libraries, and other places were HUGE.

You're thinking of something else.

Precincts are divided up by city, parish or county...one per polling place usually.


Congressional Districts are divided up state-wide, and are used to place members of the House of Representatives.

Louisiana has 7 of those. Districts 1 & 2 are in Greater New Orleans. District 3 is south of Baton Rouge and west of New Orleans. District 7 is southwest Louisiana. Back in the 80's, District 8 was central Louisiana, but that seat was lost after the 1990 Census.




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I didn't vote today, seeing as I'm 16, but I did work at the polls today in my local Town Hall. And let me tell you, I saw democracy at work, it was beatiful.


I worked for 8 hours, from noon to closing (8PM) and I had a great time. I believe about 75-80% of registered voters voted within my towns northern district, which was astounding.


Andfor the sake of contribution, CT's 1st district.

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I did not vote, as I couldn't get an absentee ballot in time. It's Oklahoma, though. The same people win every time. And this time? Yep. They did it again.


It's kind've boring, really. Maybe they'll mix it up when Tulsa makes it easier for me to get an absentee ballot. That'd be grand.



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Thank you kindly, miss!


Absoshmutely! It was a pleasure to perform my civic duty and be able to brag about it! ;)


California has 51? 52? Congressional Districts, by the way.

You people are packed too tightly over there. :P



I belive you're correct. Last I heared, we have around 54 Representativess anyway, so you'd need a district per Rep, yes? ;)


And this is why I didn't figure I'd need to be called in for jury duty. Who'd'ah thunk there'd'ah been a shortage of jurors in California? There's gottah be enough people here that find civic duty exciting. :-P


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