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Should I Give It Away?



Those of you who read my comics likely know that I will have a new form and a new name in season two. I had created the new form a while ago, but was stuck on the name for some time. At my family reunion a couple weeks ago, I met up with two of my cousins, who like Bionicle. The older of the two writes a ton of Bionicle stories--he's entering the Core War contest--and thought of a name for me to use which I like more and more as I think about it.


However, with upcoming guest star appearances (such as Dark709's comics, though that might take a while) and Gerlicky's new TMU series, I have been wondering whether to use my new form and name for them. It would spoil part of the movie, at least the name, but in the case of PGS spots, the form wouldn't have to be changed later on, and GS spots will be up to date.


This is where you come in. Should I reveal it? Yes or no.


Current Votes:

Yes: 0

No: 0


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Go for it. I'm all for anyone using a more creative name. Besides, it's not as if the name of your film is the sort of thing that needs to be kept under wraps. :)
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I've already confirmed you'll be using your old (current) form in the new TMU. Seeing as how the Resistance goes to the Comic Land, changing could screw it up.


But it really doesn't matter to me.

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Okay, I've gotten enough yes answers. Here's the name:


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Since that has many similar letters to VakamaTK, I was able to make a logo for it using the VTK logo letters. I'll post that soon enough.

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